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Topics - Ian

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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / I'm New
« on: January 30, 2005, 01:12:35 AM »
Man, I hate writing introductions like this. My name's Ian, I'm 19, and I've been into Dark Shadows for about 6 years. I first got interested in the show when I got a serious illness in 8th grade, and I had to spend quite a bit of time at home. One day, I was flipping channels, and I came across Dark Shadows on Sci-Fi. It all went uphill from there. I was quite confused for awhile, as I soon learned that I had started tuning in right at the beginning of the 1897 storyline. I have a pretty good knowledge of most storylines, but there are a few that I've missed quite a few episodes for. If someone could fill me in on the following storylines, that'd be great.

1.) The Hand of Count Petofi (1897)
2.) The Death of Angelique Collins and her Household Grasp (1970PT)
3.) Barnabas entombed (1970PT)
4.) Cyrus Longworth's Experiment (1970PT)
5.) The Doll House/Rose Cottage (1970)
6.) Judah's Head (1840)
7.) Gerard's Possession (1840)
8.) Quentin's Witchcraft Trial (1840)
9.) The Lottery (1841PT)
10.) Bramwell and Catherine's Affair (1841PT)

Thanks to anyone who could help me with those. If you have any questions about me, I'd be glad to answer via PM. Oh, by the way, I am quite familiar with these types of forums. I am a high ranking member of an InvisionFree Forum that is affiliated with a Neopets Guild called Illusen's Glade, and I am an Administrator of a Role-Play Invisionfree forum called Maple Village.

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