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Topics - Joeytrom

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Current Talk '15 II / Laura 1785/1897
« on: September 18, 2015, 09:54:55 PM »
1897 Laura Collins is unique in many ways but one is that she was there with the pre-cursed Collins family of the 1780's, and Barnabas is the one other character who can actually make that claim. 

[spoiler]When she returns from Egypt she has a unique perspective comparing the grim, despair state of the current family as opposed to the content, normal family she probably left behind over a hundred years before. 

...Possibly wondering why Jeremiah took over a decade to marry again and both he and his wife dying so soon after and then almost the entire family she knew after that.

...Joshua managed to build the larger house on the hill he always talked about, telling people he expected a larger family (with Jeremiah, Sarah, & Barnabas and their families being too crowded for the former mansion) though she suspected it was to better look down at the common townsfolk. 

...Moving into this new house seems to have brought a curse as the family experienced tragedy immediately afterwards and continuing to the present.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '15 II / Original 1897 timeline
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:33:22 PM »
I've been thinking about doing an episode by episode of 1897 as it aired, but trying to do it as it happened originally without Barnabas there.  Sound like a good idea?

Current Talk '15 I / Sam Hall commenting on another writer
« on: June 19, 2015, 10:49:11 PM »

Sam Hall made a comment in the 80’s in one of the old fanzines that (paraphrasing) “one writer, who will remain nameless, suddenly went into hysteria while Gordon and I look on stunned. He said Dan hates him and belittles him. I told him DC hates everyone but that did nothing to calm him. He was soon gone from DS.”

Any ideas who this could be?  I can only think of Ron Sproat or Ralph Ellis,, who wrote only two episodes.

Current Talk '15 I / 1897 Aftermath
« on: February 12, 2015, 01:16:23 AM »
Despite all the changes made, it appears to me that the Collins family we leave behind in 1897 isn't as different as they were in the original timeline.  Barnabas, Angelique, & Quentin are gone for good, Beth is dead.  Jamison never forgave Quentin.  The villains are all dealt with and gone as well.  Magda & Charity are still there but they probably were originally as well, though Judith may have eventually gotten to reform Charity somewhat like her old self.  1897 Barnabas is unknowingly chained in the coffin in the secret room as all connections to him are gone (I believe when 1968 body Barnabas went back to 1897, his 1897 self had to be returned to where it was taken from, the I Ching restoring the room back as it was.)

I still see the same setup for 1966 as the core of the family is basically the same.

Current Talk '15 I / The Cannery
« on: February 06, 2015, 02:26:42 PM »
Was this ever mentioned again after 1968?

Current Talk '15 I / David Henesy in the Fall 1969
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:21:52 AM »
Was he doing something else during the last three months of 1897?

[spoiler]Once Quentin's death is prevented, we never see Jamison again.  Turns out this is one part of history that Barnabas didn't change.[/spoiler]

A funny comedy web series about a gay father & straight son, who are both fans of Dark Shadows!

Current Talk '14 II / Question about a new Vicky storyline that wasn't
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:46:52 PM »
I have read in some places, like the Dark Shadows Companion, that just prior to Alexandra Moltke's leaving DS, Ron Sproat had started to slant the story to reveal Vicky as Liz's illegitimate daughter.

Did I miss something in AM's final episodes where this occured?  I have no memory of it at all.

Current Talk '14 II / One of 1840's Problems
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:35:22 AM »
1840 is unique among the flashbacks in that we never see the "legacy" character.
Daniel was 1795's legacy and Jamison was 1897's, but 1840's legacy character is unnamed and far away at boarding school (which actually makes him one of the lucky ones).

There's a detachment to this storyline in that there isn't any clear path to the future that the audience knows is there.
This Collins family is detached to begin with and [spoiler]The change in history where those who originally died now live (Quentin, Desmond, Daphne, Carrie, Tad) and those who originally live now die (Gabriel & Edith) while Samantha dies both times[/spoiler] doesn't help matters, it actually creates MORE.

There isn't anyone to root for as none of them really have redeeming qualities that at least Judith & Edward of 1897 did and Joshua & Naomi of 1795.  All the characters are one big mess and not fleshed out.

The writers could have at least had either Samantha/Quentin or more likely Edith/Gabriel more grounded for the audience.  It makes you wonder how they managed originally to get the family to the present time.

Current Talk '14 II / Diana Millay/Angelique
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:51:31 AM »
Does anyone know if she was asked to play Angelique in 1795 before they chose Lara Parker?
Since they hired Thayer David for Ben, I was thinking they may have thought back to the Laura storyline to get DM to also return to the show.

I just got an email from Amazon stating they are cancelling my order due to lack of availability.

Current Talk '14 II / 1897 Original Ending
« on: August 18, 2014, 09:53:48 PM »
I have posted this on the Dark Shadows Episode Discussion Facebook DS page, I was wondering what any of you think:

[spoiler]Without Barnabas in 1897, I don't think Beth shot and killed Quentin due to jealousy over another woman. I think Edward and Judith eventually discovered he was a werewolf and that Quentin ended up killing Beth as a werewolf whereby Edward or Judith shot him with a silver bullet and Quentin dies on the chair in his room.  Edward and Judith, in order to cover for the Collins family name, decide to wall him up in the room and tell people he went to live in France.[/spoiler]

IMHO, this is logical for how David & Amy found him and David stating they would give Quentin the burial his family refused hi.

Current Talk '14 I / Terry Crawford
« on: May 08, 2014, 12:52:02 PM »
I was always sort of disappointed terry crawford never appeared as a "present time" character. she's the only major female player we never got to see in "modern" clothing.

Terry Crawford had a cameo as a nurse in HODS.

I posted once about her not being in the present time and most people agreed it was because Dan Curtis didn't have a part for her.

Current Talk '14 I / Lisa Richards
« on: May 07, 2014, 02:10:34 PM »
Does anyone know why she didn't appear in 1897? 

She waits out the entire 8 month storyline and returns in Leviathan.

This looks like it will be the right size to read the daily strips as the first book made the dailies way too small.

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