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Messages - Khanada

Pages: 1
Current Talk '02 I / Re: Directors for a new series
« on: June 14, 2002, 06:52:28 PM »
Russel Mulchay??  Oh, darling!!  My favorite video director!  You know him from Razorback.  I know him from Rio and Hungry Like the Wolf.  

Anyone out there like Russel for this topic?

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Directors for a new series
« on: June 14, 2002, 05:28:35 PM »
As much as I adore Tim Burton, and love his genius, I could not see him directing DS.  The morbid and freaky factors would go through the roof!  

I agree with Miles 23 that my first choices for directors have been a bit too hard core sci-fi. But when I was thinking of directors, I was thinking of people who could slip into the series with a hand at the sci-fi, strange and soapy.  As well as people who could probably use a little variety to their resume.  

My hubby, the crypytkeeper, thinks I'm nuts when I do my casting for the show.  I'm making a spreadsheet of actors I 'd love to see in a new series.  He keeps bugging me to get a script written.  He's convinced I'd do a great job.  (I love putting him on the spot! :-*)

I can't agree with Chris Carter.  I just can't.  And I don't know why.  Sweetheart, what do you think about John Carpenter?  That's an interesting suggestion.  But I have been thinking of a series, not a movie.  Could he make that transition?

Goddess, the possibilities are endless!

Current Talk '02 I / Directors for a new series
« on: June 13, 2002, 08:08:43 PM »
Hi, I'm a newbie.  My husband, the cryptkeeper is a new member, too.  

We were discussing the other night who we thought would be ideal to direct for a possible new DS series.  I suggested Kim Manners (of X-Files fame) and Jonathan Frakes.  I'd love to hear what other DS fans have to say!

Pages: 1