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Topics - AndreDuPres

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I'm doing a radio show at my college, but I'm also doing something very exciting and not too common to go along with it:  a radio soap opera!  Yes, I'll be doing a radio soap opera, somewhat in the style of DS and using the House of DS and Night of DS soundtrack for the backround music!  Didn't the cast of DS get together to do an auditory "sequel" of sorts a few years back?  I really wish radio dramas would come back en vogue--radio is so dull nowadays!  One gets tired of music, pointless chattering, and morning shows every once in awhile.

17 get him/her to like the show, which episodes would you choose?  A friend of mine wants me to watch his new Charmed DVD with him, but I told him he'd have to watch a little DS beforehand.  So, which episodes should I pick?  I'm leaning heavily towards 1897, but I'm not sure:  there are so many good episodes!

Current Talk '05 II / Dockside Dolls in Collinsport...
« on: September 15, 2005, 03:01:33 AM »
To use the vernacular, what's up with all the hookers in Collinsport?  How could such a tiny little fishing village support all these ladies of the evening?  I mean, there are about 4 of them in the 1795 storyline, all within 40 episodes of each other!  Lucky Barnabas--the prostitution industry is booming in the 'port.

Current Talk '05 II / Peter and Vicki--Maybe some spoilers
« on: September 07, 2005, 10:52:36 PM »
So I've been watching the 1795 storyline for the fifth time or so, and I just thought of something:  [spoiler]when Peter unlocked Vicki from her cell so she could get the family history book, why didn't they just escape right then and there?  Why didn't they run off to some hiding place or high-tale it to Boston?  Vicki should have known what with Peter's incompetence as an attorney (he wasn't even one yet!) and Trask's and virtually everyone else's determination to see her hanged that she would be found guilty.[/spoiler]  Poor Alexandra Moltke...playing such a stupid caricature of the wonderfullness that was Vicki.

Current Talk '05 II / Nancy Barrett and her wacky dream sequences...
« on: August 05, 2005, 02:30:29 AM »
I've been watching DVD Set 19, and so far Carolyn has had about 3 or 4 dreams within 20 episodes.  It got me thinking:  just how many dreams did Nancy Barrett have during the show?  I know she had a bunch during the 1897 storyline and a few before that.  I wonder which actor had the most dreams?

Current Talk '05 I / Leviathans *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*
« on: June 24, 2005, 04:29:50 PM »
Well, I just got the new Dark Shadows DVD, which features the first chunk of the Leviathan plot, and I must say that I'm overwhelmed by the intensity and over-all creepiness to this storyline.  I had seen it before (2 years or so ago), and then I thought it was kind of cheesy and boring, but now...yeah, I know it falls apart soon after [spoiler]Jeb comes along what with all those stupid additions like Peter Bradford's ghost and the death of Victoria Winters, but right now it's fresh and interesting.[/spoiler]  So, what are your thoughts on this often-hated era of Dark Shadows?

I just recently borrowed the Dynasty Season One DVD from my aunt, and I've been watching the first few episodes.  I'm currently watching the episode when Fallon and Jeff get married, and as Fallon walked into the Colby Oil Co. HQ, I heard a very familiar voice complimenting her on her outfit--I immediately knew, despite her British lilt, that it was KLS, and my assumptions were affirmed when I saw the credits roll by.  She actually gets a rather lengthy scene.  I was so excited!  What other stuff have Dark Shadows stars been on?  I know I've seen a few of them on movies and TV shows before.

Current Talk '05 I / Laura Collins? (Possible Spoilers)
« on: May 09, 2005, 11:58:34 PM »
I've been watching the Laura plot in 1897, and I've been wondering about her past.  Jamison, Nora, Quentin, and even Edward all have remarked that Laura seems "different" and/or "changed"--was she always a phoenix or did she somehow become possessed/transformed into one in that fire in Alexandria?  I haven't seen the original 1966 Laura storyline, so I don't if this has been addressed before.

Current Talk '05 I / They should have stayed in 1897...
« on: April 26, 2005, 01:17:34 AM »
...or maybe I'm just brainwashed from watching the whole storyline this weekend.  Nevertheless, the return to 1969 is a total and complete let-down for me; the last 20 or so episodes of 1897 are pure joy--they have the *best* performances of Nancy Barrett as Charity/Pansy, Joan B. as Judith, KLS as Kitty, and Jonathan Frid as Barnabas, and this whole section of the story arc is superb if a little chaotic.  The characters seemed so real and witty and completely interesting compared to the drab modern day ones who had lost whatever pique they once had.  While Leviathan has its good moments, that entire era was just overwhelmingly deplorable plotwise.  I know 1897 dragged a little bit during its middle (Petofi, Aristede, Tim Shaw, Charles D. Tate, and...yuck...Amanda Harris), but it really picked up the pace by its close--if only they had milked it for all it was worth!  Kitty Soames had so much potential and unexplored backstory that was only vaguely hinted at.  I really wanted to find out what happened to Edward and all the other characters...especially Petofi, because he can't possibly have died.  This show can be so frustrating when they just drop intriguing cool stuff and continue onwards with stupidity.

Polls Archive / 1897 at a glance...
« on: April 03, 2005, 01:14:27 AM »
Well, I've just gotten a hold of the latest DVD collection of this show--it features the last 30 or so episodes of the 1897 plot as well as the first few of the Leviathan story.  I was wondering if we could discuss the various aspects of this long, magnificent era of the show.  Here's a little survey I've cooked up:
     Which part of 1897 is your favourite?
Early (Barnabas' I Ching-ing to the past, his introduction to the family, Edith's secret, Rachel Drumond and her romance with Barnabas, the summon of Angelique, the return of Laura, etc.)?
Middle (complications with Trask and the death of Rachel, the Curse on Quentin, the Hand of Count Petofi, the arrival of Miss Faye with Carl and his subsequent death, the discovery of Barnabas' secret, Petofi's arrival with Aristede, Jamison's possession, etc.)?
Late (Quentin's painting, Charity's possession, arrival of Lady Kitty, Amanda Harris & associated dullness, Quentin and Angelique's engagement, body switcheroo, Julia's adventure in the past, Barnabas' "death," fading into the portrait, etc.)?
     Which character do you find the most engaging/interesting?
     Which character impels you to fast-forward?
     Which romantic pairing do you favour?
     Which couple makes you gag everytime they appear on screen?
     If you could change one aspect of this storyline, what would it be?
     Would you have wanted it to go on longer (knowing what comes next...)?
     Who was best dressed?
     "" most funny?
     "" best looking?
If you can think of any more, please post if you will.  Now I'll answer my own questions in the following post.

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