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Messages - BryceLozier

Pages: 1
I have two ideas for potential cast members...

As a matron role (Elizabeth Stoddard, Naomi Collins, etc), I name Maggie Smith (most recently McGonagall from Harry Potter)
And as either Roger or Joshua, I propose Sean Connery.

Any takers here?

Current Talk '10 II / My thoughts on the new Johnny Depp DS film
« on: September 12, 2010, 05:16:10 PM »
I recently wrote a blog on my MySpace about the new DS film. Here is the link to it. I would like your thoughts on it.

Current Talk '10 II / Discussion on Josette's Portrait
« on: September 08, 2010, 02:31:38 AM »
My question is, who was it that sat for the original "Josette" portrait as seen in the Old House? The reason I ask is that after seeing it so many times, I honestly do NOT believe that Kathryn Leigh Scott (KLS) was the model for the portrait, in spite of her playing the flesh-and-blood character later on. My reasons for believing this are:

1) The Josette in the portrait appears to have a larger bust-line than KLS has (trying to state this as respectfully as I can, but KLS appeared to be a rather slender woman, more so than the model for the portrait)

2) On a similar note, KLS appears to have an, ahem, "thinner" face than the model does. For example, KLS's cheekbones are more clearly visible than the painted Josette's are; and also, the painted Josette has more prominent lips than KLS has, etc, etc.

Anyone else notice this??

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Okay, Stupid Question about Frid
« on: September 03, 2010, 12:04:35 AM »
Okay, sseeing this thread encourages me to share something I personally have noticed about Frid. On one of the blooper-outtake DVDs by MPI, there is a segment where Frid appeared as a guest on the Merv Griffin Show. There, out of character, whenever Frid spoke, he appeared to have a slight speech impediment (namely, a lisp). HOWEVER, on DS, in character Frid never showed the slightest speech problem. What's up with this?

Current Talk '10 II / Discussion on Jenny Collins
« on: August 27, 2010, 04:44:12 PM »
Hello all, this is my first post here on the board, so here goes...

I have been reading the episode summaries, and I would like to start a discussion on the character of "Crazy" Jenny Collins.

First, let's make the hypothetical assumption that Jenny is a real person, same as you or I. Now, let's also assume that she presents the same general pattern of behaviors she exhibits in episodes 716 and 717. For a recap, those include:

-- sneaking around, trying at all costs to avoid being seen by those she does not wish to reveal herself to
-- a general inability to distinguish certain inanimate objects from living things (her caring for Nora's doll as if it were a living child)
-- homicidal tendencies (trying to burn Judith alive in bed; threatening to stab Judith with the scissors)
-- rapidly cycling shifts in personality (going from preparing to murder Judith to crooning a lullaby to her "babies" nearly instantaneously)
-- making statements which, to you or I, would seem quite nonsensical (see her "What color is a lie?" speech)

Furthermore, let's assume that she, through whatever series of events, found herself in a legitimate mental institution.

My question is, what would most likely end up being Jenny's diagnosis?

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