General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: Cassandra on June 03, 2003, 10:06:00 AM

Title: Was it Necessary?
Post by: Cassandra on June 03, 2003, 10:06:00 AM
Did Jeb really need to go through all that trouble ressurecting four dead bodies and then turn them into zombies just to kidnap little ole Julia??  What happened to Bruno & Sky?  Bruno was dying to make good by Jeb so he would have helped with anything.  I hadn't seen this in so long so I had to laugh when I saw what he was using these zombies for.
Where's Oberan & Haza when you need them?

Title: Re:Was it Necessary?
Post by: vampire675 on June 03, 2003, 04:37:18 PM
Yes, Cassandra
I think Jeb was thinking that the army of zombies he was going to raise would be more faithful and follow his orders, unlike his living disciples like Sky and Bruno, who had their own ambitions and would be apt to turn on him, if they saw it would be to their own advantage.

Vampire 675
Title: Re:Was it Necessary?
Post by: Debra on June 03, 2003, 08:06:32 PM
I agree Cassandra, but then nothing Jeb does suprises me anymore!  I think he just tries to scare people and the scarier, the better.  You're right, he could have just used Bruno or Sky, since they're suppose to be his "faithfull" followers,  or better yet,  he could have just turned into that monster thing and scared everyone off!!

Alot of the things they've done during this storyline make no sense to me anyway.   Was it really necessary to raise up the Sherriff??  What did he use him for?  To keep watch over Maggie, which Im sure anyone could have done, even David & Amy!!!

Title: Re:Was it Necessary?
Post by: Happybat on June 03, 2003, 08:31:05 PM
Was it really necessary to raise up the Sherriff??  What did he use him for?  To keep watch over Maggie, which Im sure anyone could have done, even David & Amy!!!


Maybe Davenport's corpse was simply "fresher" than some of the others in the graveyard?  The way they dig up these poor bodies, you'd think they'd post "raise by" freshness dates on the tombstones!  Yucko!!!  [eek]
Title: Re:Was it Necessary?
Post by: Annie on June 03, 2003, 08:41:25 PM
Hello, Cassandra i agree too Jeb probably wanted
some attention just to get his way!
            Love Anne :o
Title: Re:Was it Necessary?
Post by: Raineypark on June 03, 2003, 08:43:26 PM
"raise by" freshness dates on the tombstones!"

Brilliant, Happybat!!! [lghy]
Title: Re:Was it Necessary?
Post by: Julia99 on June 03, 2003, 08:52:17 PM
Did Jeb really need to go through all that trouble ressurecting four dead bodies and then turn them into zombies just to kidnap little ole Julia

Maybe their afraid she had been watching Kung Fu or knew some new fangled Matrix-type moves. . .4 men against one 5'7" woman who weighs less than a stick . .. yeah yeah MACHO MEN or zombies as it were .. .
Title: Re:Was it Necessary?
Post by: Gothick on June 03, 2003, 09:41:57 PM
In 1970, I found the site of Julia knocked out, abducted, and carried off by a covey of zombies to be absolutely horrifying.  As I recall it, it was the Friday cliffhanger, which meant I spent an entire f-ing weekend biting my nails wondering whether she was going to survive, or get turned into zombie-bait by the nefarious Jeb (who I always thought of as "the evil hippie").

Now, of course, whenever this episode airs, I laugh my head off.  How cynical we become.

And of course, I now know the meaning of true eee-vil since every time the camera shows a close-up of lovely and talented Chris Pennock as Jeb, I see the jowls and ears of a drooling hog superimposed over his features.

Took the Mysterious Benefactor to teach me some hard lessons about Life, you see.
