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Topics - jennifer

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Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Oh Ringo
« on: June 12, 2002, 01:17:29 AM »
wonder if our Ringo went to Paul M's wedding! :'(

my husband knows about my crush on Paul too![coolb]

Current Talk '02 I / Adam
« on: June 08, 2002, 10:43:13 PM »
i've always found Adam annoying but in watching him this time have to say that Robert Rodan did a good job
He is annoying because he acts like a child and wants everything NOW! while before i would just FF through his scenes i am now watching them. he doesn't listen,
has fits when he doesn't get his own way etc... the poor boy needs a few too many time outs it would have been interesting as Robin pointed out in another post to see him return more mature!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Spelling Check
« on: May 12, 2002, 11:45:51 PM »
I know i can be clueless (hopefully not as bad as Vicki
but i'd take her looks!)but when did we get spell check i know it is recent!
Have to say i love checking makes me want to make mistakes!!
Thanks :)


Current Talk '02 I / I don't understand it!!!!
« on: May 08, 2002, 07:26:50 PM »
She said it again today! Has anyone kept count how many times Vicki has said this?

I do know many of the things Vicki has seen are hard
to understand but she loves to say this LOL!

Current Talk '02 I / Vicki's frock
« on: April 29, 2002, 07:23:25 PM »
That was pretty nasty that they were going to hang Vicki in that torn dress I would come back to haunt them for all eternity just for that alone! :o


Current Talk '02 I / ditzy millicent
« on: April 19, 2002, 08:48:14 PM »
I know she is a tad looney ?!? but i wanted Millicent today to kick Nathan for making her go to the tower room! (for place just see MB's Hmm posting) I mean someone should have told that girl you are the one with the money! Also Barnabas must have some bite because it seemed to take a lot of the curl out of her hair :o


Current Talk '02 I / Noah
« on: April 16, 2002, 09:49:30 PM »
i think henry mentioned the other day that Noah looked like he just got off work from disneyland and I couldn't stop laughing because he does!
also why was he licking his lips so much today!


Current Talk '02 I / Things not in 1795 i would miss most!
« on: April 05, 2002, 09:23:44 AM »
in reading other posts saw a few things mentioned
that would be missed if i went to 1795
Here is my list!
!0. the variety of shoes (that Midnite mentioned)
9.V's secret(unmentionables but they were pretty bad back then no pretty colors!) epidurals for childbirth(Ick bite a bullet i think not doctor!) (need Dr H to travel back with sedatives)
7.jeans(or dungrees? as we call them here in Boston) Mercedes(oh don't have that yet just felt like saying it) bathing suit(Oh don't want to take that out quite yet these 5 lbs left to lose!)
4.modern bathrooms and showers(Also Bath and Beauty
3. Malls and shopping(well have to work a lot of OT for that maybe that isn't a plus!)
2.this forum and friends i met on it(you too henry!)
1.Red Sox( the year I got stuck in 1795 would be the year they won the whole thing i just feel it this is our year!!0oh i say that every year  ;D
of course there is more !


Current Talk '02 I / Bandage man
« on: March 15, 2002, 09:05:46 AM »
Of all the ghosts, globlins,creatures on Ds this guy is the lamest!He is not even scary! I just want to chase after him and tighten that kling on his head(must be the nurse in me or else he resembles some patient i took care of on the late shift) i think that is all he really wants! poor guy!

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