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Topics - Birdie

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Current Talk '03 I / More reasons to love Quentin
« on: March 18, 2003, 03:40:20 AM »
I just finished catching up with last weeks episodes.  There were some good highlights to several of them.

I love the fact Quentin kicked CDT butt!  If anyone needed it he did.

My favorite line Quentin to Trask  "your existing makes my life miserable"  not exactly a quote but you get the guist.

Here are a few of other strange thoughts that came into my mind.

Tim when taking to Edward had a Mae West moment "come on and see us sometime at the Blue Whale.

Amanda, who am I, what am I, where did I get these fake eye lashes.

CDT-- I wasn't trying to play God, I am not George Burns

Petofi and Beth the thought of that just makes me sick.

Petofi looking and lusting after Angelique makes my skin crawl.
That could be another reason why he is interested in the Q-man.  Not giving anything away.

I really like the scene with Julia and Angie, but didn't they know each other when she was Cassandra?  Maybe she ment she liked the "new and improved" Angie

My wonderful husband just brought me a yummy frozen lemonade treat.  Now you know why we are together after 22 almost 23 years


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / OT/Bye Bye Birdie
« on: March 14, 2003, 08:17:33 PM »
I can't comment on the show this week.  I still have the whole weeks episodes to watch.  Don't know when I am going to have time.  Did you ever feel like your life is spinning out of control.
Any way, turn the tube on and found the movie Bye-Bye-Birdie and I thought of LAFB.  The mother of Albert just cracks me up.
Let's see I have about 20 minutes till I leave to pick up the number one son home or spring break.

Birdie--whol all the way to Amherst will now be singing "One last kiss"

Current Talk '03 I / Petofi box
« on: March 08, 2003, 03:04:08 AM »
What we do when we have time to waste.  I was picking my daughter up at school today and was about an hour early.  I thought I would pop into the TJ Maxx near her college.  Low and behold a nice box that somewhat resembles Petofi's carring case for his hand.  Before I knew it they were putting it in to a bag and I was parting with a few dollars.   No plans on cutting off anyones hand as yet.  But these kids better watch it when they get into the girl scout cookies.  For now it is in the master bath holding tissues.  We are going to paint that bathroom a Victorian rose should fit in nicely.  Watch out for the falling blade.


Current Talk '03 I / More Random thoughts...
« on: March 07, 2003, 03:07:09 AM »
O.K. you all are going to be glad when I am totally back on my feet and not bored to tears hanging around the house letting the dust bunnies take over.

Todays thoughts  run into some of the commericals that I briefly saw while pushing the FF.

Pefofi thought Julia had a short shirt he should see Maggie's.

Real reason he wants to go into the future Viagra, only he will be 30 years to early.  You know that guy who everyone keeps saying something about him is different

I wanted to yell Julia bite that hand it was right in front of her mouth.

Petofi told her he was going to make her very comfortable did he bring the sweat suit and seditives.


Quentin and Amanda---very sugestive--I blush  (Can I meet him in the garden}

Isn't it nice that CDT Knows everything.

Question do any of you let strange man get near enough to touch your face?

I know people hate Amanda but truer words were never said "He needs help".

Julia, Julia, Julia, you let wimp boy push you around.  You could take him easily.  Don't you remember what your mother telling you about the knee

Why would gypsies have American Eagle door knockers?

Still LMAO over the Big picture of Barnabas behind the door.  Than to top in off Petofi strangling himself.

Aristede looked like a Ken doll today-plastic

Why does Petofi keep Aristede around?
Julia asks "sex"?

Thank you Julia we now know that Aristede is not a man?   You got it babe.  But what is he?

Birdie--who is ready to climb the walls and yes we have another six inches of snow.


Current Talk '03 I / Random thoughts....
« on: March 06, 2003, 03:24:11 AM »
Let me first say, yes I am losing my mind, I am so sick of being sick and will look to anything to amuse myself so here goes.

Things that came into my mind while watching todays episodes

Petofi banging on Quentins door,  When Quentin asked who was it?  All I could think of is Candy Gram.

Pantsy's visison:  I had a dream a dream about you baby it going to come true baby....

Quentin's lame exuse to Beth :  WORK!  ya right

Angelique saying "Everyone gets over it it time."  Ya like you did

Question doesn't everyone have a bottle of poisen laying around with words that say just that?  Also, the gun in her drawer.  That Beth is a fun girl.

Quentin sings to Jameison "What I did for Love"

Barnabas yelling in Julia;s ear always helps.  Is it me or did she look incredibly uncomfortable.  What about loosening the scarf around the neck.  Barnabas is one bad nurse.

Julia---don't you remember Barnabas told you everyone knew his secret in the letter.  Well, at least she had a excuse she was a little out of it.

When Barnabas was saying he would not go back yet.  He must have said No, five times.  Reminds me of an Irish song, "No, Ney, Never, No, Ney, Never no more......."

Hey, Quentin plastic wine glasses aren't easy to break

Quentin decent, normal, himself, something to think about...

Actually, I really enjoyed the episodes today.  It has just been a very long week.

Please excuse any spelling errors.  I mis spell check


Current Talk '03 I / Worcester
« on: February 14, 2003, 06:23:37 AM »
Now we have an idea where Tim has gone.  Kudos to Nancy Barrett for prononucing the city's name correctly.  I am impressed.  I know I have mentioned this before but I grew up in Worcester  I remember it thrilled me that my favorite show would mention my home town.  As young viewers we were dancing around the room to know have Worcester (pronounced Wooster) sometimes refered to as Worm-town  was named on TV.  


Current Talk '03 I / Dark Shadows in our everyday life....
« on: January 20, 2003, 04:44:10 PM »
Last night it struck me how often ever so slight reminders of the DS seem to enter my everyday life.  Yes, I am insane.  

Last night my brother in law called my front hall the foyer.  I had to bite my tongue.  Than in conversation with my sister I happen to say this person from our past nmed Billy gave me the Willie's.  Of course the famous scence and line popped into my mind.  I sat there laughing like a loon.  I am sure the rest of you have stories too.  

Hey, I am bored.   Trying not to do anything I should.  


Current Talk '03 I / Thank God for DS in N.E.
« on: January 09, 2003, 04:26:07 AM »
Just have to say thank goodness for DS it has been a saving grace this week.  Can you believe it has snowed everyday!  I am seeing white everywhere.  My poor son home on semester break has become one with the shovel.  Bob, a girl at school told him he looked like Ben Affleck , do you think J. Lo would be interested. hehe.  Of course, I don't know if the girl was sober.  

I loved todays second episode.  It was so rewarding seeing Dirk lying there speechless and not mauling someone.  Glad to see Laura get a nice surprise, first the Barnster than Angie.  Barnabas was in great form today too.  

Thanks for letting me vent.  I guess I can gear up for yet more snow tomorrow.

Birdie--living in a winter wonderland looks pretty but would rather be some place warm

Current Talk '02 II / OT/ Collectibles?
« on: November 21, 2002, 06:58:15 PM »
Just picked up my local paper to see there is a big collectibles show in Framingham, Ma.  Is there usually much DS memorabilia at one of these things?  It sounded kind of fun.  Julie Newmar, Adam West, Peter Tork, are on the line up of guests.  I don't know if I can fit this into a busy weekend, but I am going to look into finding the time.  Anyone else see this from the area?  Any other forum members go to these things?


Current Talk '02 II / OT/ A quick few guestions
« on: October 05, 2002, 04:21:53 PM »
There are so many of you out there who know so much more about computers than this pointed head woman.  My husband is planning on changing internet servers, and he is thinking about going back to AOL, or perhaps Earthlink.  Do any of you have any words of wisdom or advise?  I would love to go cable but the cost is so very high.  Thanks in advance for any heads up.

I have to go throw a few things together I am taking my mother to Newport for the night to my sisters.  Of course it will kill me not to visit "Collinwood" but don't think I could drag my mother there.  She just doesn't get it.  And this is her weekend to play.  So I will have the  pleasure of going to the Christmas Tree Shop or maybe Walmart.  Oh boy, it doesn't get better than this.  Actually, I am glad to be able to spend time with her she isn't getting any younger and she just turned 75 this week.


Current Talk '02 II / My Own Twight Zone...
« on: July 15, 2002, 05:59:35 AM »
Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking my mother to visit her sister in law who is 93.  We had a nice lunch at a very old restaurant in Shirley, MA  it dated back I think to the l800.  After the lunch we visited with my Aunt who lives in the Carrige House next to the Big House.  Her daughter and family now live in the big house.  Sound like DS to you?  We were sitting in the sunny back room when my Aunt asked me if I would rather visit in the "drawing room".  I had to suppress a giggle.
Her formal room is very Collinwood,  beautiful antiques, dark Victorian.  I wanted to pack some in my car and take them home.

Birdie--who managed to get many daughter/niece points this weekend.

Current Talk '02 I / The B-man and Cassie
« on: June 21, 2002, 06:47:03 PM »
Just my two cents worth.  He gives in very easy.  This is the second time he has offered himself to her.  Have to go with the subconscious thing and think he really wants to be with her.  The chemistry and the passion between them is so apparent.


Current Talk '02 I / Thoughts on the Dream Curse ....
« on: May 16, 2002, 06:42:02 PM »
or how to avoid doing my housework.  

I thought I would comment having never seen these episodes before.  I started watching as a child with the haunting of Quentin story.  I like the premise of the Dream Curse.  The fact that the effects are not that scary to us as adults doesn't take away from the idea.  Dreams often are werid and things that scare us in them when thought about are really kind of funny.  I know I am not being very articulate.  What I am really trying to say is I think it was a good idea.

I am not sure but is it me or does Lange look like a traffic cop or a air traffic controller.   I laughed so hard when he was having the dream, too much.  

Love the chemistry between Cassie and Barney.  In todays episode I didn't know if he was going to kiss, bite or strangle her before Mrs. J. came in.  I think he might have wanted to do all three.  

I agree with everyone else Vicki and Jeff/Peter--no chemistry.   If I were Vicki I would still be hoping the first Burke would come back.

Why would Barnabas think Vicki would want to still marry him for goodness sake he never even kissed her!
He might have been a little more affectionate.  He might have tried some normal courting techniques.  

O.K.  I guess I have put off the laundry as long as I can.  

Birdie--I won't have to worry about a coffin just bury me in my washing machine.  Tie it closed with the clothes line.

I want to thank you for all the kind thoughts you extended to me about my nephew.  It has been a long year and a half.  Sometimes it tends to overwhelm me. The senselessness of his being hurt and to see what it has done to his parents is heart breaking.  We are very close.  

The fun and escape of DS and this forum has helped me keep my sanity.

Funny saying sanity in terms of DS.

Thanks again for letting me vent.


Current Talk '02 I / Todays episodes  April 8th
« on: April 09, 2002, 05:28:47 AM »
I just have to comment on how very good both of todays episodes were.  David H.  back again and in great form.  I truly enjoyed his scenes with Abigail, Ben, Noami, and Trask.  Very natural.  The dialogue was very well written.  I loved the way he decribes Abigail to Trask " She seems to be always unhappy".  Only a child could pick up on some of the underlying truths of the older charactors.
Also loved the confortation bettween Abigail and Barnabas.  I roared when Baranabas said "Why do the think the devil always wants to touch you?"  I almost expected him to add or anyone else.  

Great episodes.

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