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Topics - Brandon Collins

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Current Talk '07 II / Barnabas Collins: My Life on the V-List
« on: July 18, 2007, 03:52:24 AM »
Tonight I was thinking: what if, in the fictional world of Dark Shadows, the Collins family attracted as much attention as the Hilton family, or as Brangelina, and someone approached them with an idea for a reality show. What would that idea be, and who would the show revolve around?

Would it showcase Liz running the household and trying to keep all the maids from eavesdropping and making them actually do their job? Would it follow Angelique and her latest plot to infiltrate the Collins family and take Collinwood for her own? (Wouldn't that be interesting ;) ) Could it possibly follow Barnabas and the secret, inner-workings of his plan to make a new bride in the image of Josette. Or maybe it would center on Julia and her constant pining for Barnabas, and her coming up with the latest way to become more involved with him. Possibly Willie would be the focus, and we'd get to see all the behind-the-scenes workings of just how he completed all those tasks for Barnabas. Maybe it could be a show centered on Maggie Evans and it could be a Top Chef type of show...only in a diner.

And finally, the one that actually made me laugh out loud when I thought of it:

The Rise and Fall of Victoria Winters: I Don't Understand.

Any thoughts, ideas, comments?

Current Talk '07 II / 1172
« on: July 07, 2007, 04:59:27 AM »

Does anyone else hear the background noise on episode 1172? If you listen closely, in the teaser, you can hear Trask's line well before he says them. I wonder why this is? Is it an error in the DVD, or is it because there was a tape of the audio playing in the background?

Can someone else verify this?

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / OT - Need Help
« on: June 28, 2007, 07:11:05 PM »
Now, I know that this isn't exactly DS-related, and if it is, it's a real stretch to relate it. But I really need some help here.

Does anyone know where to find script brads? You know, those little screw-and-bolt things that keep scripts bound together? I really need to find where I can buy some. I've checked Staples and Office Depot, and no dice. So I don't know where else I could check.

If MB, Midnite and Dom wanna keep this thread down to this post, that's fine. Just PM me with your responses.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Current Talk '07 I / How Far Is It To.......
« on: June 09, 2007, 04:10:55 AM »
So I was thinking.

I remember that early in the series that someone, possibly Liz, described the Old House as being a 10 or 15 minute walk through the woods from Collinwood. Yet people always seem to show up there within seconds of leaving Collinwood, or some place in town. I know, I know, the set was just around the corner in the studio. But thinking about this got me wondering: How far away are places in DS?

For example, how far did Liz say that the Old House was from Collinwood? And how far is Collinwood from Collinsport? And just how BIG is Collinsport. And how far away is Rockport, Logansport, Little Winward Island, Windcliffe, etc.

Any ideas? Thought it might be fun. Maybe we can plan a trip.

So I'm leaving Windcliffe, fresh from being juiced up with sedatives and drugs so that I don't remember who I am or where I'm from (thanks Julia, you're the best!). How long will it take me to get to Collinsport?

Current Talk '07 I / DS Scripts Online
« on: May 03, 2007, 03:14:17 AM »
I found this nifty little website that has a bunch of television and movie scripts housed on it, that you can view, read, print all for free! And it just so happened that....


So I read through all 133 pages (JESUS!) of it. I was surprised it was so long. I haven't seen the remake series, but hopefully will be getting a copy of the DVDs soon. Was the Pilot episode two hours long? Maybe this script was split in half at some point and used for two episodes. I was totally surprised at how long it was since usually TV scripts are like 30-60 pages.

Anyway, head over there and take a gander at it. I thought it was a great read, and really well written, though with no clearly expressed act breaks, it was hard to imagine where the commercials would've been.

There's also a number of other scripts on the site. Many more movie scripts than TV scripts though.

Here's the site:

And just click on "TV Shows" and scroll down. The DS script is one of the first few listed. Enjoy!

Current Talk '07 I / Which Characters Are Best Together?
« on: May 01, 2007, 04:37:45 AM »
So I was sitting around wondering today about who would've married whom in the future of the show. For instance:

Would David have married Amy Jennings or Hallie Stokes?
Would Willie have married Maggie, or would Maggie have married Quentin?

Any speculation?

Personally, I think David would've married Amy and as for Maggie and Willie and Quentin, I"m not too sure.

Current Talk '07 I / Collinsport Top Ten
« on: March 23, 2007, 04:29:37 AM »
Thought it might be fun to make some good ol' top ten lists. Try yer hand.

Top Ten Reasons To Become A Governness At Collinwood

10. You'll get to attempt to find your roots before your curosity is abruptly taken.
9. Time traveling is a perk.
8. You can ride the "Hang Me As A Witch" ride at the Collinsport Gallows.
7. It'll be the perfect chance to kill your sisters adulterous boyfriend.
6. A trip down horrified lane with terrorist children.
5. It'll provide an escape (for a while) from the molesting school teacher from your past.
4. You'll make tons of cash by copyrighting the phrase "I don't understand."
3. Free time with a blow up doll. Juggins, Mr. Juggins.
2. If the going get's tough, you'll be killed for no reason at the whim of the writers.

And the number one reason to become a governess at Collinwood is.....

1. You'll be the hot new date of that mystery man down the lane.

Current Talk '07 I / P.S.
« on: February 19, 2007, 06:10:20 AM »
I was watching the initial episodes of the 1840 storyline--where it all begins I mean--with Barnabas and Julia returning from 1995 and all that jazz.

A quote struck me as particularly funny, clever, and quite provocative. Here it is:

David: I had a dream about you.
Hallie: Lots of boys have dreams about me.
David: Yea, but they don't all try to go back to sleep afterwords.


From this I thought it might be fun to name some instances where sex appeared, however subtly, or not, in Dark Shadows. We'll call it Promiscuous Shadows. PS instead of DS.

Current Talk '07 I / Out of curiosity
« on: February 09, 2007, 06:39:52 AM »
It's been mentioned in a number of other threads that we who love DS tend to spend a lot of time 'round these parts. So, this got me curious--just how MUCH time has everyone spent here? We can tell how many posts one another has because it's displayed, but the time you've been here is only displayed to the individual person when they're logged in. So, if you're willing, post your time here.

I have 3 days, 2 hours and 12 minutes.

I've spent over 3 days of my life here?!!!!

And, do you specifically set aside time each day to log on, or do you just do it when you think about it?

Personally, I log on after my classes are over on campus, and then again late at night when I get home from work.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Jonathan Frid at Seaview Terrace
« on: February 01, 2007, 05:52:42 AM »
So I was tooling around on You Tube again today and found 7 videos with JF walking around at Seaview Terrace, the Blue Whale, and the make-shift Widows Hill, as well as other great locations for DS.

These were just posted this month, a few days ago actually, so they're still rather new and I figured that maybe they hadn't been discussed, and that maybe not too many had viewed them. I suggest you do go and view them because they are a riot!

JF tells numerous stories, including the one Nancy mentioned some time ago about some teenagers happening by during the photo shoot at the Old House when JF was in full Barnabas garb.

And it's PRICELESS in the first vid when he's explaining about an earlier time when he came by Seaview for a look-see and how people were looking at him oddly, like a chain-gang member (his words) as he was peeking through the fence. I about DIED LAUGHING in the middle of the library when he says "No, it was just ol' Barny-boo taking a peek!" LOL!!!!!

They should really clean this up and release it on DVD or something. It's a riot!

Looking forward to seeing what others have to say....

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / You Tube
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:38:31 AM »
Hello All!

While on my break at school today I happened by the library and hopped on a computer and went to You Tube where I found a great many DS videos, quite a bit more than I would've guessed were actually there.

There were all sorts of things from music videos to clips to tributes to videos taken at fests, and more I'm sure I didn't get to. I wanted to save some for tomorrow! lol.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone cared to talk about some of those videos. I particularly found most of the videos I viewed that were by Dark Shadows Addict to be very entertaining, and quite a bit of the music videos that I watched were quite well done.

I also watched the first part of a David Selby interview from the Merv Griffen show I believe. It was great fun to watch it, and very entertaining even though I've never watched Falcon Crest, which was the show he was on to talk about. I recommend it to everyone!

And finally, I watched a number of clips (okay, so I spent like 2 hours there, so what?!) from the 91 Revival Series and found it to be quite well done. Before I was hardly interested in ever watching it, and now I'm kind of intrigued. Any comments that anyone could provide about the series would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking about tracking down a low-cost copy somewhere so I can watch the show.

Current Talk '07 I / Favorite DVD Menu
« on: January 23, 2007, 05:53:31 AM »
So I popped in my 21st Collection today and what to my wondering eyes did appear? A new menu screen! And my FAVORITE one so far! It's the one with the menu that's overlooking the cliff, Widows Hill maybe?, and the waves are crashing up against the rocks. The music is the Angelique spell music that plays during her spells when she's working her mojo.

That is my favorite one because it's classy and I love to look at it. It's LOADS better than the mausoleum menu screen, which is my least favorite. And the first menu screen with the backdrop of Collinwood and the changing Barnabas faces is right there in the middle.

Just thought I'd post something to express my joy with the new menu screen and see what others had to say about it. I wonder if they'll continue with this cliff menu screen when they release the Beginning DVDs, or if it'll be a new menu screen. Any thoughts?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / What happened this morning?
« on: January 20, 2007, 06:24:00 AM »
I'm just curious, but earlier yesterday morning (Fri) I couldn't get into the site. It said the site couldn't be found. I was just wondering what happened. Did the server crash or something? Not that it makes a difference since I'm obviously able to get on here

Polls Archive / Who's your Fav?
« on: December 30, 2006, 04:29:16 PM »
Of course, I'm sure there are tons that I have left out, but I didn't feel like listing 40 names! lol. I figured that list would give everyone a good start.

What I'm aiming at here is that there were a number of different time periods during which our characters lived. And while the characters may have been the same in some time periods (i.e. 1960s Barn and 1897 Barn), they were different as well, in their actions. Because we all know that 1960s Barn, being the way he was after he was cured, would've never committed the atrocity against his family that he did in 1897.

The idea was sparked as I was watching the last of the Leviathan episodes last night, and I realized that 1970 Angelique, the one who was Mrs. Rumson, was really one of my favorite of all her incarnations over the years. Her outfits, hair, jewelry, wardrobe in general is spot on, and really adds something to her. I get the image of "rich suductress" who will kill anyone in her way. Her "supposed" life gets turned upside down with the mention of one word: Leviathans. And the arc that she goes through with her life taking a dump and her revenge path, is one of the best, IMO.

So: My favs from the list above are 1970 Angelique, 1960s Julia, and 1795 Barnabas.

Current Talk '06 II / DVD Question
« on: December 28, 2006, 05:33:10 AM »
For Christmas I got DS DVD Set 19, among other things. I've noticed a couple of problems with mine and I'm wondering if anyone else has had these problems or if mine is just defective.

First, there's no postcard with a picture inside. Nothing at all. The fold out episode guide thing is there, and so is MPI's too-thick booklet. But no post card. Bah! I want my post card!

Also, there's a misprint on the back where the interviews are listed: KLS is listed instead of Nancy Barrett.

Everything else if fine. They play just fine, so far, and I'm enjoying it. If everyone else is missing the postcard too, then I guess I'm not the only one. But I'm pretty sure that I'm one of the few that didn't get the postcard.

If someone else has it, can they post a picture of it or say what it looks like? Thanks.

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