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Topics - A.I.Collins

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Current Talk '03 II / Go Kate Go!!
« on: September 05, 2003, 02:53:28 AM »
Hey guys!

Adra here posting again.It's been quite a while since I last posted and I hope that a few of you remember me.I recently found out that Kate Jackson(Daphne Harridge) is from my homestate of Alabama.Being a Dark Shadows fan and an Alabama native,I was very happy to hear the news.Kate Jackson is offcially my Dark Shadows favorite now!...besides Grayson Hall,Terry Crawford,Lisa Richards,and Kathryn Leigh Scott.And on Another those who have met Terry Crawford before...could you tell me a little about what she's like?...she seems like she would be a very nice person to meet.



Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / My deepest apologies....
« on: March 04, 2003, 06:02:03 AM »
Hello Everyone...Adra here.

  I was recently looking through some of the old discussion topics for the month of January.I was having problems with my telephone service around new years and during the month of January so i wasn't able to use the internet for the entire month.More importantly was while i was surfing through the board just now i saw a posting recognizing my birthday.I want you all to really know that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.I never responded to any of the birthday greetings you left because i didn't have internet access at that time.I was about to cry as I read all of the nice birthday wishes and messages you left for me almost 2 months ago while i wasn't even aware you had taken the time to recognize my birthday.I am so sorry and I hope everyone accepts my apology and I thank you all again for wishing me a happy birthday.-Thank You


Current Talk '03 I / Will it air?
« on: February 15, 2003, 11:38:30 PM »
Does anyone know if DS is going to be airing on Monday 2/17/02 or is Sci-Fi showing a chain reaction??


Current Talk '03 I / Wonder if It hurt???
« on: January 29, 2003, 10:57:31 AM »
Did anyone see on today's second episode when Edward and Quentin were arguing in the study.Quentin yelled at Edward and stormed out of the room..right before he thrusts the door open he runs into it and bumps his head.Selby is a good actor being that he just stormed on out as if he didn't feel a thing.Well..i heard the bump and i know that must have had to hurt.Nice going Selby!!!...and next...Congrats to the DS makeup team for their mutilated Evan was quite good and looked more real than anything i have saw.


Current Talk '03 I / Let's DS mobilize!
« on: January 24, 2003, 05:05:39 AM »
Hey guys,

  Adra here.Haven't posted in a while.I have been experiencing technical difficulties with my ISP.My question is...what are some of the things you guys think I,or even you,can do to make your life be more DS-like?
Expressing the question more clearly,i mean...are there any items you can think of having in your home(candle operas,strange lamps,fireplaces ablaze all the time,etc.)
or simply the way to make conversation with your relatives(being dramatic in gestures,turning your back while talking to someone,looking up as if into a camera,etc.)...I sometimes find myself making those strange faces that Laura used to make when she had come up with an evil plan or was praying to Ra.I'm looking for more things to do and things to add to my home to make it more DS-like.I want your comments and ideas.Throw em' at me! :)



Current Talk '02 II / Who is their mother supposed to be?
« on: October 28, 2002, 08:15:16 AM »
Is it ever mentioned who Judith,Carl,Quentin,and Edward's mother supposed to be?...Since Edith is their Grandmother..i figure maybe they have a mother unmentioned or something.


Current Talk '02 II / Wasn't she lovely!...
« on: October 17, 2002, 09:32:28 PM »
Hey guys!...I just wanted to take a second and comment on the DS closing today for the first episode.It was nice how they showed the picture of Sabrina on the closing.I must say that Lisa Richards was absolutely stunning on that pic!It was cool the way they focused on her picture all during the episode and then showed the way she looks now(as Chris and Julia saw her).I have to add that DS has had some pretty "unique" closing settings...(The Chest Liz thought Paul was buried in,Maggie's dream sequence-ep.478,that closer that had Dr. Lang's tape recorder,the flowers on Barnabas' accidental burial grave,David and Amy's jacks on the floor,etc.)..So, I would like to know two questions..1) what did you guys think of Sabrina's pic?...and 2) What are some of the most "unique" DS closing scenes you can remember?..



Hi Guys!...Adra here again!.I am still searching for a tape of the Guiding Light opener from around 1995 that featured the lighthouse/cast montage opener.It has the original opening music for that sequence and in the montage i believe it features the following characters: Nadine Cooper,Lucy Cooper,Buzz Cooper,Blake on until the end...the last character shown is Tangie something...i forgot her last name...this montage was the one of the last to be shown before they started changing the music and stuff.If anyone has any tapes of GL from around that time period,please let me know as soon as possible.I'd be ever so greatful.



Current Talk '02 II / Opening Voiceovers
« on: August 13, 2002, 06:32:09 AM »
Hey Guys!...Does anyone know why they used females for most of the opening voiceovers during the run of the show? I always assumed it was because the females had better elocution(Spelling?) than the males.But has anyone noticed that the Opening Voiceovers are usually done by one of the actor/actresses in that day's episode?I guess the directors just picked whoever felt like doing the OV that day and let them do it.I think the Opening Voiceovers are really cool though....they clue the viewers in on what is happening and's just one of the many things I love about DS!!!

Adra ;D

P.S...Who do you guys think does the best Opening Voiceovers??...I love to hear Grayson Hall myself.

Current Talk '02 II / Gay actor on Dark Shadows???
« on: August 01, 2002, 11:29:20 AM »
Hey Guys!!.....Sorry to bring up such a controversial topic about in the postings, but i have heard from several people that Joel Crothers(Joe Haskell,Nathan Forbes,)was gay.I figured if it was true I would rather hear it from honest people like yourselves who really know the stories behind some of the actors on the show.My brother is gay and he and I have the hugest crush on Joel Crothers.So, anyone that knows anything about this,whether it's just a rumor or not...i would like to know.After all, it would make my bro feel a whole lot better about himself....especially to find out that the hunk he likes on DS was actually gay also...

thanks guys,

A.I. Collins (Adra Ivey Collins)

P.S....Sorry if this topic upset anyone,...just ignore it and pretend it was just an illusion you saw in parallel time. ;)

Current Talk '02 II / Laura Collins???
« on: July 22, 2002, 08:17:42 PM »
Hey guys!...just wondering....did anyone see the commercial that aired during Dark Shadows was about an album called BRITISH INVASION....on the commercial there was a woman i believe by the name of Paula Clark singing a song named "Downtown" it just me or does she look like Laura Collins a little??...especially since she has almost the same hair style...I think it was hilarious....if you haven't seen the commercial watch for usually comes on at least once or twice during DS....

Adra :D

Current Talk '02 II / Sarah Collins CD
« on: July 14, 2002, 10:28:18 PM »
Hey guys!.....I Just wanted to take a few moments and poke fun out of Sarah Collins and her favorite song that we all have heard more than enough times by now....i saw something on a website once that said something humorous about a Sarah Collins i figured i would try to come up with some idea of what tracks would be on goes...


1) London Bridge(of course)

2) London Bridge(synthesized version)

3) London Bridge(featuring Kathryn Liegh Scott from the bedroom scene)

4) London Bridge-extended version(isn't that exciting!!)

5) London Bridge-Radio Edit(cut short hopefully!)

6) London Bridge uncensored(????)

7) London Bridge 1795 version(as if it's any different)

8 )Interlude-(one line of London Bridge)

9) London Bridge-remix

10) London Bridge-Blue Whale remix

11) Conlusion-London Bridge spoke aloud by Sharon Smyth

Order today!...cost is only 17.95 for a cassette or CD!!!

Fortunately this CD is only available in Parallel Time so we shall never have the opportunity to hear it.Not that anyone is gonna lose a lot of sleep over it! ::)

-Adra ;)

Hello everyone!...Sorry to venture away from DS discussions.....but I was wondering if anyone has any of the following items on videotape by any chance....

-Guiding Light Opener with the lighthouse and cast montage(Circa 1995) with: Nadine Cooper,Lucy Cooper,Buzz Cooper,Blake Marler....etc...
(I have been looking for this one for a long time and nobody seems to have it!!)

-The Doctor's-Open and Closing(Circa 1979)

One Life to Live-Champagne and Nobody opener and closing(Circa 1992)

-Search For Tommorrow closings.(1986) new theme after the Henderson Flood...

I am really desperate to get ahold of these items....if anyone has one or more of these please let me know...I am willing to pay A TRUCKLOAD to get ahold of em'....especially that Guiding Light opener i mentioned above.....

Adra. ;)

P.S....and as always Dark Shadows is STILL my first love.

Hi's the link to part 3 of the 5 Episodes of The Dark-Dark sisterhood...please give me some kind of feedback...thanks-Adra ;D

Current Talk '02 II / Make Your home COLLINWOOD!!!
« on: July 01, 2002, 07:38:12 AM »
Hey guys!...Adra here.Does anyone here refer to places in their home like places in or around Collinwood.Take for instance myself.My mom and I live in a two bedroom apartment.I call the area around/near the front door the foyer.Since our living room is not closed off from the rest of the apartment, i call it the drawing area. :-/

The balcony in the back of our apartment is called the terrace. ::)

Since my bedroom is located at the end of the hallway.I say it is the door to the west wing.

So my room happens to be the west wing of our apartment. :o

I even had a portrait of my mother and I painted and hung it in the corridor.(hallway) ;D

Anyone else ever did anything strange motivated from Dark Shadows???


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