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Topics - Countess

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Current Talk '05 I / Change History
« on: April 01, 2005, 07:58:02 AM »
Hi cousins!

If you had the power to revisit DS and change only ONE  moment on the show, which moment would you choose and what would the result be?

I think I would choose to have the ABC brass give Dan Curtis enough time to wrap up the 1841PT storyline and return to the present where all the loose ends would be resolved and everyone (esp. Julia and Barnabas) would live happily ever after. :)


Current Talk '05 I / New Montage
« on: April 01, 2005, 07:50:45 AM »
Love the new montage for April, moderators.  Who did the lovely artwork?


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / What's THIS?!
« on: March 27, 2005, 07:23:10 AM »
OMG!  Is it a BAD thing when one sees dancing Easter Bunnies floating across the screen? :o

Countess (feeling a bit odd since eating those mushrooms she picked at Eagle Hill Cemetery 8))

Current Talk '05 I / Julia AND Dave Woodard: Two Victims?
« on: March 27, 2005, 07:07:45 AM »
Reading some older posts, I came across a few references to Julia's murder of beloved Dr. Woodard.  It's been awhile since I've seen those eps, but I DO remember how I felt about her involvement.  Barnabas gave her no choice in the matter.  If she didn't help him, he swore to make Dave a vampire too.  Realistically, Barnabas didn't need her "help" in carrying out his plot to do away with the doctor.  However, I always believed that Barnabas's plan was to blackmail Julia into keeping her silence and continuing her treatments.  I still believe that it was Barnabas's sick way of controlling a woman whom, until that point,  he could not control.  After that, she was forever tied to him by this horrible deed.  My memory is a bit faulty here, but I seem to recall that Julia threatened to go to the police and tell all about Barnabas and the vampire attacks, but Barnabas made it clear that before the police ever got to him, HE would get HER.  Does that sound like Julia was a willing accomplice in this?  I know I'll take some heat for this, but I always thought Julia was almost as much a victim as Dave Woodard was.  Cousins?


Current Talk '05 I / DS Cancelled!
« on: March 25, 2005, 08:31:10 AM »
This is for us 'oldies' but anyone can join in.  How did you learn about the cancellation of the original run of DS?

I was in the high school cafeteria when these really annoying twins happily chirped to me that they heard DS was being cancelled.  They KNEW I was obsessed with DS.  I spent the rest of the day in a daze (well, I admit that wasn't too unusual in high school ;))  When the series ended, I tuned in the following Monday hoping to find it was all a mistake but instead I found a game show.  I kept vigil into week two without DS before I finally gave up.  And I SWORE I would never get so involved in a tv show ever again.  So, here I am forty years later still despising those nasty twins who relished delivering the bad news.  Grrr! >:(

Okay, pity party over.  Let's hear your stories!


Current Talk '05 I / Stranded on an Island
« on: March 24, 2005, 06:53:56 AM »
Hi cousins!

Here's something a couple of us were joking around about recently and I thought it might apply nicely to DS:  If you were to be stranded on an island which DS character would you like to be stranded with and why?  Oh, I just KNOW all you Jennings fans are gonna leap on this one ;D 

I have two scenarios.  I'd like to be stranded with Barnabas and I'd make him forget about Josette every chance I could!  >:D

Second, I'd like to be stranded with Julia because she would find a way for us to be rescued.


Current Talk '05 I / Will the REAL Angelique please stand up!
« on: March 14, 2005, 07:47:37 AM »
I've always been bugged by that scene in 1840 when [spoiler]Barnabas declares his love to a dying Angelique.[/spoiler]  Seemed to me that the "redemption" of Angelique during that time period was intended to make the future relationship between Catherine and Bramwell more palatable to viewers who had come to loathe what the witch had done to Barnabas.  Even so, I didn't buy it as a kid and I still don't.  Anyone else feel manipulated by that scene?


Current Talk '05 I / Frustrating Shadows!
« on: March 10, 2005, 07:13:43 AM »
Hi cousins!

One of the most frustrating moments on DS was when [spoiler]Angelique had locked "Hoffman" in the basement of Collinwood and left her there to die.  As hope for ever finding Julia faded, and Barnabas was clearly grieving, I thought surely this would be "the big moment".  So what happens?  When Barnabas finally finds Julia they cut to the next scene in the drawing room of the Old House with Julia looking little worse for her ordeal.  Grrrrrrr!  No touching reunion.  No anything.  :'( [8311][/spoiler]My other big gripe was that DS ended in 1840PT and not the present.  That really ticked me off! >:(  Thanks for letting me vent.


Current Talk '05 I / Calling all B/J luvvers!
« on: March 07, 2005, 07:50:43 AM »
How do you envision Barnabas and Julia finally giving in to their feelings for each other?


Current Talk '05 I / Sam Hall on DS DVD
« on: February 23, 2005, 08:13:01 AM »
Hi Cousins,

I just visited Craig Hamrick's website DSonline, and I wondered if anyone could tell me which DVD contains the interview of Sam Hall by Jim Pierson.  Mr. Hall is a bit of a mystery man and I'm curious about the man who helped shape DS into an enduring show.  Can any cousins help me out?  Thanks!


Current Talk '05 I / Julia's fate in HODS
« on: February 19, 2005, 07:52:34 AM »
I apologize up front if this subject has already been addressed, but I didn't find it in my search.  Was anyone else left in utter disbelief at Julia's fate in HODS?  I kept waiting for her to reappear, that she was just unconscious.  I was shocked when the movie ended and STILL no Julia.  Weeks later, I bought the HODS paperback and scoured the pages for Julia's re-emergence, only to read the shocking words "Julia, all too plainly dead".  How could that be?  Your thoughts please, cousins? 

Countess (still waiting for Julia to regain consciousness...) :'(

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / vanishing website
« on: January 17, 2005, 12:01:29 PM »
hi everyone!  Awhile back I was reading some DS fan fic on the site  I recently checked back only to find out that not only did the site move, but seems to no longer exist.  Does anyone know what became of this website?  Just curious.

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