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Topics - Lindsey

Pages: 1 2
Current Talk '10 II / Humorous moments in 1795
« on: December 02, 2010, 03:58:09 AM »

I have recently been rewatching the 1795 storyline, and after having not seen it for over eight years, everything is fresh and exciting! There are a number of witty comments that I never before noticed or had simply just forgotten, and I have to share a few here (there may be some spoilers):

Joshua is telling Andre DuPres that he should just let the Reverand Trask question him and get it over with. Andre finally concedes, and says something along the lines of "Let the record show that I did not voluntarily consent to questioning. And let the record also show that I was questioned...BY A COMPLETE IDIOT!"

I got quite a chuckle out of that! Then, on the episode I was watching today, Angelique has just been buried alive by Jeremiah and is summoning Ben Stokes to help her. Ben is in the drawing room of the Old House, talking with Reverand Bland, who is there to conduct the marriage ceremony for Barnabas and Angelique. Rev. Bland is asking Ben all sorts of questions about why Joshua and Naomi are not attending the wedding, when Ben gets a far-off look in his eyes as he hears Angelique calling out to him.
Angelique: "Ben, come to me; I need you!"
Ben: "Where are you?!"
Rev. Bland: "I'm right here!"

Ahh, I love these sometimes unintentional funny moments in Dark Shadows. What are some other moments that you have found quite humorous?

Current Talk '03 I / The Great Debate
« on: January 03, 2003, 02:17:39 AM »
Now, the question every DS fan must answer at one time or another......

BARNABAS     or          QUENTIN

Have fun!


(and I think we all know who Annie and Connie will pick!)

Current Talk '03 I / Seeking pictures or screen caps
« on: January 02, 2003, 05:02:45 AM »
Hey all! I am working right now on creating some DS backgrounds for my computer. I am desperately in need of some pictures or screen caps of 1795 Angelique, particularly screen caps of her placing the curse on Barnabas. I have searched all over and can't find a single one, even though I could have sworn I've seen some around. If anyone has any 1795 Angelique screen caps, I would really appreciate them. Thanks so much!


Current Talk '02 II / Different Characters, Same Actor
« on: September 28, 2002, 11:17:29 PM »
Since we all know that many of the same actors and actresses played different characters, I thought it would be fun to see what character everyone liked best. So, from the following list of actors, tell who your favorite character of theirs was and why.

Joan Bennett

John Karlen

Nancy Barrett

Louis Edmonds

Thayer David

Kathryn Leigh Scott

Grayson Hall

(may contain some spoilers)
Joan Bennett- I always liked Flora Collins (from 1840) the best. She was so different from all the other characters Joan Bennett played, writing romance novels and living in a separate house.

John Karlen- Probably Willie Loomis. I have just always associated him with Willie. I also quite liked him as Desmond Collins (in 1840).

Nancy Barrett- I LOVED Nancy Barrett possessed by Pansy Faye in 1897! She was so much fun and provided a lot of comic relief. I especially liked when she got to the "pious" Gregory Trask.

Louis Edmonds- I have always liked Roger the best. He can be so stuffy and full of himself. I have been especially enjoyed the character the past few weeks (with David fooling him with the "military secret" and such).

Thayer David- Petofi, for sure. He's the character I "love to hate". Petofi was such a dangerous combination: genius, as well as evil.

Kathyrn Leigh Scott- While many people have said they do not like Maggie being a governess, I have always liked her during that time. I don't really know what it is about Maggie, I just really like her. Maybe it's because she seems the most normal.

Grayson Hall- Julia, hands down. In a time when there were very few woman doctors, Julia was The Doctor. She was a psychiatrist, blood doctor, hospital owner, hypnotist, AND electrician (installing the generator in the Old House) all at the same time! How can you not love that????


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / What's this?
« on: September 02, 2002, 09:55:14 PM »
I recently noticed that under some people's names, they have written "Full A ed Newest Fervor Post". It is where your status usually is. What does this mean; is it a new status you can reach, such as "Support poster"? Thanks!


P.S.I just noticed I have it too!

Current Talk '02 II / Barnabas' Choice
« on: August 15, 2002, 08:46:02 PM »
VAM had brought up an interesting point in another post, so I thought I'd make it its own topic. Say the writers decided to have Eve fall in love with Barnabas instead of Jeff Clark. You would have both Eve and Angelique fighting for Barnabas. Now, I ask you, if Barnabas HAD to choose between the two of them, who would he pick? Going only by what has happened on the show up to now, let's see...

There's Angelique-
She's made him a vampire.
Killed some of his family.
And has been obsessed with him for 200 years.

Then, there's Eve-
She's an artificial woman.
She is known as the most evil woman of the eighteenth century.
Her favorite hobby is killing people, for the fun of it.
And she has even killed two members of her own family.
Plus, she is also on Nicholas' side of things.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Smilies
« on: August 11, 2002, 01:02:57 AM »
Now that I have been using this board for awhile, it's high time I figure out how to use those cool smilies! Can anyone help me out with this? Is there a certain place where I can find all the codes? Thanks!


Current Talk '02 II / Would-be Blooper
« on: August 04, 2002, 08:02:09 PM »
We all know all the many bloopers on Dark Shadows, from actors flubbing lines to flies buzzing in witchhunters' faces. Bloopers are one of the aspects that makes Dark Shadows so endearing. If you could have seen a blooper that never really occured, what WOULD be the funniest mistake on the show?

My sister and I think it would be hilarious if, in a scene, Barnabas would be coming down the Old House stairs and he would trip and tumble down the steps. Once at the bottom, he would pick himself up gracefully and go on with the scene like it never happened. (Of course, he wouldn't be hurt). I think that would be the funniest thing I would have ever seen on t.v.


P.S. My sister wanted me to ask this.  :) She loves bloopers.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / OT: I passed!
« on: July 31, 2002, 09:56:05 PM »
I had told everyone about a week ago about taking my driving test sometime this week and everyone had said to keep them updated. Well, I took my test today and PASSED!!!  ;D  ;D I was so scared.

I pulled into the License Bureau with my mom and I immdiately see the manueverability course with one of the cones knocked over. Obviously the person taking the test before me failed-such encouragement. Then, I see a girl from my History class who is getting ready to take her test. We wish each other good luck and I have to sit there and wait. I watch and see that she passed, which made me happy, but I was soooooo nervous! Anyway, the lady finally came and I had to take the manueverability test. In the middle of it, a fly starts buzzing around in the car and distracting me and making the lady mad. Such luck. But, I managed to pass-didn't even brush against a cone-and started the driving part, which I passed as well. Phew, what a load of weight of my shoulders! :) Thanks for all the good wishes everyone!


P.S. Daphne, I read you took your test today too. Congratulations!!

Current Talk '02 II / Twins
« on: July 29, 2002, 09:33:29 PM »
Now I know someone recently posted "DS Lookalikes", where everyone mentioned celebrities who looked similar to DS stars. Now, does anyone know anyone PERSONALLY that resembles a DS star?

My Geometry teacher looks exactly like Nancy Barrett (how she looks today). They both are the same height, have the same hair color, and the same hair style. They are practically identical!


P.S. Midnite, I have seen your picture in many of the pics from this years fest. You closely resemble an 8th grade English teacher at our local middle school. I never had her for a teacher, but my dad is good friends with her. So here you have a twin in Ohio!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Help with the archive
« on: July 26, 2002, 05:32:28 AM »
Midnite and MB,
  I just tried entering the archive and it will not allow me to enter any of the discussions. It keeps coming up saying "Error-you are not allowed to access" or something to that effect. I thought all members were able to access the archive-am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / DVD Chats
« on: July 24, 2002, 09:27:13 PM »
Hey all! I was wondering if anyone knew when the next chat with the actors/actresses of Dark Shadows on was going to be held? They had stated that there was to be a chat once a month, but we haven't had one since May. These have been the only chance I have had to talk online with the actors and I hope they continue the chats as I really enjoy them.

-Lindsey, who was on vacation for a week and has had to go back 8 pages reading new messages!  :o

Current Talk '02 II / A few questions...
« on: July 11, 2002, 10:25:07 PM »
Hey all! I have a few questions after reading the Shadowgram update:

1. What is this show "Soap Talk" that some of the DS stars are going to be on on Monday? The channel, ABC SoapNet, is that common? I am not sure if we have it here and I would like to watch the show.

2. What exactly was the DS documentary about? What did it say that was so horrible and what did the cast say about it (they specifically mentioned KLS and Marie Wallace talking about it)?

Sorry so many questions, but does anyone happen to know of any of the answers? Thanks so much!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Who are you?
« on: July 10, 2002, 04:51:02 AM »
I just finished checking out Stuart's new updates on his website, and they are great! My favorite new feature is the What DS character are you? quiz. I encourage everyone to take the quiz, and I am interested in hearing everyone else's results. Thanks Stuart, and I love your site!

Here are my results:

You are Dr. Julia Hoffman!
You're a practical person, always seeking a logical solution to the afterlife's little problems. Whilst essentially an academic and pragmatist, you have a tendency to let yourself be pre-occupied with misplaced romantic thoughts and a dogged desire for tranquility.

My sister took the quiz too and she is most like Vicky. Her answer: "At least I'm not Jeff Clark."


P.S.- I got my ACT scores back from when I took the test in June (my first time taking it; I just finished my sophomore year), and I got a 28! Woohoo, I'm so excited!  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / A Few Fest Observations
« on: July 10, 2002, 04:41:56 AM »
Howdy all! I have never attended a DS Fest before, but I always look at people's pictures and accounts because I love hearing what went on. Having been reading and looking at these pictures and posts for three years, I have noticed many things that go on at the Fests. Specifically, here are some wierd things I pick up on from this year's Festival...

1. In almost every single picture I have seen of David Selby at the cast reunion, he is leaning back in his chair and looks as though he is going to fall backwards! This reminds me of many of my elementary teachers (and still today's) always yelling at kids to stop leaning back, and "it's your fault if you fall and crack your head open!" I wonder if David Selby ever got in trouble for that...?

2. I was looking at pictures of the skit KLS and John Karlen performed and it just looked so weird to see "Willie" riding around on a scooter, wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. What was even wierder was the fact that I have that exact same scooter in my garage.

3. I love KLS's clothes! She always looks so stylish and lovely.

4. I love how someone described how Robert Rodan pulled out a camera to take pictures of the audience. What was even funnier was how he took a picture of himself to "prove to himself that he was here"!

5. All the stars look like they are having a great time (as well as everyone else :) ) and seem to really enjoy the Fest. They all look very approachable and friendly. Though many claim they have trouble remembering all the storylines from the show, I think they remember more than they realize.

6. Bobulas, I noticed on your new 2002 pics the picture of the little boy in your Anaheim 2002 t-shirt. I was wondering, since I could not see clearly, who the two characters in the lower right corner are. It looks like an awesome t-shirt and great for commerating the event!

All in all, the Fests look like so much fun, and I can hardly wait to attend my first one,whenever that may be (hopefully before I finish high school!).


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