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Messages - Bsatellite

Pages: 1
Current Talk '05 I / Re: "Potential new DS movie"
« on: May 09, 2005, 11:05:24 PM »
Since I am a loyal fan of the original DS, I had trouble in seeing the remake of the show on TV. I would not mind to see another made but it would have to stay within the original idea. The fact that there so many actors and actresses out there that we find facinating, can we actually stay loyal if we try someone who may good with one element and suck in another? Stay true to the story and then stay true to the characters. I do not know the answer but I do know that any imitation is not even up to the original's standard. :)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Favorite Couples/Would-Be Couples
« on: April 24, 2005, 07:09:38 PM »
I have an odd thought; Barnabas and Angeligue. This couple was not even in the running as a couple because of the jealousy that Angelique had for the Josett and Barnabas relationship. I just felt that this should have been mentioned.  :)

Heather welcome to my world and thank you for doing what most of wanted to do, make a realistic Barbie.I am glad to read about such an honest person. We are all honest and hard working people here. I t is a pleasure.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: The Best of Angelique/Lara Parker
« on: April 24, 2005, 06:40:01 PM »
I must admit that everything that has been stated about the young lady is true. LP is the true Angeligue. No one would or could replace her.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: The Best of Angelique/Lara Parker
« on: April 24, 2005, 02:01:27 AM »
Lara Parker is and always be the best as the coniving Angelique. She was one of the most talented of the cast. she and Mr. Frid were remarkable as two tormented souls. The love and hate relationship was mastered by both. I think that her beauty has not deminished just as the case of Kathryn Liegh Scott.
Thank you for the memory of such a wonderful actress.

Here I go again and I guess that I could allow you into my mind, sort of. I am a fanatic of the vampire genre, I even wrote a short about a family of vampires. I love the unexplained and I try to re-explain the explained but I put a twist to it. I could say that I have dabbled into writing about all aspects of the paranormal. I am not sure if I have dabbled in all that there is but I have sure tried.
I would die a happy man if I could once visit the original estate of DS. Since I live here in sunny California, I find it hard to take time to travel to all of the DS conventions. I am in awe with all who do attend. I find you all very intriguing.
Thank you all for your stories and ideas. I am happy to be among you all.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: What About an Animated Dark Shadows?
« on: April 23, 2005, 10:19:15 PM »
From an old viewer of the original DS, it would not be a bad idea. Animation nowadays is simply fantastic. as long as Animee is not used and CG is done well, you could come up with a very realistic show. I don't even think you need the original voices but in turn, they could be as close as they can be.

I have not a pic but I do have a description of myself, which is not too vague. I am in the west coast. I started to watch DS when I was about seven. If ya really need to know, I started to watch the show when it first start and Barnabus was not even in the mind. I am an average male and I am maried. Both my and I are children of DS. I loved the genre of the show and I guess that is where my inspiration for my books came from.
I do not want to bore you with a bunch of crap but I am as mundane as a person could get. I am certified massage therapist and an announcer of local events. My public speaking is mainly a fad that I went through. I do more conversing on paper and on the web than anywhere else.
I could be lengthy in my conversation but that is because I do not know when to stop. But as I see my wife coming at me with those red eyes,I know now I need to finish. I wish you all well and may Barnabas and the rest of the gouls be within your thoughts always.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Chris Jennings
« on: April 15, 2005, 08:37:11 AM »
Chris Jennings was a characte that was nice interest of Carolyn but it would had been cursed just like all things in Collinwood.

I find it hard to beleive that they would go to all of that trouble to film the pilot and not use it at all. I am long time fan of the show. It is the reason basically for why I write the stories that I write. I love the fact that Barnabas is a vampire and he is one with a heart, sort to speak.

Pages: 1