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Topics - Josette

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Current Talk '03 I / Leviathan and 1970 PT
« on: June 16, 2003, 05:09:03 AM »
Now that it's over, I can sum up my feelings about Leviathan.  Actually, I like a lot of the individual elements.  The evil Barnabas is rather interesting.  If I thought he was really evil, perhaps it wouldn't be, but since it's obvious that he's under the influence of the Leviathans, it's not only intriguing to watch him as this cold, calculating, evil leader, but to wonder if he'll be able to break away from it and get back to normal.  Julia's reactions to him during this time add to that interest.

The main theme of the box, the breathing and the succession of children is rather exciting, too.  I never minded the children as almost everyone else seems to!  True, Jeb actually killed some people shortly after his appearance, but aside from that I think even Alexander and certainly Michael seemed more menacing in their manner.

The trying to find Quentin's portrait, especially since it was all Julia and some of the other side stories provided interesting diversions.

I guess it's in the middle that things get messed up.  Aside from those early killings, Jeb turns into a wimp.  He seems to cower and be afraid all the time.  HE'S THE MONSTER!!!  And, they kept coming up with a new "only thing that can kill him"!!  As I mentioned before, Bruno's attempted coup makes no sense.  It's not one of the followers trying to take over from the leader - Jeb is THE LEVIATHAN - the other's can't replace him.  As with the Adam story, I think once Nicholas gets involved the whole story changes and goes downhill.  While I enjoy Nicholas' scenes with a lot of the others, especially Angelique, he just messes up the Leviathan story.  Again, I suppose we can believe that this whole thing was his idea, but the way it was originally presented with Oberon and Haza, it just doesn't seem to make sense for it to suddenly be Nicholas behind it all.

What I never understood was why they needed Barnabas to bring the box to "our present" time.  They were there in 1796 (or whatever), had been waiting for centuries for a rebirth of their kind, so why didn't they just do it in 1796?!!!

The whole ghost and hanging man part seemed a rather silly intrusion, and when it turns out to be Peter Bradford and then the revelation about Vicki, it really ruins everything.

However, even with all those negatives, there are lots of exciting scenes making up those parts of the story, so if I break it down into parts, I really do like a lot of the elements.  Somehow, the whole just seems to be icky.  If I think of Leviathan, that's my reaction - ick!!!  And, my mother and aunt never liked it either.

That might be one of the reasons I like parallel time.  It seems so light and pink and pretty after the dark Leviathan!

The original mystery of this beautiful room appearing and disappearing, the barrier preventing one from entering or being seen or heard, seeing the "same" people so different, etc.  It was such a mystery at first.  I hadn't realized that Julia mentioned the parallel time theory so soon.  I thought it was after Elliot was involved that he told the theory.

Then, as I said, the room is beautiful, Angelique is beautiful, the following of the Rebecca story is fun, Barnabas being involved with them and some of the later developments (particularly one very dramatic and scary scene that I won't even list as a spoiler) are very interesting.  While I wasn't as thrilled with the Jekyll-Hyde story, it was all right and at times good.

So, my overall feeling for PT was that it was a lot of fun, and aside from some of the highlight stories (1795, most of 1897, some of the present things - arrival of Barnabas, etc.) it's my favorite.

Current Talk '03 I / 1970 PT Montage
« on: June 15, 2003, 08:09:47 AM »
I can't tell who the man is in the bottom left hand corner - under Bruno and next to Daniel.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / OT - Loss
« on: June 08, 2003, 03:41:18 AM »
I've made a few references previously about my mother being in a nursing home.  For over 7 months she has been in and out of various hospitals and nursing homes.  A couple of months ago, we thought the end might be imminent.  But, recently she had improved.  A week ago she went back to the hospital for pneumonia, but otherwise seemed much better.  And, after returning to the nursing home, they started physical therapy again.  So, we really thought things were improving.

Therefore, it was a total shock to get a call in the early hours of this morning to say that she was gone.  In fact, they say that she had been talking to one of the aides just 15 minutes before, and then when the nurse went in, discovered that it was over.  So, my aunt and I really can't believe it at this point.

Current Talk '03 I / The previously out-of-order episodes
« on: June 05, 2003, 08:25:40 AM »
It was announced that they would finally get these episodes in the right order this year.  I forget which ones they were, but I think the numbers were about where we are now.  Have we successfully passed this part correctly or is it still to come in the next few days?

I happened to notice that on TNT late tonight (2 a.m. Wednesday - Eastern) there is a movie called "Leviathan"!  It's from 1989 and stars Peter Weller.  The description in our TV magazine is:

"Precious-metals miners become trapped on the ocean floor with an eellike genetic alteration."  And it's rated R!!

I suppose that might fit the description that some of us have of "our" Leviathan.  :)

Current Talk '03 I / Can't they make up their minds?
« on: June 03, 2003, 08:20:46 AM »
We all know the show is full of inconsistencies, but having invented a story, you'd think they could at least remain true to their own premise!!

Initially, there is the mysterious breathing in the box, and later the room.  That and all the comments about it make it sound horrendous.

We then see a sequence of Joseph, Alexander, Michael and finally Jeb.  Each is worse than the previous incarnation.  We know they have all sorts of evil plans for taking over humanity.

Roger is told about this, yet he thinks he can bluster at Jeb as though he's just an ordinary not-nice guy.

But, especially Bruno, thinking he can kill Jeb and then take over as the Leader!!  Even Nicholas has said that Jeb is the one indispensable.    He's the creature that grew from the box.  Bruno was so anxious to serve him when he arrived.  This isn't just some ordinary band of "bad guys" where someone might plot a mutiny and want to take over.  Jeb is their supernatural creature leader.  They all have blind obediance to him.  Not only is it unthinkable that Bruno could plan such an attack on  him, but clearly it would be impossible for him to take over.

And, as to Jeb - what a change.  Most of the time he seems fearful!!!  Aside from the fact that it's Jeb who turned into his true form to commit murder, even Alexander and certainly Michael were far more menacing than he is now.

Current Talk '03 I / Great-grands
« on: June 03, 2003, 08:10:03 AM »
Quentin and his great-grandson.  Those were some touching scenes.  First, Quentin seeing his great-grandson suffering as the wolf, knowing what it's like to be like that and knowing that he is responsible for it.

And, I had forgotten that Chris knew who Quentin was.  Although he took it all rather matter-of-factly.  This person also used to be a werewolf, he's responsible for me being one, and, by the way, he's my great-grandfather, even if he does seem to be close to me in age!

Anyway - his accusation that I'm like this because of you, so at least you could kill me - wow!!

Current Talk '03 I / Blockbuster Episode Approaching
« on: May 24, 2003, 08:11:27 AM »
I always forget just how things progress and expect them either too soon or I'm surprised that they happen long before I think they will!  All week I've been anticipating my "blockbuster" episode, but now I think it's the one coming up next - Tuesday.

The last time around (or one before that), I somehow missed taping it.  I just hated to miss all of those marvelous scenes, so I rented it again.

There's a great Barnabas - Angelique scene.  Now that Nicholas has arrived, it won't be a spoiler to indicate that he's involved in the next part.  And then there are consequences that develop from all of the previously mentioned developments.  (Even with the new SPOILER box, I don't want to get more specific than this - but if you haven't seen this part before, you're in for a treat!)

It's really one incredible scene after another.  While I dislike Leviathan as a whole, it does have these spectacular moments.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / OT- Cat User's Manual
« on: May 24, 2003, 04:47:48 AM »
Since this is OT anyway, I couldn't decide whether to post on the regular board.  Since it's "computer" related, I decided to put it here.

This is all done in the manner of computer specifications, etc.  I'm sure all (especially cat lovers) will enjoy it.  :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Error
« on: May 21, 2003, 07:42:25 AM »
I suddenly noticed the "last post" listings for each topic and they are WAY OFF.  In the Announcements category it lists a post by me from back in February!!  When I actually go into the forum, all of the current items are there.

Several of the other categories list some posts from May 14 as the last ones.

I have no idea when this occurred.  I think it was working fine when I arrived.  I tried to refresh the board and got knocked off.  Every time I tried to get back in I got to a page that said:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ',' in /home/virtual/site25/fst/var/www/html/yabbse/Sources/BoardIndex.php on line 417

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: boardindex() in /home/virtual/site25/fst/var/www/html/yabbse/index.php on line 431

Obviously, I did finally get back, but I notice that those times are still incorrect.

P.S. to MB - I don't know if you noticed that I added another funny item to my computer question thread.

Current Talk '03 I / Angelique's Portrait
« on: May 21, 2003, 07:29:57 AM »
Angelique was so worried about Elizabeth and/or Carolyn recognizing her as Cassandra.  Barnabas pointed out that she had had dark hair then.  Lots of people have dyed their hair and still been recognized!!  However, so far it seems to have worked, despite Liz' feeling of familiarity about her.

But, both before they arrived and today when Barnabas came to get Carolyn, we see that the portrait of Angelique is still there!!!  Aside from whether or not that would recall to them who she is, surely they'd remember that portrait.  I guess we assume it's in a room they didn't go in, but as it seems to be somewhere near the front entrance and they are visiting for a week, it's really hard to believe that she'd risk that!!!!!

Current Talk '03 I / The Leviathan's True Form
« on: May 16, 2003, 07:39:18 AM »
I was going to mention this a little while back, but thought I'd wait until this episode when it's explicitly stated.  Barnabas clearly tells Quentin that in order for Jeb to change to his true form, he has to be in the special room.

Presumably that would apply to his younger selves.  Yet, when Alexander terrorized Paul, first with the breathing and then becoming the young Carolyn, and when Michael chased Maggie into the secret passages and later when he returned, we clearly heard the breathing and presumably he had changed.

We saw them both at Collinwood, as Alexander and as Michael, before these incidents, so he clearly changed form there.

After talking about it for a year or two, I'm finally on the verge of getting a new computer and thought I'd get some hints.  From the WordPerfect forum I use, it would seem that one should make sure to get Windows XP Professional and not Home - do you know anything about these?

I know you like Linux.  It's always sounded interesting.  Now that I'll have room, I could consider it.  However, since the XP would also be on the computer and since they are both operating systems, I don't quite understand how that would work.  At one point I think WordPerfect was developing a version to work with Linux, but I don't know if anything really came of that.  If one uses Linux, will the regular programs work?

Any opinions on anti-virus programs?  McAfee came with this computer and I've kept it up ever since.  If I get Gateway again (which I think I will), it comes with 3 months of Norton.  On the WordPerfect forum, again, someone recently indicated that he feels Norton is no good.  However, some of them seem to feel the same way about McAfee!!  They recommended a few other programs, and I think one of those is free.  The names mentioned were:  ViRobot, Panda, and AVG.  I think AVG is the one I've noticed a few of them recommending and I think that's the one that's free.  I've always been reluctant to switch to anything else.  I assume I'll accept the 3 months of Norton and then decide whether to subscribe to them or go back to McAfee.

When I got my current one, it has a 4 GB hard drive (which sounded enormous at the time; I was going from 212 MB!!), at that time it had to be subdivided and came as C and D drives. The pre-installed programs and most others I've installed (Fax, Acrobat, WinZip and anything else that came along) are on C. I have WP and all of my own files on D.

I kind of liked that separation. However, it's C that's almost full, while there's still more room on D (by now that's getting pretty full, too, though). One salesman seemed surprised when he learned of the partition and I said it had to be that way back then. He advised to never partition.

With the large size of drives these days, since it would be a major undertaking to partition it once it's set up, I thought I'd solicit opinions as to whether it's better to have the one huge drive or partitions.

I think that's it for now!! :)

Current Talk '03 I / Recap Episode
« on: May 15, 2003, 08:45:33 AM »
I was wondering if an episode like this, with so many flashbacks, was able to incorporate the original tape or if all of the "old" scenes were repeated for the new episode.  Some sets, like Josette's room, would have been available, but others, like the burnt out studio, would have had to be recreated.  I don't recall the details of any of the scenes well enough to tell if they were identical or just very similar to the original.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / No Reply
« on: May 03, 2003, 08:21:14 AM »
I went to reply to Debra's "Introduction" topic, but couldn't find a way of doing it!  There were buttons for Notify, Send Topic, and Print, but no Reply.  And, there was no "quote" button in any of the posts.

I subsequently discovered these items (Reply button and "quote" buttons) in other topics and even used them in a couple.  I went back to this one, and they are still missing.

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