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Topics - Birdie

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Current Talk '02 I / The Charm Bracelet
« on: April 06, 2002, 12:30:34 AM »
Just a thought what would have been on Vicki's charm bracelet?  Can you imagine what she would have charms of and what Trask and Abby would have thought of those charms.

idea's of charms

gradutaion cap
sweet l6 charm
Statue of Liberty--Vicki lived in NYC
apple--for being a teacher

any other idea's


Current Talk '02 I / Make up madness....
« on: April 04, 2002, 06:29:07 AM »
Wow, did they pile the make up on Barnabas for todays first episode.  He looked like a racoon.  I started humming Rocky Racoon while watching.  His face was so white it looked like they had used plaster of paris on him.  Why did he still have the kane in his had while trying to grab Josette.  Most people would hav dropped it.  I guess I am tired and picky tonight,

Birdie--time to take this picky pain to bed.

Current Talk '02 I / OT:  Picture this....
« on: March 28, 2002, 05:30:18 PM »
I thought I would share this with all you mature posters.  I have worn hard contact lens since 1975.  Yes, hard lens, an allmost unheard of thing.  Anyway I have a eye infection and can't wear them.  My glasses are the same ones I wore in 1975.  When I went to the eye Dr.  My eye dr. is just one year olere than me and remembered the style very well. I didn't think he would stop laughing.  My co-workers were just about ready to fall on the floor.  One of they is now calling me Simon and Peebody.  Remember Rocky and Bullwinkle?  She even sent me a e-mail with a picture of the charactors.  Wish I could send it on.  But I am compurter challenged.
I keep asking for a new glasses perscription but the dr. says don't fill it, you will just waste your money.

Birdie--or Simon for the next few days.   Maybe you all will laugh just thinking about it

Current Talk '02 I / Wow---Great episodes today!
« on: March 21, 2002, 07:35:33 AM »
It is a late night for me and I just finished watching todays episodes.  I never saw them on the original run.  I loved them.  It was just a bit disappointing to see the shadow of the string when the bat did his dirty deed.  Angie was great delievering her curse.  When I was watching her tonight she kind of reminded me of Kim Novak in Bell, Book and Candle.  Mr Frid wa in top form,  I am very tired and hope this makes since.  

Went out for a family dinner--in a snow storm.  I won't blame my ramblings on the wine we drank.  On a Wednesday night!  

Birdie--who's brother in law kept pouring more wine into her glass.  

First I wanted to thank you for posting the dates of the Paul McCartney concert.  Sadly we tried despertly to get tickets for the April 19th show in Boston. Sob.Sob. no luck.  We had the whole evening planed.  Dinner in the North End at Sabatino's, a wonderful Italian restaurant ion Washinton St.  Than the concert. I am still in depression over it.

Birdie--who is very sad this weekend.  The tickets went on sale at 10.  and my husband could not get throuogh on the phone or net.  It was sold out by 11.

Current Talk '02 I / How Long Would it be before.....
« on: February 25, 2002, 11:40:30 PM »
Originally posted by Birdie on the Dark Shadows: General Discussion Forum on February 25, 2002 at 17:40:30:

Here is a poll, Julia99 You are ususally the poll person. How long do you thing it would have taken Barnabas to resume his affair with Angie, if he had married Josette and Angie had not gone on to do all those "wonderful" things she is so good at.?

My own opinion is he would have given in to temptation a few months after he finally married Josette. There was so much passion between him and Angie. Lets face it she was there. An interesting idea for yet another parallel time.

This is the first time I have seen these episodes and I have to say I am loving it.


Current Talk '02 I / Wondering.......
« on: February 08, 2002, 10:47:19 AM »
Originally posted by Birdie on the Dark Shadows: General Discussion Forum on February 08, 2002 at 04:47:19:

When did they decide to keep Barnabas as a main charactor? Was it after yesterday's episode? A sudden change of story line. His telling of the Josette story being so very different made me wonder. Also wondering if the plan had been orginally to have Burke return. It is a very typical device in the soaps to have a charactor have a accident with no body found to return.

Thinking about this keeps me from worring about the real world. You know the stuff, family illness, should I look for a new job, should I clean my house, should I go to the market, etc,etc,etc,

As my husband says invite people over--you might just clean the house.l0l


Current Talk '02 I / Willie's Hospital Stay
« on: January 26, 2002, 09:15:56 PM »
Originally posted by Birdie on the Dark Shadows: General Discussion Forum on January 26, 2002 at 15:15:56:

It really brought back memories for me seeing Willie in an Oxygen tent. When I was just shy of eight I had pneumoia. At first my mother fashioned a tent out of sheets in my bedroom than I ended up in the hospital in the same such tent. At that time it waa a big deal and I was in the hospital for over a month. I was went home on my eighth birthday.

Also what was the story about smoking in a hospital room? I can't believe even in the 60th's it was permitted in the hospital. Shocked me when Julia lit up.


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