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Topics - scott

Pages: 1
First off, I never saw these as a kid. I was 6 in 1966...I think we started watching in 1968. But I did catch them on the SciFi channel years ago and loved them. How cool to finally have them on DVD!

The first thing that strikes me runs counter to a major DS myth--that the supernatural element only appeared later in the show and at first it was a regular soap. In reality, within just the first 3 eps we already have some pretty heavy hints that Collinwood is haunted ("The House of Usher," "BOO!", "a mausoleum," etc.). Burke also says something along these lines in Ep. 1...anyway, along with the amazing Cobert score, it sure feels like a ghost story early on.

Great hint from Carolyn in #2 about Vicky's possible maternal side: just after calling Collinwood a loony bin, she says to Elizabeth "Vicky's mother must be crazy to let her come her." Hmmmm....

(And Carolyn's rather cringe-inducing desription of Roger..."He sends me!" Wow.....)

Love all the atmospheric location shots. And how thrilling to see the first-ever foyer shot...

One question for those of you who are watching the DVDs: do some shots look as if they've been horizontally compressed? At least in the first 3 eps it seems this is the case. Maybe it was just one camera? In any case it looks like people and objects are taller and skinnier than they really are.

Thanks folks...

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / question about jerky navigation on this board
« on: September 20, 2006, 04:43:13 PM »
Hey kids.

I love these forums, but about 90% of the time it is so slow and the navigation so jerky I can't really read anything. In case I am not clear the scrolling hesitates and opening new areas takes forever. 10% of the time it is just fine--fast, smooth scrolling, etc.

I am on a fast line so....what's up?

If this has been covered before, I apologize.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Notification of Removal!! SORRY!!!!
« on: March 29, 2002, 11:15:51 PM »
I seem to be able to post, though I've just received an email saying I've been removed from the board!

I'm rather sad. What has happened?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / quick query
« on: March 04, 2002, 09:30:02 PM »
Love the new site. However, I'm not very experienced with these YABBB...whatever things. When I post, it says "ILOve YAASBB" (you know) over on the left hand side.

How do I get rid of this message?


Pages: 1