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Topics - Joeytrom

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Current Talk '10 II / The non-lookalikes on DS
« on: July 27, 2010, 03:46:07 PM »
These are main characters that had never had a lookalike in either their own time period or a different time period.  I do not count a ghost of a character or a character pretending to be someone else (Cassandra, Olivia Corey, etc) as a lookalike.  I also don’t count anyone appearing in one episode or Parallel Time.

Barnabas Collins, Sarah Collins, Angelique, Bathia Mapes, Suki Forbes, Judge, Riggs

Samantha Collins, Randall Drew, Roxanne Drew, Jeremy Grimes, Daphne Harridge, Gerard Stiles, Judah Zachary, Joanna Mills, Judge

King Johnny Romano, Amanda Harris, Julianka, Istvin, Garth Blackwood

Victoria Winters, Bill Malloy, Sheriff Carter, Dr. Woodard, Dr. Guthrie, Richard Garner, Frank Garner, Sheriff Patterson, Adam, Janet Findlay, Phillip Todd, Schyuler Rumson, Sheriff Davenport

Is there some I missed?

Current Talk '10 II / 1897 Concordance Vol #2??
« on: July 20, 2010, 03:00:56 PM »
Has it ever been announced if this is going to be published?  It's the only period of the show missing that isn't in print (not counting the original 1897 Concordance).

I have watched the first 12 episodes (with subtitles) on You Tube and it's a great series.  
It isnt seen on USA television.

Here is a description:

Current Talk '10 I / Terry Crawford after 1897
« on: April 08, 2010, 04:07:27 PM »
Was it ever mentioned why Terry Crawford wasn't brought back in the present time until 1840?

Current Talk '10 I / Arthur Warren Oddson's time travel essays
« on: February 04, 2010, 06:11:00 PM »
I enjoyed reading his ideas regarding continuity problems with the 1840 story.

Did he write an essay about 1897 & present time continuity?

I found this link on Amazon where, like the old Star Trek comics, they are reprinting the Dark Shadows Gold Key Comics in a hardcover series.  So far, I see two volumes planned.

Here is the link:

This had nothing to do with our DS but it was a mystery series on radio, scroll down.  There is no other information I found on it.

Current Talk '09 II / DS on itunes!
« on: October 22, 2009, 11:48:43 PM »
House of Dark Shadows & Night of Dark Shadows are both available for downloading in itunes.  These are the VHS versions with a sharp picture.  I am downloading HODS now, which is $9.99 to buy.

Current Talk '09 I / Quentin's Skeleton in the Present
« on: April 22, 2009, 06:05:57 PM »
Since the 1897 episodes are being recapped at the point where Quentin is a werewolf and Edward and Judith have both see the werewolf, it appears that they were still heading towards Quentin being killed & sealed up in his room as David & Amy will find him.

At this point I think they were still using the original 1897 plan, until they added the Petofi storyline and changed the plan for Quentin.

Not counting the later episode where [spoiler]Beth’s ghost tells Julia about the night she killed Quentin (as that was after they changed course),[/spoiler] how do you think they were planning to end Quentin’s story going by the episodes currently being recapped?

Current Talk '09 I / Dark Shadows False Memory Syndrome
« on: February 12, 2009, 06:07:34 PM »
It was mentioned in another post about DS actors remembering things quite differently then the way the actually happened (ex. Joan Bennett saying "Welcome to Hollywood".

I read the following in cast interviews over the years:

Louis Edmonds always claimed the last role he played on DS was a butler for the Collins family

Donna Wandrey said that in a Summer 1970 episode as she was reading a horoscope, David Selby & Chris Pennock couldn't keep themselves from laughing and Selby threw himself on the table trying to hide his laughing and throwing the cards off and they didnt stop the tape.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / NYC Comic Con
« on: February 06, 2009, 05:31:22 PM »
Is anyone going to the Comic Con at the Javits Center this weekend?  I will be there all three days.

Maybe they will have some DS comics for sale.

Current Talk '08 II / todays picture
« on: November 11, 2008, 10:22:01 PM »
What episode is that picture of Quentin from?

Current Talk '08 II / Edit on DS Collectors set 6
« on: November 07, 2008, 02:56:27 PM »
I know this is a very minor one here, but I'll mention it anyway.

This is on the first episode John Karlen appears as Willie Loomis. 

On reruns and the VHS tapes, following the opening title sequence, there is a
slide of Collinwood with the DS logo and the announcer states "The part of Willie Loomis will be played by John Karlen".  This is missing in the DVD set.

I know it doesn't impact anything storywise but it is still part of the show and is a demarcation of the new Willie Loomis.  Also, since it is a recast it should have been included.

I understand why David Henesy & Alexandra Moltke haven't ever been at any convention, but has Kate Jackson ever been to one?   I don't seem to remember any mention of her in any past festival.

If she hasn't, does anyone know why?

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