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Messages - MUGGYY

Pages: 1
Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: Shadows at Sea
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:53:20 PM »
The thing about cruise ships is, they rarely get more that 3,000 to 4,000 feet away from land.  Of course, the land is below the ship, not next to it.   [ghost_wink]

Saw the trailer a few hours ago and I'm still in utter disbelief at what I watched. I rewound and watched it a few more times, and I still can't believe it.

It'd be hard to imagine a worse way to redo Dan Curtis' Dark Shadows than to turn it into a lame and unfunny spoof which is what Tim Burton and Johnny Depp have clearly done. I don't know what's more shocking...  Depp and Burton (who claim to be DS fans) thinking that doing it as if it was "The Addams Family" or "The Munsters" was the way to go... or that a number of the original cast members agreed to do cameos in it (they can't have known they were doing a film that mocks the show like this does, and must've been blinded by Depp's movie star status)... or that Dan Curtis Productions agreed to license the show and let it be made into a joke. It's beyond disappointing to see what they've done with the late Mr. Curtis' brilliant, dark, gothic saga. Tim Burton's Dark Shadows is an embarrassment and is to Dan Curtis' Dark Shadows what "Love at First Bite" and "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" are to "Horror of Dracula" or Dan Curtis' own excellent version of Dracula. A spoof that mock's the original source material and vampires in general. What a waste.

I have absolutely no interest in seeing this goofy film.

I don't know you, but I share your sentiment completely.  I have decided to not waist my vacation, money, and energy on attending the premier in Hollywood or when it is released locally.  Additionally, I will not attend any DS festival that either Burton or Depp attend (I doubt either would show their face at one now anyway).  They have made a mockery of the entire DS series and I in no way consider them to be DS fans.

What I don't understand is how Johnathan has allowed himself to be associated with this.

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Re: Any 2012 festival news?
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:08:30 PM »
I know in December my boss will start asking for 2012 vacation plans, so this was also on my mind.  Burbank worked great for me, close to the airport and a nice hotel.  Would love to go back there. 

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: ShadowGram Update #227
« on: November 11, 2010, 06:54:58 PM »
I keep looking to read about the location of the next Fest.  Isn't it unusual to take so long to announce the city and motel? 

Thank you!   I guess I'm just a little too anxious and/or afraid of missing the dinner.

I am also wondering about the registration forms for the festival and dinner.  Usually they are sent out much earlier in the year.  I sent a SASE to the festival, but haven't heard from anyone.

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