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Current Talk '04 II / Hello all DS fanatics out there!
« on: July 16, 2004, 09:01:23 PM »
It's been at least two vampire years since I've last posted anything.  I'm still not over the fact that Sci-Fi canceled the show with what 10 episodes left?  I never got a chance to see to the very last when I was a kid, except for the very last show aired.  I know I can buy the DVD collection but to pay all that $$$ for only the last show...
Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone out there, and that eveyone is enjoying their summer!

I'm off to see the family in FLA. the end of this week, and will not have access to a computer while down there.
So I want to take this chance to wish all my cousins out there a very happy and healthy holiday season.
Now on a different note...
Last Thursday, if not mistaken, during a commercial break, they posted a telephone number where one can call for the episodes of DS that were not going to be shown on Sci-Fi after 12/30.  I believe it was a 3 video set, each with 5 episodes.  Does anyone out there remember seeing this anouncement?  If so, does anyone have the number?
Due to boarding school, I missed 1841pt, and everything else that followed it, and I really hate to think that I am destined to miss these last few episodes once again.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / That Darn Cat...
« on: August 25, 2003, 09:29:58 PM »
On Saturday morning the Hallmark network had a presentation of "That Darn Cat" and Grayson Hall was in that movie.  For a moment I thought I was watching DS, and I was waiting for Barnabas to do a walk on cameo!! [crowdhappy]

Current Talk '03 II / What's up with that cockatoo?
« on: July 29, 2003, 07:24:36 PM »
Hello all!
It's been awhile since I've posted, and hope all is well with all the cousins out there.
Now what's up with the stuffed bird in Stokes apartment?  Are we to think that it is an actual bird.  Or is it supposed to be some sort of avant-garde room decoration?
Oh, and by the way isn't that the same bird that was on sale at Phil and Megan's Antique shop?

Current Talk '03 I / shu Quentin, shu....
« on: April 02, 2003, 03:06:21 PM »
Hi Everyone...
In yesterday's 1st episode, how hysterical was it when Charles D Tate started swatting Quentin with the rolled up portrait, saying "Come on Quentin get out of the way!!"

Current Talk '03 I / Petofi, a bit full of himself?
« on: March 20, 2003, 04:13:04 PM »
..."I am the fire in the sky, the earth and the water, bla,  bla, bla and bla....."  8) 8) 8)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / OMG!!! you're back!!!!!
« on: March 18, 2003, 05:50:27 PM »
YEAH!!!!!! [hello][hello][hello]

Current Talk '03 I / Custodian of the 12 days???
« on: January 24, 2003, 09:49:30 PM »
This was said during Magda's incantation with the Counts hand in hand?
Ok, what the hell does that mean? [hdscrt] Where do the writers come up with this stuff? [hdscrt]  
Do you think when a scene requires an "incantation"  the actors make it up as they go along?  
Custodian of the 12 days, indeed![ghost]

VCR alert!!!
DS is back 1/02 @ 8:00am Sci-fi!!!
Yea, can't wait!!!! [hello][hello][hello]

a very safe and joyful holiday season!

Current Talk '02 II / Flpping one's wig!
« on: December 20, 2002, 09:50:11 PM »
Just want to start off by saying how ecstatic I am over SciFi's quick DS FIX [hello] (albeit not a very long one but a fix nonetheless!)
who else noticed the day before yestersday, when Grayson Hall's(Magda's) wig come loose when she gets whacked with a book at the hands of "Jenny"?[wow]
As she's going down, she holds on to that wig for dear life.  When the scene fades to black you see the seam of said wig almost on the crown of her head.  When DS resumed after the commerical,  "Madga's piece in all in place ready to go!
Funny how I never noticed this when I was a kid! [hdscrt]

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / To all my DS cousins....
« on: November 26, 2002, 10:58:24 PM »
Well, only two pre-emptions thus far, and I'm having withdrawls already... [bawl][bawl]
Anyhow, I'm off to Florida tonight, spending the holidays with the folks.
So I just want to wish all the cousins a very happy, safe and peaceful Thanksgiving Day!

Current Talk '02 II / All this pre-empting is getting out of hand...
« on: November 08, 2002, 05:19:41 PM »
Once again we, the loyal fans of DS will get the shaft on Monday due to the holiday.[bawl]  
Is it to much asking Sci-Fi to start thier silly marathons say after 11am?[hdscrt]
Now I'm hearing that during the THXGIVING/XMAS period DS will be pre-empted for almost 2wks!!!


Current Talk '02 II / Was I the only one.....
« on: October 24, 2002, 07:59:01 PM »
...who was waiting for Sandor's moustache to fall off right on to Magda's lap?? [chkyy][chkyb][chkyg]

Current Talk '02 II / Best line from yesterday 1st episode...
« on: October 16, 2002, 08:41:12 PM » when Maggie says to David:  "But David, there must be a reason why a boy your age can't fall asleep" [hdscrt]
His reponse should have been:  Well Maggie, lets have a look see, shall we?
1. There's a ghost [ghost] who talks to me all the time, telling me to do bad things.
2. My cousin Caroyln is falling in love with a werewolf.
3. My aunt Elizabeth dies, comes back, dies again....
4. Oh, by the way; did I tell you my mother is a Pheonix?[angryf]
5. Another cousin of mine used to sleep in a coffin.
6. And last but not least SHIT ALWAYS HAPPENS IN THIS HOUSE!!!! [scrm]  [scrm] [scrm]

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