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Messages - usffan

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Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: August 06, 2012, 12:40:24 AM »
I have this vision of Ms. Pineda-Rives as one of the militant "Boycott Tim Burton's Dark Shadows" campers screaming "liberate Dark Shadows from this abomination of a movie!"

I went to see the movie yesterday.  I should preface this by saying that I have not read the book, and one of the reasons why I wanted to see this was to see how Seth Grahame-Smith wrote a screenplay to source material I wasn't previously invested in and possibly see why he was selected to pen (or at least tweak) the Dark Shadows screenplay. 

While I felt that the concept had a few clever concepts to provide "context" to things like the Lincoln-Douglas debates and his son Willie, I pretty much felt like this movie was a hot mess.  It kind of felt like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be an action movie or a thoughtful reimagining of historical events, and therefore fell short of doing either.  They never really explained how their vampires were free to roam the earth in daylight, how some vampires seemed to be able to largely control their urges or any restrictions on killing them.  There was something fairly provocative about the naming of the primary antagonist (I don't want to say anything more for fear of spoiling anything), but it was never delivered on.  Finally, there were a couple of ostensibly surprising plot twists that I found fairly transparent. 

The long and the short of it is, I don't understand what it was about this that would have prompted Tim Burton to invite Grahame-Smith to tweak the Dark Shadows script. 

Caption This! - Dark Shadows 2012 / Re: Dark Shadows 2012
« on: June 14, 2012, 04:04:56 AM »
They're real, and they're spectacular!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: June 01, 2012, 09:19:26 PM »
With the Thursday box office results now in, Dark Shadows stands at $66,973,841 heading into the weekend, which places it at #13 for the year to date in terms of domestic box office.  If the weekend projections of $3.8MM are right, Dark Shadows would pass Act of Valor and be within $2MM of John Carter.  I think there's a reasonable chance that it will eventually get there before its run in theaters ends. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 30, 2012, 10:39:47 PM »
As far as the box office goes, I think it's safe to say that Dark Shadows will pass Contraband before this weekend.  I think it's possible that it will catch Act of Valor, but I'm kind of hoping that it can hang on long enough to catch John Carter.  I desperately want to have as much ammunition as possible to argue whenever somebody suggests that the movie was a flop, and to be able to point to real flops like John Carter clearly was (and Battleship is shaping up to be) certainly helps. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 30, 2012, 10:31:43 PM »
I agree, CB, that the way she appears so briefly in the film does seem to give the impression of someone from an earlier time. But looking closely at the still shot, I agree with Midnite that it is very 1960s.

Wouldn't that make sense, though?  She was lost at sea before Julia was brought in, which was at least 3 years before (if I'm remembering the dates mentioned in the movie), and we don't know how much time elapsed between Laura's death and Julia's arrival.  So that puts Laura's death back to at least Halloween, 1969, and I think it's safe to assume that neither a ghost, a banshee or a phoenix would have updated their wardrobe after death.  [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:44:16 PM »
MB, you mentioned many pages ago that you were waiting to give your own detailed analysis of the movie until after you'd seen the movie a second time.  Now that you've done that, I for one would be very interested to hear your thoughts. [ghost_smiley]

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 25, 2012, 07:43:45 PM »
Thursday's box office resulted in another $1,151,342, which moves Dark Shadows' domestic box office to $55,482,896, which is currently good enough to place it at #19 for the year to date:

Although I anticipate that Men In Black III will leapfrog Dark Shadows this weekend, I also suspect that there are 5 or so movies that could fall behind Dark Shadows this weekend. 

While there has been quite a bit of concern expressed that this movie will be viewed as a bomb, I don't share those concerns.  I feel reasonably certain that the "bomb" label will go with movies like John Carter and Battleship long before it gets attached to Dark Shadows.  And I do expect the movie to do well in the aftermarket. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 20, 2012, 07:01:27 AM »
While I would have loved to have seen more of Barnabas and Victoria's budding romance, it's hard to envision a 1972-era Alice Cooper song to which they could have slow danced. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 20, 2012, 12:47:14 AM »
I'm not sure you can look at the movie as a "bomb" just yet for a variety of reasons.  First, as has been pointed out several times, ALL movies have paled in comparison with The Avengers, which took in $400MM domestically in two weeks and has set a number of box office records.  Even The Hunger Games hasn't made that in the United States in nearly 2 months of release, and it had most of that time to earn income before The Avengers came out.  Second, let's look at a few other films that are in release right now.  Battleship, which supposedly cost $200MM to make, made $9MM in its first night of release compared with Dark Shadows' $9.6MM.  The Dictator has taken in just under $12.8MM in its first 3 days of release (and I believe was promoted more heavily than Dark Shadows - to the point that I was sick of the commercials).  Dark Shadows took in just under $30MM in its first 3 days.  To be fair, that was 3 full weekend days compared to The Dictator's Wednesday release, but I'm willing to bet Dark Shadows will still be ahead after 5 days, when both will have had a full weekend for comparison.  In only 8 days, Dark Shadows has already surpassed The Three Stooges, The Cabin in the Woods and The Raven.  Plus, as MB points out, this movie has a fair amount of potential to make money in the DVD/Blu Ray market, so I am not in any way worried about the "bomb" label just yet.  I think when people think of films that bombed in 2012, John Carter is going to far surpass any other. 

And, to answer why some people are worried about the commercial success, I for one am hoping that it's enough of a success that it will allow whatever hurdles remain to get the restored version of Night of Dark Shadows released.  I really want to see that movie as it was originally intended.  I would not be as opposed as others to a sequel, either. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 16, 2012, 01:55:43 AM »
Since my first viewing was in a regular theater, I decided to check the movie out again in IMAX.  Also, since I knew the various plot twists, there were a few things I picked up on with the benefit of hindsight. 

First, IMAX added to my enjoyment of the film.  I don't know if some of the details I'd missed the first time were simply easier to see because of the clarity of the screen or the fact that I was paying better attention since I didn't need to worry about following the plot.  Having said that, I really enjoyed the crispness of the fall colors as the camera follows the train.  By the way, I'd be curious to see what Amtrak's logo and railcars looked like in 1972.  Both seemed a bit more modern than I recall. 

Now to some of the details.  I think Burton dropped a few hints about Carolyn's "curse."  The full moon in the painting that the painters refurbished is on the wall in the dining room, and there are several shots of Carolyn in that first meal where Victoria meets the family where the camera clearly has panned back to make it appear that Carolyn is right below the full moon.  I also think that Angelique's first interaction with Carolyn was worded quite carefully.  Angelique says something akin to (I don't have the benefit of the script) "You must be Carolyn.  You're becoming quite the ravishing creature."  Considering that we know Angelique was the one who turned her into a werewolf, that can't be an accident.  Finally, when Barnabas is in Carolyn's room, there's what appears to be a Polaroid picture of an animal that at least resembles a wolf pinned to the wall above her left shoulder.  In all, it was probably still far too subtle to not have her fate seem to come out of left field, but there were other hints than what I'd mentioned earlier. 

A few other details I hadn't particularly picked up on.  There's a scene where Julia walks into the breakfast room late and reacts VERY strongly to the sunlight glaring in.  While I simply took that as a result of her hangover, I think it was probably also intended to be a hint about what she was doing with Barnabas' blood.  I also found it interesting that they made Julia so vain.  Not only in her search for youth, but the way both Elizabeth (intentionally) and Barnabas (innocently, it seemed to me) so easily appealed to that vanity - Elizabeth by getting her to pipe down about her indignation and become "fascinated" with studying Barnabas and Barnabas' polite remark about how she must have been very beautiful if she gets half as pretty every day.   

Another thing I hadn't really appreciated as much was how Victoria's empathy for how he saw his mother's ghost was borne in part out of the fact that she had seen Josette's ghost her whole life.  In fact, they really made Josette a much more active driver of the outcome of this than I had picked up on.  Think back to what she says to Barnabas as they profess their love to one another in the beginning.  Again, I don't have the exact wording, but she says something like "Promise me we'll be together forever."  In fact, her last words to Barnabas were "Help me," which I found haunting since she repeats them to Victoria several times, and the last time Victoria speaks to Barnabas before going over Widow's Hill, I think we're meant to assume that Josette has already possessed her. 

I had seen somebody point out that one of the movie posters at the theater in Collinsport may have in fact been for House of Dark Shadows.  The night that Barnabas is released and walks through town, they show the theater and one of the posters does indeed look like the poster.  It went by so quickly that I couldn't be sure, but I will definitely look for it when I can stop the picture on DVD somewhere down the line. 

I hadn't picked up on it on my first viewing, but I think we're supposed to assume that Roger is fiending for cocaine in many of his scenes.  You can see his hand twitching, his jaw moving from side to side and his eyes blinking rapidly.  Since he clearly isn't opposed to drug use - he supplied the coat attendant with the pot she was smoking - it's not out of character.  The thing is, I was 10 and too oblivious to know about what drugs were readily available in 1972.  Was cocaine so readily available?  I remember it more as a late '70's drug. 

I know we'd talked about potential corporate sponsorship in the movie.  It seems reasonable to assume Shell and Coca Cola paid to have signage represented in Collinsport.  I had also originally assumed that Chevy might have paid to have the joke about "we don't have horses, we have a Chevy."  I also think Angelique was driving a 1972 Chevy Corvette convertible.  But since other makes were shown, including multiple VW vans, I'm not sure.  However, I chuckled to see that the car they used to haul Maggie off to Windcliff (I hadn't noticed the Windcliff name on my first viewing) was a Ford.  Maybe Chevy indeed snuck that in, so the "bad guys" were driving a rival car.  In the early seasons of 24, the good guys all used Apple computers while the bad guys all used PCs.

I was paying attention to the cameo scene.  I hadn't picked up that right before their first appearance, Carolyn laments that Alice Cooper wasn't there, and Barnabas suggests she check out the evening's entertainment.  Then Barnabas turns to the door as the four of them arrive.  Not only does TLATKLS say "Thank you for having us," but Jonathan Frid says at the same time "Good evening."  In the other scenes, I think it's supposed to be inferred that Frid is behind Elizabeth, since the other three are clearly seen with what amounts to a person-sized void between them and obscured by Elizabeth. 

More details if I think of them...

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:05:59 AM »
But pretty soon, other blockbusters are coming out- Battleship, Prometheus, Men In Black, etc. etc. 

Potentially too far off topic, but they showed previews for Battleship before Dark Shadows.  I don't know if it's just me, but that movie looks like a big stinker. 

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