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Topics - Janet the Wicked

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Current Talk '10 I / Charles Delaware Tate I Ain't
« on: February 19, 2010, 07:47:20 PM »
But not too shabby.

Current Talk '10 I / Quentin VS Barnabas in the Love DEPT
« on: January 15, 2010, 08:05:08 AM »
I am currently watching the 1897 storyline, and as I am nuts about Quentin and haven’t seen these episodes in over ten years, I wanted to post my thoughts.

Quentin says to Barnabas that “The ladies are strangely attracted to you. Why?”

Watching 1897 storyline, I am wondering myself. Who is the better lover in these episodes? Barnabas, once he bites his victims, is the aristocratic, pointy-haired, rich cousin. He’s suave and debonair, and I wouldn’t throw him out of bed for eating crackers.
But Quentin appeals to me more, not because I am so much like him, but because he is so ding-dang good-looking, wicked and fun.
Where Barnabas is charming, Quentin is a charmer,

So who has the most women enchanted? It’s almost like a contest. No wonder the teen magazines featured them both during this storyline.

Please post your thoughts. My very first DS Fest, my sister and I came upon Selby’s autograph table. We giggled. “Oh, my god! Quentin!!!!”
Mr. Selby replied with as much enthusiasm in his wicked way and made us laugh,

Current Talk '10 I / DS DVD Collection#13 Selby Interview
« on: January 02, 2010, 10:28:04 PM »
Not sure what year the interview took place, but Mr. Selby didn't seem sure of his star status. He didn't speak of his fame and glory with the fans, which I have always been curious about. How did he handle the fame and fortune and so on and still maintain a "normal life" with his wife and kids. I've always had the impression that Mr. Selby did his job and got on with his life, but just how in Hell's bells did this man deal with his popularity as "Quentin", one of the most popular celebs on daytime TV, while living a normal life with his loving wife and family? Huh? Met Mr. Selby a number of times at Fests and have always had positive encounters with him, particularly since he is an old car buff like myself. Anyway, just curious.
Input, people!

Wondering if Luciaphil has ever done any Idle Thoughts on the episodes where Willie has released Barnabas. I am currently enjoying her hilarious annotations about Dr. Lang’s medical skills posted in 2002.

Current Talk '09 II / Sour lemonade
« on: October 03, 2009, 07:06:18 PM »
Looks like John has a cup of suor lemonade...

Current Talk '09 II / Karlen & Frid Photo
« on: October 03, 2009, 06:53:50 PM »
Thought you kids might like this.

Current Talk '09 II / DS Locations Book
« on: September 29, 2009, 05:19:27 PM »
Can't find my copy and don't recall the title. Anybody out there know the title of this book? It explained all the location shots for the show and movies.

Current Talk '09 II / Echos of Insanity
« on: August 22, 2009, 10:48:06 PM »
I'm sorry to have to say that this has to be the worst of the radio dramas. 15 tracks of drama and they seem to be all the same. I listened to it twice to see if I had missed anything. It's like every track repeats the one before.

Willie is in or out of Windcliffe, I cannot tell which, and has rememberances of kidnapping Maggie. Angelique is there, I know not why, other than to continually request that Willie tell her why Miss Hoffman was trying to cure Barnabas.

There is no finality in this story. I love listening to John speak in his native Brooklyn tongue, the cover art is exceptional, but the story itself stinks. I know several writers on this board that could have done so much better.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / LEAPFROG WITH A UNICORN
« on: August 06, 2009, 01:56:24 PM »
Reading Leviathon storyline in Robservations and in her notes she wonders "who taught him to drive, anyway? Read LEAPFROG WITH A UNICORN, a wonderful, hilarious book about Barnabas' dealings with the 20th century, and find out one hysterically funny, plausible theory."
I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this and if it's available anywhere.

[Moved from the Robservation topic that has Barnabas asking Vicki to be his wife after she learned that Jeff, the husband she lost, cannot come back to her. --admin]

If Barnabas and Vicky were married, would he confide in her all of his secrets, his past lives?

Traveling back and forth into the past and future to save his incestors, would Vicky travel with him?

Would he leave her for the next incarnation of Josette?

How long before Angelique shows up to wreak havoc with the married couple?

And what of Miss Hoffman? Would she stay on as his confidant, close pal and life long friend?

Current Talk '09 I / Willie & Maggie
« on: May 22, 2009, 06:37:39 AM »
Robservations episode 497 today has a lovely picture of Willie and Maggie, the scene where she decides that they can be friends, although Willie wants something more. He's so polite and gentle at this point, compared to his early days in Collinsport. This is a sweet and bittersweet saga for me because I'm a Willie fan and because Joe kicks Willie's ass and because Maggie strings him along. Maggie doesn't seem to know what the hell love is, especially when she accepts Tricky Nicky's proposal of marriage.
Just throwing some thoughts out there, folks.

Current Talk '09 I / Quentin's Kin
« on: April 13, 2009, 03:23:15 PM »
I was thinking about Quentin enjoying the dubious pleasures of the village, I wondered who his parents were. I couldn't find anything about this, but I know I've seen it here before. I think I have, anyway.

Current Talk '09 I / Barn Bites ... (cont'd in topic)
« on: April 12, 2009, 12:02:50 AM »

...and what happened afterwards?
Inquiring minds want to know. What happened??

(edited by admin)

Current Talk '09 I / Episode 463 Pull the Blinds, Barnabas!
« on: April 04, 2009, 01:16:07 PM »
I gotta tell you, I love this episode. Here is yet another resident of Collinsport, in this case Tony Peterson, peering through Barnabas' window. One would think that Barnabas would have learned his lesson and had the foresight to draw the shade once in a while, what with all the nosey relatives he has. I love also that Tony had the moxie to confront Carolyn about her being in her cousin's arms. What a scene!

Current Talk '09 I / Episode 678 Today's Screen Cap
« on: January 31, 2009, 12:58:51 AM »
The expression on David's face looks more like he's complaining about Missus Johnson's food than her disposition. Heh heh...

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