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Messages - grayson67

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Current Talk '04 I / Re:Does The WB Think DS Has "Vast Potential"?
« on: April 22, 2004, 05:53:46 PM »
I couldn't help but feel compelled to write Kristin at E! an email last night, seeing that the last thing needed at this point is her helping along the Angel/DS war already brewing. Since I watch far too much TV  :-[ I've always enjoyed reading her column and chats and usually she's pretty fair, so it was a bit disappointing to see her blaming DS.

Basically, all I asked of her (and very nicely, I might add) is that she hold off passing judgment on DS until she has actually seen the pilot. I doubt I'll hear back from her, but at least I sent her a levelheaded email in support of DS  ;D

As far as Angel goes, I've been watching it since the beginning, and while I hate to see it cancelled, I haven't really been all that fond of this season. I don't know why Angel fans find it so surprising that it's been cancelled, considering the fact that the WB has never treated the show very well. It has aired in 4 different time slots in 5 years, not to mention the WB came very close to canceling it last year.

grayson67 (Melissa)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:Happy Birthday grayson67!
« on: March 18, 2004, 02:30:02 AM »
Thanks to one and all  ;D ;D ;D

And, Patti, Happy Birthday back at ya fellow St. Patrick's Day baby!!  [wave]


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Which Burke?
« on: February 07, 2004, 05:35:50 AM »
I'm a Mitch Ryan as Burke gal myself. I honestly can't explain why, but I never really accepted Anthony George as Burke... even now, I still can't warm up to his version.  There's just something very flat and uninspired in his performance as that character (some of which may have been because he was the Burke pinch hitter, so to speak).

Having said that, I have a hard time imagining Mitch as Jeremiah. Maybe I just can't picture him in the period costumes  [lghy]

MR's Burke would have knocked Adam on his ass.

Dom, I couldn't agree more! And what fun it would have been to see a knockdown drag out between those two  ;D

grayson67 (Melissa)

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Ep #524
« on: January 14, 2004, 06:49:10 AM »
Vicki really is a saint to put up with him. I don't know how she ever stopped herself from slapping him upside the head whenever he went on a rant like he does in this episode!

I suppose the poor girl rationalizes that she only would have to put up with nasty Jeff until he remembered he was Peter, who was a much nicer guy. Apart from the fact that he looks like Peter, I can't understand what Vicki sees in Jeff, considering a vast majority of the time he's such a jerk to her.

I don't think Roger Davis is way worse than the average DS performer.  He didn't seem to have a clue about his lines sometimes... but he made up some good ones.

This particular episode had a good example of those made up lines. Did anyone else catch the line when he apologized for being rude to Maggie and Joe "down at Vicki's." Somehow I doubt that was the actual line - since, as a general rule, the writers tend to call "Vicki's" Collinwood.  [naughty] (Not that all of the other actors managed to remember the name of the house either, but they did get a bit closer than "down at Vicki's."  [emblgh])

In New England, do girls wear heavy long-sleeved dresses in June?

Vicki must be especially cold blooded, since she was not only wearing long-sleeves but also sitting directly in front of the fireplace at one point. I know a house like that must be drafty, but it IS June. Maybe Collinwood is air conditioned and someone has been cranking up the AC?!? [wink2]

I believe my mom was very much of the same mind as Midnite when it came to the bunnies. In fact, my mother always tells this story about how she was practically fired from her then job as an insurance adjustor in the early 70s (or right around that time) as a result of a bunny-related misunderstanding.

Apparently, she went with a date to the Playboy Club in Detroit. As a gift her date bought her a little gold charm of the playboy bunny symbol (which she still has today). A few days later she wore the charm to work and was summoned into her bosses office - apparently they though she was moonlighting as a bunny. As one of the youngest women in the office quickly working her way up (my mom's quite the smarty ;D) she was appalled¢â‚¬¦ and really embarrassed. Needless to say she didn't wear the charm to work again.

Hmm¢â‚¬¦ she does wear the charm every once and a while these days¢â‚¬¦ perhaps she's trying to embrace her inner bunny  [emblgh]

grayson67 (Melissa - thinking that for the kind of tips they made even I wouldn't mind embracing my inner bunny [diablo])

Current Talk '04 I / Re:1968 Montage (I'm thinking of some of you)
« on: January 09, 2004, 03:33:51 PM »
How is it that these are always the kind of posts that I manage to be reading at work, thus never being able to explain to anyone around me why I'm laughing.

You guys are cracking me up!! The only way to start the morning  [emblgh]

grayson67 (Melissa - who also thought it looked like there was a little sumpthin' going on in the montage)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Favorite Set and Music
« on: January 05, 2004, 06:14:51 AM »
I'm also very partial to Vicki's room, just because it looks so cozy¢â‚¬¦ and because I wouldn't mind a room that comes complete with a fireplace and a secret passage  :) As someone said earlier in this topic, the history behind the room having been Elizabeth's as a young girl and the fact that she chose to give Vicki that particular room always seemed to add a nice touch to the possible ¢â‚¬ËœIs Vicki Elizabeth's daughter plot' (which I know we all mulled over recently.)

Am I crazy, or was it also Josette's room when the family finally moved into Collinwood? (It's been quite a while since I've seen 1795.)

As far as music, I think my favorite is Joanna's theme¢â‚¬¦ but I'm a big NODS fan, so I think that may have something to do with it.

grayson67 (Melissa)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Was Joanna Mills a Witch?
« on: December 09, 2003, 06:07:01 PM »
and the Leviathan Lung Thing was an unusual house pet... ::)

 [emblgh] [emblgh] [emblgh]

I'm sure Megan and Phillip though of it exactly that way¢â‚¬¦ Come here Lungy¢â‚¬¦ sit up¢â‚¬¦ roll over¢â‚¬¦ Good boy ;)

Gregory Trask is without a doubt the worst of the Trask family line. He's just completely despicable - and gets everything he deserves. What I like about that character, as opposed to Lamar, or even the good ol' Rev., is that he's a well developed character, which make him the most interesting of the Trasks to watch. Lamar, on the other hand is the exceedingly boring, tedious and least developed of the three Trasks.

As far as Joanna goes, for some reason, and maybe this was in my mind only, I felt as if even Joanna had no clue she was dead for about 90% of the plot - kind of like Bruce Willis' character in the Sixth Sense. She simply thought she had come back for her lost love. It almost seems as if, at the last minute, the writers changed their minds (What a shock, DS writers changing a plot at the drop of a hat!! lol) and thought HEY wouldn't it be cool if she revealed she was a ghost after all (with a big glowing green face, I might add) before pitching Samantha off Widow's Hill?!?

Just my random thoughts before lunch  ;D

grayson 67 (Melissa)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:OT: My Cat Got a Gold Star!
« on: December 05, 2003, 04:41:18 PM »
Congrats on the scratch free vet visit, Sheenasma  :) She's so pretty. My kitty just had her annual appointment over the weekend and passed with flying colors. They seemed to think she was actually very well behaved¢â‚¬¦ which I'm sorry to say is not always the case at home!!  >:D

grayson67 (Melissa)

Yippie¢â‚¬¦ seeing everyone's pretty kitties gives me an excuse to show a picture of my Buffy:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Barnabas in the sun....
« on: November 20, 2003, 06:17:57 AM »
I'm so glad to find that I'm not the only person who thinks it's strange that Angelique could just lift the curse so quickly and efficiently this time around. Presumably, she had learned a great deal between 1795 and 1840 - but, if this were the case, then she also should have been able to cure him in the same way in 1897.

Of course, the cynic in my says that, given the direction in which the writers were steering the Barnabas/Angelique relationship, the reason for this quick fix cure was that the writers were looking for a fast and easy way to make Barnabas' feeling for Angelique soften.

The more analytical "beat a plot into the ground until I've rationalized every last minute" ;D part of me says that technically, removing the curse in the way it was removed in 1840 would not have been sufficient in 1897. In 1840, no one (with the exception of Julia and Angelique - unless I'm forgetting someone else) knows Barnabas is a vampire - they merely suspect he may be a vampire. But in 1897, many people (Edward, Charity/Pansy, Petofi) knew he was a vampire, therefore the only way to clear Barnabas' name was for another completely innocent Cousin Barnabas to appear, while the vampire Barnabas lie staked in his coffin.

Mind you, that still doesn't explain why she would continue to give the injections in 1897 after Julia was gone, instead of just removing the curse... but, hey, she's Angelique... she may have thought Barnabas would see her as his own personal Florence Nightingale and fall madly in love with her as she nursed him back to humanity  [lghb]

grayson67 (Melissa)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:The New DARK SHADOWS?
« on: November 11, 2003, 08:47:52 PM »
Exactly! And if Willie gets too far out of line, Barnabas could replace him with Kirk.  [wink2]

Kirk would be a perfect fill-in whenever Willie has the day off. And, just think, instead of getting a drink at the Blue Whale, Maggie could take her Pop for a burger and fries Luke's  ;D

grayson67 (Melissa)

That may be the most horrifyingly nunny... I mean funny thing I've seen.

[lol3] [lol3] [lol3]

grayson67 (Melissa)

« on: November 04, 2003, 06:53:56 AM »
The same thing happened to me with Chapter 18, but, just as Mark said, downloading it again did the trick.

By the way Mark, I'm now engrossed in Labyrinth... it's faboo!! (Did I actually use the word faboo in a sentence?!? ::) I don't think I've had enough sleep! LOL)

grayson67 (Melissa) [sleep]

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Serendipity?
« on: October 31, 2003, 10:29:43 PM »
How odd is it that not more than a few minutes after I read this post the radio station I listen to at work played the DS theme song too?!?  I think the DJ was talking about something Halloween related, which I didn't catch because I was too busy telling my co-worker what the song they were playing was. (If she didn't think I'm nutty before, I'm sure she does now! :-[)

Incidentally, the version they played wasn't one I'm familiar with at all... it was very much a generic version (maybe from some Halloween CD?).

Generic Dark Shadows is better than no Dark Shadows at all ;D

grayson67 (Melissa)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Greetings
« on: October 31, 2003, 08:24:17 PM »
Never fear Jordi. When I first started watching DS it was on a local PBS station and one day it just disappeared from their schedule without any warning at all. Apart from a few random episodes here and there, I didn't manage to see it again until I got SciFi in 1995.

One thing I've learned being a Dark Shadows fan is that no matter how often DS disappears on us, somehow we always manage to find it again... or it manages to find us!! (feel free to add some sort of evil menacing laugh >:D)

:) Welcome!! :)
grayson67 (Melissa)

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