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Topics - Patti Feinberg

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Spreadsheet/List Question
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:55:52 AM »
So I am FINALLY get around to making a list of the DVDs I own.

Newer version of Excel is great; when I was PTA membership chair, you could only sort by A B and C. Newer let's you do more columns.

I am of course entering the movie title, then 2-3 cap letter genre, then usually main actor(s), and, in a few cases, an additional row (D) in this case: I may list something like Original (such as 13 Ghosts).

Here's where I would appreciate some imput:

As I've been mentioning the past few years, I (in addition to single movies) have purchased 'multi-movie' pack (such as the Lee/Cushing flicks, or the Vincent Price/EA Poe).

I don't know how to list these, and, I have quite a few (like the recently oft mentioned 1.99/taped off of someone's TV awful 'horror' flicks).

Some of the DVD set have 2, 4, 6, and even 12 movies in them.

I'd appreciate ANYONE AND EVERYONE'S suggestions.



Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / OT<URGENT...DISH CUSTOMERS
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:02:41 AM »
I just went on Dish via my computer.
Within 2 seconds, screen went all red; there was a largish white X, and words like 'possible phishing' (Thanks MB & Midnite, I wouldn't have know what that is).

I immediately got off; opening McAfee; no problems there.

I went back to Dish, same bad thing.

Waited, again, B A D.

At this point, I called Dish (you know, one of the 'American' companies absolutely not in America, not hiring the f**k do they expect us to pay for it??) (And no, you've never heard me say/type that word before!!)

I explained 3 times (again, because of the language difference), and she put me on hold a couple of times.
While on hold, I went back on; seemed to be better, but I won't go on again today.

If it's alright w/the mods, I'm going to put a one-line note on Testing & Current Talk to see this thread; I don't want anyone's 'puter getting jacked-up.


The below, from the first img to the last bracketed width is a quote from Midnite (sorry honey, I didn't think to remember where; IIRC, it CE/A I 2008; not that I think you're gonna come & get me!

Code: [Select]
[img width=75 height=66][/img]            [img width=35 height=30][/img]

[img width]http://How did I do the above? [size=24pt][color=navy]Midnite[/color][/size]

Now, I want to be able to make the fun pics/icons larger, so here goes...

Crap, I'm trying to add one, but, IIRC, the forum only allows 3 'smileys'  [img width=22 height=18][/img]

Okaydokie... I understand that Midnite is enlarging an image; it is two-dimensional (hense, width & height); I only sort of understand why she needs the http://www with name of image.

And, probably, it's a set; that is, if the width is one size, the height must be a corresponding size.

Help would be appreciated. Admins, I put it in code; if you think it would be easier, please take out the code.


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Happy Bday LADYAYLA
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:13:06 PM »
A very happy & healthy birthday to


 [flower] [occasion15] [occasion18]


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / OT - COLLINS' CURSE!!!
« on: February 15, 2015, 04:55:41 PM »
Well, my local weather showed that there 'would be' more snow in Glouster area (while at same time showing a live shot of it snowing....)

I went on Twitter, and I follow ((Bill Evans)) from WABC in NYC. He had pics from his Boston friends.

Okay, it's the Collins' curse.....TOO MUCH SNOW.

(Meanwhile, down here in warm GA, we're under a winter storm watch.)



[snow_scream] [snow_scream] [snow_scream]

Current Talk '15 I / Friday Side Montage
« on: February 13, 2015, 09:02:18 PM »
On today's CE/A side montage, there's a pic, with I *think* it's Louis E, but, I think he and the woman are in period clothes....

Who is the woman?

Movie? Show?


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / OT<Woman in Black
« on: February 13, 2015, 08:59:25 PM »
I had recently purchased "Ghost Story" (the made for TV movie, Fred Astaire).

I went to Amazon to see if there was 'extras' on this (it says street date 2006).

I read a few reviews, someone mentioned, "Woman in Black".

Put that in IMDb, I remembered seeing it with Daniel Radcliff a couple of times.

But, the above 'someone' was talking about the 1989 made for TV movie (in England).

The 1989 movie sounds very creepy.

On Amazon, it's only available on VHS.

First, has anyone ever seen the 1989/English movie? I say movie, because someone on IMDb asks if the D. Radcliff is just a do-over, no, but both are based on (sorry, don't remember the author's name) book.

Also, does anyone know why it wouldn't be available on DVD? (And, I know thanks to here to make sure I get Region I.)


Current Talk '15 I / Mon 2/9 Side Montage
« on: February 09, 2015, 07:13:10 PM »
On Main page, side's Roger, and I believe JebEZ Hawkes.

I'm quite fuzzy on this:

[spoiler] Roger wasn't a follower of Leviathans, right?[/spoiler]

Any info on what they are saying to each other would be appreciated. I really can't picture this scene at all.

And,....maybe it wasn't JebEZ Hawkes, but the astrology fraud dude.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: January 27, 2015, 12:23:52 AM »
So, there's a pop-up saying my McAfee ends today.
Went to CNET, lots o tech jargon,not especially for peeps like me.

I tried to download __________, but my existing protection would stop it.

I turned off the firewall, but, still no go.
BTW, on CNET, a few different ways, I tried to ask how much was McAfee, no answers.

I abhor Norton.

What other REPUTABLE security suites are out there.

I'm as broke as a joke, so, free is good, but, 'you get what you pay for'.


I need to know how to disable my current McAfee, so I can download then upload (is that right?) a new security system, and I need to know pronto vit, tout suite!!

Did I say H E L P?!?!!!!!


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Weren't They Paying NB Enough??
« on: January 26, 2015, 08:13:58 PM »
(Re: the previously mention 1.99 'horror' DVD set, which, again, I believe was just taped on someone's TV).

I am trying to save the best(s) for last; put in "Nightmare Castle" with :) Barbara Steele.

First scene (as a brunette), OMG, she looks so young (1965 movie..?)

Then, her 'step-sister' comes in to take over. Why there would be any physical resemblance isn't mentioned. She's in a pretty crappy faux blonde wig.

Her first night in castle, she hears the requisite spooky noises & sits up in bed.

She is absolutely spot on Carolyn 1995 AND Carolyn Loomis, all in the one partial scene....she doesn't even leave the bed.

A few scenes later, she's Millicent?....later, she's Mrs. Carolyn JebEZ Hawkes.

Really, if you can rent this from your local library, it's worth it to see all the variations on Carolyn!

P.S. I didn't hear it 'explained', but there's 'sort of' a vampirical side story in this movie too.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / "Talk this Way"
« on: January 26, 2015, 08:03:42 PM »
"Okay Google: Dark Shadows Forum"

(Doesn't YET take me right here, but, on all the DS sites, this was first, so, one voice command, one click.)

Oohhh la la!!


Current Talk '15 I / Who the Heck is That...Montage Q
« on: January 18, 2015, 09:35:37 PM »
Main Board, side montage (shoot....what is that called again)?

There's RT/OS Carolyn, right below is a young woman, I think wearing a suit (jacket with skirt), she has short hair, but for some reason, I'm thinking it's a wig.....who is it and in what story is she from?



Testing. 1, 2, 3... / I'm Losing It....
« on: January 17, 2015, 08:23:08 PM »
I thought within the last few days I had posted a couple of questions about the arrival of Julia.

Am I just not seeing it, or did it not post? I believe I posted it on the Main board.


Current Talk '15 I / Story Arc Questions
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:32:16 AM »
Please don't hate me for asking:

When did Julia Hoffman's character come on to Collinsport/Collinwood?

How far before a certain 'sallow' dude was her character on?

What I'm sort of reaching for, is, they had done the Matthew Morgan (let's scare Vicki), then, one of the best  IMHO written, directed, filmed arcs of Laura.

Again, sort of reaching....was there any talk in the air about Vicki's character leaving within 'X' amount of time? (I mean leaving the show.)

Was Vicki's character still around at all with D. Nickerson?



Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / LEVIATHANS!!!
« on: January 12, 2015, 03:48:01 AM »
I was on here (thanks again, Nancy), while "Leviathan" was awarded the GG (I'm not sure what it was for), but, instead of Twitter.... told my daughter I could, in all GOOD faith, post on here!!!

Whoop Whoop!
