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Topics - LoveAtFirstBITE

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Current Talk '03 I / Competition for the Hand
« on: February 08, 2003, 09:01:32 AM »
With all the arguing and grabbing for the Hand going on, I thought that the only way to really settle the fights is to have a contest.  

Each character who wants the hand has to write an essay of no more than 200 hundred words explaining why they want the Hand and why they think they are the best candidate for ownership of it.

If you were one of the characters, what would you put?

Current Talk '02 II / Hey!
« on: December 31, 2002, 01:30:45 AM »

Now that I have your attention (or Annie's anyway),
I'm off until Jan. 6th for Christmas Break.  I have all this time to read the board.....and I see nothing here.  There must be something for everyone to talk about I suggest that you all put your heads together and come up with something to entertain me.
Or else I'm going to start griping about my problems and ailments, one of which is an alarm clock that doesn't go off, or how I get indigestion from Chinese food and Progresso minestrone soup.
OR, if you don't want to hear about my ailments, I can tell you all that I recently obtained my license, making me a true woman of substance.
OR, I can make a list of what I got for Christmas (I know that'll really shake you all up).
OR, I can tell you all how Connie can't play a chromatic scale to save her ass.

So, consider yourselves warned.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / OT--Holiday Spirit
« on: December 14, 2002, 12:52:59 AM »
Hey you guys--check out my new holiday avatar--ain't it bitchin'?

(ANNE -- If you think the Q-man is YUMMY, get a load of this gorgeous man!)

Ho ho ho!![/size]

Current Talk '02 II / Theory
« on: November 23, 2002, 12:59:30 AM »
   Since some people have referred to this on the board..........
   It's obvious that Barnabas was interested in Rachel because of her uncanny resemblance to Josette ::) It's also obvious that he prefers the women who are not only pretty, but delicate and to a certain point, helpless.  I have a theory on why he does this.

    I believe that Barnabas has low self-esteem.  He wants these kind of women so that he can protect them, and then feel better about himself.  Someone like Angelique, who has strength and power, he wouldn't know what to do with.  Also, he was raised in the 18th century, where women were usually like Josette, powerless and unknowing of most things.  That could also be a factor.

    Anybody agree with this?  Or have your own theories to why certain characters are the way they are?  Please share.

Current Talk '02 II / Old Article
« on: November 09, 2002, 07:46:04 PM »
I came across this interesting article in an old issue of Daytime TV.   I'll just let it speak for itself (get out the barf bags).......


Current Talk '02 II / Carolyn.............dead?
« on: November 02, 2002, 07:57:19 PM »
A couple of weeks ago I was watching a tape of 1897, around episode 880 or so (near the end), when I came across a scene involving Quentin, Aristede, and a certain chain-waving trouble-maker.  There was a scuffle and Quentin was knocked to the ground, and several tombstones came into the shot.  One in particular caught my attention, and I had to rewind several times to see if I was seeing the inscription correctly.

That dark blue mound in the second picture is Quentin.
As you can see, the tombstone reads:  "Carolyn Collins Stoddard."

Now, I have not seen MANY parts of the show, so I don't know why there was even a tombstone made for Carolyn.  Could somebody tell me why, if maybe this was used in a dream sequence or something?
And more importantly, WHY was it in 1897, when Carolyn did not exist?  I know that DC most likely did not want to pay to have extra tombstones made, so they just reused them, but they should not have let it be seen in 1897, if even for a moment.
What do you guys think of this?

Current Talk '02 II / Harry Johnson
« on: August 15, 2002, 12:15:04 AM »
What exactly is the point of the Harry character?

Other than being the housekeeper's son who tries to extort money from everyone, why was he introduced into the storyline? [hdscrt]

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