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Messages - Richard

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Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: November 29, 2012, 04:21:47 AM »
My thanks to retzev for his support in both threads.

We need more support in both threads, folks.

Can someone help me obtain screen captures of the cut scenes for my upcoming breakdown? I know there's missing footage in trailers and TV spots and on-set photos and such, but my PC doesn't have a video card or the ability to capture frames. So I must ask for help. I will keep plugging away at both places. Large rez screen captures at 500 kb or higher will be a big help. Use the Private Message function and I will provide an email where you can send them.

Many thanks.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:01:18 AM »
[See Reply #336 for link --admin]
Anyone who likes NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS has been dismissed as a fan of the program.

I got into it with him.

Meanwhile, my thread on Home Theater Forum needs all the support it can get. Just on the click on the link in my post above. A moderator changed the title from "NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS -- butchered on blu-ray" to "-- history and possible restoration?" and moved it out of the blu-ray section. Everyone please register and post there before the thread drops off Warner Home Video's radar.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: November 27, 2012, 08:02:30 AM »

I tried real hard to be nice but that review pushed my buttons.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: November 25, 2012, 02:41:23 AM »
If fans want NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS restored and released on blu-ray, you're going to have fight for it. You've already spent 14 years hoping, and then Warner Brothers slapped the theatrical version onto blu-ray with an utter lack of care. That's it. They're done. It's over. Don't expect a special edition if the current edition sells well. That's not how it works. They will consider the market played out and the consumer demand satisfied.

I started a thread at Home Theater Forum that needs the support of Dark Shadows fans. Warner Home Video actively participates on HTF even to the extent of hosting field trips to studio for the membership. The head of the department monitors the posts there, and many back-catalogue titles the members have requested do get released. You don't have to write anything profound, just state that you want to see the 129 minute director's cut restored and that you'll buy it. Keep it simple or write longer posts if you want to, but stay focused on demanding NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS:

If there is persistence and enough people interested, WHV will take notice and there will be results. They've responded to costlier undertakings in the past. But right now the thread is sinking down to the backpages. The trick is to keep the thread active and near the top of the page.

If you're not persistent it means you don't want the film badly enough.

Many thanks.

I expect the film will be a big hit with the audience being targeted and with the Depp / Burton fan base. That's all it needs.

Did anyone here see Captain America (2011)? This was a hit film by Marvel Comics new production company arm. It is a period action-adventure set in World War 2 (1942) in which a scrawny young man who wants to serve his country is rejected as 4F by the military. [spoiler] So he submits to a new experiment that weaponizes humans so that they can win in combat. But all the US Army can find for him to do is sell war bonds by making a fool out of him in a "captain America" costume. Gradually, he proves himself in combat, and wins acceptance. There is an emotional arc in his progress, and in believable interaction with other characters. There is an intelligent story at work. Then, after two hours of exposition, his plane goes down, and he is frozen in the Arctic for 70 years. But the movie isn't over yet. There is a brief epilogue, lasting less than twenty minutes, in which his body is recovered and he is revived. As the movie ends he is facing a modern world in Times Square, and with a bright future ahead of him.[/spoiler]

If Tim Burton had directed Captain America -- and if Johnny Depp had starred in it -- they would have reduced the two-hour period action-adventure to a brief prologue of about twenty minutes or so, then turned the film into a full-length farce about how Captain America comes to terms with modern times. Instead of making a classic, standard-setting superhero adventure, they would trivialize it with ridicule. They know how to ridicule. They don't know how to tell a legitimate story. They are preoccupied with their own kinky fetishes and kinky humor, and they think everybody else is the same way. They have enough of a fanbase to reinforce their insulated ego bubble.

The Dan Curtis estate exercised extremely poor judgment in selling the rights to Depp and his crony Burton. I'm very disappointed in the estate.

I expected nothing better from Pierson.


A different type of Dark Shadows?

It's not Dark Shadows at all.

Outwardly, it uses the names and iconography. Inwardly, it is an exercise in contempt.


Didn't Jim Pierson state on the internet radio that the trailers accurately represent the film?

Hasn't Tim Burton said in an interview that (edited by admin)

There is such a thing as being too skeptical.

Depp, Burton and Pierson will say whatever they have to say to sell the movie. Understand that if they can get good ticket sales on opening weekend, and put the film in the black, they are justified, financially, before the backlash hits. A film this size can recover its investment in a weekend. They also know there is a new audience that doesn't have the same involvement in Dark Shadows that older fans have. This parody throws the older fans under the bus and enables Depp and Burton to flip the middle finger. They are arrogant people who thrive on extreme behavior. The celebrities have just told you what they think of you. The younger fans will keep spending their money on the new product, or forget about it as they did Bewitched  and The Green Hornet parodies / reboots.

Turning the new feature film into a Saturday Live Night parody of the program is not a legitimate extension of Dark Shadows. Just because it was discussed in the 2004 negotiation doesn't make it right. Dan Curtis despised that, and expressed his opinion of the reboots and negotiations in the interview on The Night Stalker / The Night Strangler DVD. This is a parody that appeals to the lowest common denominator. Many of you will laugh at the cheap jokes, but the film could have been so much better, so much more.

Personally, I've stopped listening to Jim Pierson. I don't believe a word he says. I have reason to know he mis-represents Dan Curtis's intentions. He knows who butters his bread. The less he has to do with Dark Shadows, the better.

I see David Lynch and Guillermo del Toro mentioned as possible directors for a Dark Shadows reboot. This suggests to me starting a new separate thread asking fans what they would like to see in a Dark Shadows feature film.


Dan Curtis never "betrayed" his vision and he never "betrayed" Dark Shadows.

What a load of rubbish.

Like all independent producers, Dan Curtis had to shop his projects to the studios and networks for financing and distribution. No matter who you are, money usually comes at the cost of creative control. Curtis never had the clout that Burton and Depp have. I happen to know that he was unhappy with the reboots and very unhappy that he had made the creative control concessions that were required to get those made. He shared in many of the frustrations fans had with both reboots, only moreso. The last reboot especially. Watch the interview with Dan Curtis on The Night Stalker / The Night Strangler DVD where he expresses his disgust over  "development" with the kid execs half his age.

While Dan Curtis may have been open to new ideas and going in different directions, parody is not one of them. Curtis had integrity and too much sense to piss on his whole life. Further, if his estate were discriminating, they would never have licensed Dark Shadows and The Night Stalker to someone like Depp. Depp is a huge international star, but he is the wrong person, creatively for these projects. Depp and Burton are one-trick ponies. They make fetish movies and parodies of other people's creative work. That's the only thing they know how to do. They disrespect Dark Shadows as even as they brag about their affection for it. Knowing what to expect from them, I am not surprised that they turned Dark Shadows into a Mystery Science Theater 3000 parody. Everybody should realize by now what kind of movies they make.

If anyone has betrayed Dark Shadows, it's Jim Pearson.

To the person who asked, yes, I've read The Woman In Black by Susan Hill, and have a 1st edition. I also have the original British telefilm scripted by Nigel Kneale (1989) on DVD. I attended a preview of the new version now in release -- excellent period film, superb ghost story -- and intend to see it again.


Note how the script writer uses extreme logic -- the new film has to be either a comedy at one extreme or a chamber piece with organ music at the other extreme -- to justify his inability or refusal to write a straightforward Gothic horror film. I disagree with the bias that the traditional approach is out of date. The traditional approach is precisely what people have been hoping for and looking forward to. THE WOMAN IN BLACK (2012) proves that a straightforward period Gothic horror film is still viable and very much in vogue.

The truth is Depp and Burton are one-trick ponies. They know how to make a parody. Every film they make together is a parody. So Seth Graham-Scott wrote a parody because that what he was commissioned to write. His reasoning in that interview is just spin.


Come to think of it, too bad Daniel Radcliffe didn't play Barnabas Collins in a film directed by -- oh, anybody but Burton. Radcliffe is one of England's finest, a superb talent, and he can act circles around Depp. He doesn't try to be cute all the time, either.


Author Susan Hill was influenced by Dark Shadows when she wrote The Woman In Black, published in 1983, and now considered a classic Gothic ghost story.

In case Jim Pierson or anyone else tries to tell you that Gothic horror films don't work today, The Woman In Black has been a tremendous success this year. It opened in February and is still in theatrical release. It is more like a Dan Curtis film from the 1970s than Tim Burton's Dark Shadows. In fact, Burton and his entourage could learn a lot from it about how to tell a story.

By ridiculing Dark Shadows and turning the film into a parody of the program, Burton and Depp have insured that a straightforward adaptation will never get made. Industry insiders will ever take it seriously again, and neither will the general public.


Tom Selleck, quoted on IMDb on why he refused a cameo in the theatrical remake of Magnum P.I.:

I tell you what worries me -- because I love "Magnum" and we have
loyal fans -- is they take these TV show titles, and they buy them
and they spend $100 million on special effects, and then they make
fun of them and trivialize it. Then they try to get the actor who used
to be in it to do some ridiculous cameo to prove to the audience
that it's okay. And I will not do that.

Same thing has happened to Dark Shadows.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:11:32 PM »
Was that sarcasm, Phil?

Sarcasm directed at other posters is both unproductive and unwelcome.

No, I'm referring to the 1990s negotiations and the early 2000s negotiations.

Understand that I cherish Dark Shadows and I respect Dan Curtis.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:04:23 PM »
I assure you the film is not respectful of the original series.

Depp and Burton's idea of respect is not my idea of respect.

Further, I don't believe Dan Curtis would like this film.

Every part Depp plays is in flamboyant clothes and headgear and face paint, way over the top, like a drag queen. When you see the film, and his makeup, you'll see what I mean.

It's sad that so many people are going to accept this garbage as Dark Shadows.

It is NOT Dark Shadows, and that's that.


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