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Messages - morlock

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Current Talk '24 I / Re: A Very Interesting Blog Entry
« on: June 13, 2020, 01:53:15 PM »
I "love" how hundreds of people pretend they don't know who I am or what I do.

It makes me feel very welcome, I must say.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: A Very Interesting Blog Entry
« on: June 13, 2020, 12:44:42 AM »
Oh good! (I think...) It is an interesting phenomenon with a lot of facets. I wouldn't mind a little chat either on the web-log or by email. I have a hard time getting over to this site and finding everything lately. (Not that I don't appreciate the site! Calms me down a great deal.)

Making friends with a fan of the idea first has been an endless blessing to me. Wish I could have her stay with us for a week. ^_^

Hee hee hee hee hee! That sounds familiar. Now that I think over Eagle cane, I'm wondering if it could be for the Eagle Hill cemetery caretaker. He seemed like he needed a cane too.

Looks like a bird to me! Maybe it's more a Laura Collins cane instead.  [ghost_happy]

Aye-aye, MB. I suppose it would have been more helpful if they expressed it as "humour" instead of "comedy". Thanks for explaining the article a bit more there. Glad to see this board at last too, after years of not being able to see it. You all really understand the load of missteps that arrives in so much reporting out there. It's a treat and relief to see.

Hmm - the author of this one certainly seems confused:

The Vampire Comedy 'Dark Shadows' Is Getting A Reboot On The CW
A new adaptation of the American cult series is now on the cards.

I'm not sure which country this site is in, but they do use the European method for dates (the article is dated 12/09/2019) so perhaps they can be forgiven for only knowing the Depp/DS film. But still, they manage to claim the original series was a comedy, which it obviously wasn't...

We-l-l-l-l, it actually says "a mix of soap opera and the comedy typical of the era." That's pretty close to me as when I started viewing the original. I thought, "Wait, that person cracked a joke! I can't remember ever hearing this kind of humour on a soap opera before." Of course I was growing up on things like 'Eastenders' and 'Another World' (sorry), and other ones I saw were always dead-serious in tone. Then, with 'Dark Shadows', things like Carter's issue with his mustard on ham from the deli came up. That seemed to be really important to him over the details of Roger's accident.

At first I was thinking, "Maybe they are considering the era as the 1960's for having humour," but the only semi serious drama I can (at present) remember with that went back to the 1950's on radio, X Minus One, which had quite a bit of humour at times that kept me interested over other science fiction stories. I've often wondered if there was a window of time in broadcast and silver screen where humour was expected or natural as a basic cushion, whereas "comedy" in label might be more in keeping with never ending gags piling up.

I was on that mindset as well, hearing that "Supernatural" was ending soon so something on a similar level could fill up the slot.

I'm so grateful to see all the discussion about this. I got the news a few minutes ago and just wasn't sure what to guesstimate. I'm so encouraged by everyone's thoughts and comments to give me some solace on the possibilities and probabilities. It's big news, but when isn't it?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: The Beginning of 1795
« on: June 29, 2019, 03:51:40 PM »
Oh ho ho! Ya got me! I was using a different web-log. That Robservations is good! I should try that more.  [ghost_cheesy]

Current Talk '24 I / Re: The Beginning of 1795
« on: June 29, 2019, 08:18:58 PM »
I wish I could find the line and which episode for Cassandralique expressing Victoria going into the past giving her the clue. I did look about but I realised it was definitely "needle in a haystack" work.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: The Beginning of 1795
« on: June 28, 2019, 06:53:20 AM »
That sounds rather jarring to say the least! I feel luckier having more leverage with being able to replay something I might not have caught initially. Phyllis Wick often made me completely curious how her own story had played out without Victoria switching places in time with her.

Otherwise when I first watched 1795 I thought, "Finally! We're going to get some answers!" and we sure did. As well as a lot of soap-opera filler, but that is part of the deal, isn't it?

Wow, that was most informative. Thank you all. Now my teeth are chattering a bit at the price of a new paperback starting at $819.16! Yikes.

Whoah... I know he's not going to be there but I didn't even know (until now) that Wilford Brimley was still even with us!

I wouldn't be surprised. Actually it's a good thought. He could sell the 1790's money to get new clothes after getting out of the coffin.

I definitely remember when I was writing for my own vampires one of the gals had a piece of eight lodged in her purse, along with other tidbits from various decades.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Where Was Willie Loomis From?
« on: September 13, 2018, 07:11:49 AM »
This is the absolute best discussion of Willie Loomis and his vague background I have ever read in my entire DS-life. I appreciate it very deeply. Thank you so much.

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