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Messages - Scott H

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Quote from: PennyDreadful
I'm a little confused about what this other-dimensional being Stokes accidentally unleashed WAS exactly?  It seemed to be a being which fed on people's dreams.  Is there a mythological basis for this being or was it something invented by the writer?  Clever concept.

Hello there... I don't normally post to threads about my stuff, but thought this was probably worth explaining, just become I'm very fond of the creature in question... And somebody did ask, so it's always nice to have an excuse!

The basic idea - which is actually horribly complicated in some ways - came from a nightmare I had one morning, where the geography of my surroundings had been altered just enough so that I could still recognise where I was, but it bore no relation to reality - something quite a few people tend to experience when dreaming. This got me thinking: what if, when we dream, our minds manage to break through into other realities (hypothetical realities) and manipulate them? Then, turning that on its head, what if a creature from one of those relaities found a way to manipulate our world instead...?

So that, in a nutshell, is what the creature was or, more precisely, where it came from...

And the turkey was inexcusably camp, but I still love it for that very reason: a small bit of silliness in a Christmas romp where even Quentin turns round and rolls his eyes at her... God bless 'im!

Normal service shall now recommence!

Cheers x

Awwwww, bless you all! That's really cheered up a rather hectic and tiring day!

Stay happy :)


You missed a trick with that tagline, methinks... In keeping with the rest of the series, it really should have been Christmas draws near...  :)

Hello Scott... I only meant that the new CDs are devoid of visuals, being CDs.   

Oh, I wasn't arguing with you at all... Just agreeing with your comment about the way horror and cult fans work nowadays! And yes, whilst the CDs do lack visuals, we can still try to incorporate interesting soundscapes and "special effects" in that sense. I guess it just depends how you define these terms.

Hello, by the way  :)

I"m especially looking forward to the DAVROS miniseries!  One thing I like about Big Finish is their willingness to dig deeply into characters like Davros, the creator of the Daleks.  If Book of Temptation is any indiction of your writing ability, I'm sure I'll love the Davros CDs.  I'll get to the Benny story eventually.  I bought Seasons 1-4 during the summer sale.  I'm currently in the middle of Season 4.

Nice to know you've been bitten by the Big Finish bug... I should probably point out that I've not actually written for the "I, Davros" miniseries, although all three Dark Shadows Reborn writers have been involved in some way: Stuart Manning's doing yet more splendid covers for the range; Scott Alan Woodard - writer of the final Dark Shadows story, "The Rage Beneath" - has written the fourth instalment; and I'm actually in a few. And it's all just one massive coincidence!  :D

Well done and thanks.    In this country it couldn't be done.  No one thinks anyone is interested in audio enough to produce anything like this.    In the UK there seems to be more of a tradition of this.   Or maybe Big Finish just barged its way in and created a tradition (with Doctor Who).   Anyway, talk to most US horror and SF (etc) fans and the first aspect they bring up when discussing quality is special effects.     It's a frighteningly empty culture.    Apart from DS fans I'm not sure Americans would ever want productions with NO visuals of any kind.

Well, the BBC have quite a vast radio output, so I guess audio drama is indeed more of a British tradition in that sense. As for special effects, I'm not sure Dark Shadows is a series dependent on absolutely no visuals at all. The difference between Dark Shadows and most other, modern horror series around - and what makes it ideal for audio, in that respect - is that the special effects are always used sparingly and legitimately within the plot, whilst always allowing the story's characters to dominate the action at any given moment.

But yes, you're quite right. Special effects should be just that - special - and now we're being bombarded with CGI left, right, and center, they're becoming anything but... Heyho!

Now you've got me wondering!  I went back and listened to it and altho the voice sounds vaguely familliar, I can't tell who it is.  My guess is that they did something to change the actor's voice?

Oh I'm dying to know.

That's his actual voice - no treatment at all... and I'm not saying who it is, even though it was openly revealed in the recent ShadowGram update! ;)

Well, this isn't where I saw it before, but I do recognize the title ("Oracle Of Delphi")--

Oh, that would seem to be one of mine after all! It's one of Big Finish's upcoming "Bernice Summerfield" CDs, which I guess is a sort of "Doctor Who" spin-off range... So, um, yeah: that's me!

Glad we finally got to the bottom of that confusion! And now, back to "Dark Shadows"... probably :)

Cheers again,


Not a problem at all! It's actually quite interesting to see just how many DS fans have interest in other shows like Doctor Who, Sapphire and Steel and the like  :)

Welcome, Scott_H!  [wavey]  He wrote for the Dr. Who audio series, btw.

Hello! [wavey] Cheers for the welcome  :)

Btw - not sure if you were talking about me back then - but I'm afraid I've not written for the Doctor Who audios... not yet, anyway! Just Dark Shadows for me at the moment - sorry!

I hear in story three Doctor Who materializes in the Drawing Room.

Just trying to make trouble... (I've been listening to a Big Finish Who story.)

Just idle curiosity here - so feel free to ignore this - but dare I ask which one...? I'm ever so slightly intrigued!



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