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Topics - TNickey2003

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See the following except from the article about death:

"There are many anecdotal references to people being declared dead by physicians and then coming back to life, sometimes days later in their own coffin, or when embalming procedures are just about to begin. Stories of people actually being buried alive (which must assume no embalming) led one inventor in the early 20th century to design an alarm system, with a bell and a cord that could be pulled from inside the coffin."

Current Talk '07 I / Barnabas', Julia's, Prof. Stokes' return to 1971
« on: February 06, 2007, 04:14:37 AM »
When Barnabas, Julia, and Stokes return to 1971, all is calm and Liz acts as if they've never been away.  How can that be when the last time they were all in the present was the summer/fall of 1970, and months had passed since then (during which they were in 1840, and absent from present time)?

Unlike Vicki's trip to the past and return to the present during which present time was suspended, time continued to progress normally in 1970 and 1971.  Accordingly, Barnabas and Julia's absence should have been conspicuous, and their sudden return equally conspicious;  and Liz should not in all logic have behaved as if everything were normal and uneventful.

Also, of course, there is the unexplained absence of Barnabas' I-ching entranced body in the present. How could he have returned from the past in a different way than when he went there? Could it be that his I-ching entranced body suddenly disappeared when he, Julia, and Stokes traversed the Stairway Through Time back into the present?

Current Talk '07 I / More 1795 questions.
« on: January 10, 2007, 01:22:05 AM »
Why didn't Barnabas ever tell Julia Hoffman about the origins of his vampire curse while she was attempting to cure him (i.e., during the 1967 storyline)?  And why didn't Angelique appear and try to stop Julia's efforts? Was he fearful of consequence that might result if he disclosed Angelique as the source of his vampire curse?

If Barnabas in 1795 discovered that Angelique was responsible for the spell that caused Jeremiah and Josette to elope and get married,  why did he still harbor hatred toward Jeremiah (i.e., during the 1967 storyline) for acts he was not responsible for?

If Josette was buried in her wedding gown in 1795 ( as we see when Barnabas raises Josette from the grave, only to see her horribly disfigured face ), then how  would Barnabas in the present have had the gown in his possession when he was trying to turn Maggie Evans into Josette? I doubt if he would have dug up Josette's grave and stripped her of her wedding gown.

If Sarah Collins was eleven years old when she died ( of course the age difference between her and her brother is one of DS' s unsolved questions) ,  how could Phyllis Wick have been on her way to become governness of the NINE year old Sarah?

Shortly (a few days?) before Josette's death,  Nathan and Millicent are setting their wedding day "one month from today" March 2, 1796.  How could Josette's death be recorded as being in 1795>

Current Talk '07 I / Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 06, 2007, 05:29:28 PM »
After the event of Jeremiah's death Andre DuPres seems to have disappeared from the storyline,  being absent throughout the significant events that followed:  Barnabas marrying Angelique instead of Josette,  Barnabas dying, Josette and her aunt Natalie returning to Collinwood, then making plans to return to Martinque,  Sarah dying,  Josette becoming Barnabas' vampire victim, the discovery of the Collins' familiy history book's prophecy of Josette's death,  the actual event of Josette's death. 

How could he not be present during such a significant event as his daughter's death?

Did he fall off the face of the earth?   Did he leave Collinsport in a huff to return to Martinque and tend to his plantation, leaving his own daughter behind?

Also amazing is that no mention is made by any of the other characters of Andre DuPres or his unexplainable absence during these events that followed.  It's hard to imagine that Aunt Natalie wouldn't be vocal about the absence or whereabouts of her niece's father.

Current Talk '07 I / Episode 658, Joel Crothers
« on: January 02, 2007, 02:10:19 AM »
Episode 658 was the final episode for JC's character Joe Haskell, however JC appeared in a few episodes that followed, as Nathan Forbes in the 1796 flashback in which [spoiler]Barnabas returns to that year to save Victoria Winters from the gallows.    Both Nathan Forbes and Natalie Dupres were killed by Ben Stokes in the Secret Room when they attempted to stake Barnabas in his coffin.[/spoiler]

(edited by mod.)

Current Talk '06 II / How do vampires shave and groom themselves....
« on: December 20, 2006, 04:48:03 AM »
....if they can't even see their own reflections in the mirror!  Even more tortuous for women vampires wanting to look nice (except for those blooper moments when Angelique's reflection is clearly seen in the mirror).

Polls Archive / Santa's bagful of Shadows goodies
« on: December 13, 2006, 02:39:31 AM »
A great many interesting objects -featured as part of the opulent enviroment of the Collins' estate,  featured because of their off-the-beaten-track or supernatural significance, made their appearances on Dark Shadows. Undoubtedly more things than I could remember when I created this poll.   Have fun!

Polls Archive / Santa Claus is coming to town/to Collinsport
« on: November 27, 2006, 03:39:57 AM »
Another impossibly long poll (!), probably with a good handful of choices that should have been included.  With Shadow-y Yuletide greetings to all.

Polls Archive / DS characters on the campaign trail?
« on: November 09, 2006, 05:09:43 AM »
Post Election day poll.

One other thought:  Which of the characters chosen would be Democrats, which would be Republicans, which would be Independents?

Polls Archive / Halloween poll: Dark Shadows scariest moments
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:36:58 AM »
My most sizeable poll thus far!, and even at that only a feeble attempt to recollect Dark Shadows' scary moments. DS, by its nature, had a great many moments that could be classified as scary. I gathered up a good handful of moments from the 1967-1969 storylines, and a few from the 1897 storylines. The thought of having to remember more from the Leviathan, PT 1970, and other storylines was too daunting, so I stopped after throwing in a few from 1995, 1970, and 1840.  So feel free to throw in any and all other scary moments you remember!  I'll probably think of some more I wish I had included in this poll.

This is supposed to be a Halloween poll, but a bit too extensive to run just through Halloween.

Remember, I'm referring to CHARACTERS, not to the actors/actresses playing them.

Polls Archive / Heads up! Here's lookin' at ya.
« on: September 28, 2006, 07:18:48 PM »
new poll.

Polls Archive / Maggie Evans after the Barnabas kidnaps Maggie storyline
« on: September 10, 2006, 11:33:01 PM »
Maggie poll revisited with some variations, referring only to the RT Maggie, not to her lookalikes in other centuries featured during the show's run.

Polls Archive / Maggie Evans
« on: September 10, 2006, 09:09:51 PM »
new poll.

Polls Archive / A show of hands.
« on: September 10, 2006, 07:11:01 PM »
New poll ( it's  been a while).

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