General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '06 II => Topic started by: AndreDuPres on August 26, 2006, 10:25:51 PM

Title: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: AndreDuPres on August 26, 2006, 10:25:51 PM
Who do you think would have made Vicki the happiest out of her prospective boyfriends?  I'm going with Burke Devlin for this one.  I've been watching the summer of 1967, and they're just so great together.  I get all tingly when the "Missy" music plays and they're out on the terrace.  So romantic.
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Ian on August 27, 2006, 01:52:48 AM
I definitely thought that she seemed to be way more "star-crossed" with Burke than Peter/Jeff. I never thought that Alexandra and Roger had that much chemistry on screen. Maybe it's just me. o_O
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Josette on August 27, 2006, 07:19:13 AM
Burke was certainly a good match for her, but once I finally had a chance to see the earlier episodes, I was kind of hoping she'd get together with Frank Garner.
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Gerard on August 27, 2006, 03:40:57 PM
I also tend to lean towards Frank.  They were closer in age than she was with Burke, and you could tell there was a spark there.

Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Sunny_Collins on August 27, 2006, 08:45:51 PM
I too think Burke and Vicki would have been happy together. Jeff/Peter and Vicki just didn't seem to hit it off.
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: DSFan008 on August 27, 2006, 09:22:20 PM
i always prefered her with Frank Garner they just had a good chemistry. Followed by Burke

Jeff/Peter was dumb and felt that the writers just did it so 1897 could have a more natural soap opera angle/story
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: TERRY308 on August 28, 2006, 04:35:50 AM
Frank Garner.  He was very cute, a lawyer and was around her age.  Besides, he was always at Collinwood and needed "some papers" signed or,and looked over by Mrs. Stoddard.

Burke was to old, a loud mouth and the type of guy that when he say something and you didn't do it, you "never loved" him.

Peter/Jeff came up to bat and after three balls, well, he struck out.  He was annoying, hair-feeling weiner. 
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: arashi on August 28, 2006, 05:00:59 AM
I have never seen the pre-Barnabas episodes, well 99% of them anyway, so I am looking forward to a smarter Vicki.

As much as I like Burke (the REAL Burke) I don't think he and Vicki were a good match at all. She was so very innocent and he had just finished doing a five year stint in the big house. I think her innocence may have been refreshing to him at first, but it may have worn thin after a while.
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: michael c on August 28, 2006, 06:20:33 PM
Who do you think would have made Vicki the happiest out of her prospective boyfriends?  I'm going with Burke Devlin for this one.  I've been watching the summer of 1967, and they're just so great together.  I get all tingly when the "Missy" music plays and they're out on the terrace.  So romantic.

i totally agree andre,

i love the 1967 episodes.vicki was at her absolute most radiant on that terrace.i love the scenes where vicki and burke describe their childhoods.these two were meant to be togther.i spotted it from episode one.with burke you get the sense that vicki was protected.with peter/jeff/whoever she was toast!

like you said very romantic but not without an element of suspence because you-know-who was generally lurking in the shadows during these scenes. >:D
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Sunny_Collins on August 28, 2006, 06:45:44 PM
I didn't see much of the original Burke, he was replaced before I got a real chance to form a proper opinion on him, but from what I saw, I prefer the second burke. He was more gentle and kind, not so hard and cold. So I can see Vicki with the second Burke rather than with the original.

So now is everyone completely confused?  ;D
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Gerard on August 29, 2006, 02:51:22 AM
Actually, I could also much more see Vicki with the Second Burke than the first.  He was calmer, milder man and appeared to be a tad, bit younger.

Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: BuzzH on August 29, 2006, 04:28:00 PM
Frank Garner, hands down.  Burke, both of them, were too OLD.  ;)
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: michael c on August 30, 2006, 01:50:24 AM
speaking of "vicki" and "frank" how's this for a priceless exchange...

on the first night of the fest one of the coordinators was attempting to "reaquaint" the actors.some of whom had not seen each other in nearly forty years.

so he brought conrad fowkes(frank garner)over to see besty durkin(vicki#2)who of course never actually worked together on the show and the two exchanged awkward pleasantries as if they had.

perhaps she got him mixed up with roger davis. ::)

i suppose it's possible that they worked together elsewhere but the tone of the coversation was specific to d.s..

i actually ended up having rather a nice chat with "fake-vicki".she and my boss are neighbors on shelter island so we chatted about that and she signed a picture for me to give to him.perhaps i'll give her episodes a try. ;)
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: BuzzH on August 30, 2006, 02:55:45 PM
i actually ended up having rather a nice chat with "fake-vicki".she and my boss are neighbors on shelter island so we chatted about that and she signed a picture for me to give to him.perhaps i'll give her episodes a try. ;)

Was Betsy just AWESOME or what??!!  ;)  She was SO sweet!  I hope she comes to more Fests!  I really enjoyed meeting her and I agree w/her that it's too bad DC didn't wrap up Alexandra's run more quickly and then bring Betsy on as her long lost sister or something, instead of as the new Vickie.  I would have enjoyed seeing her in other plotlines too.  ;)
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Patti Feinberg on September 01, 2006, 02:00:12 AM
Frank Garner, yes.

Burke (the 1st), possibly.

But no way Jose Barnabas.

Talk about too old/totally not believable.....ICK!!

Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Alondra on February 09, 2007, 04:19:27 AM
Of the three guys she was actually involved with, Frank, Burke and Peter/Jeff, I'd go with Frank. Why did they just take him out of the show with no explanation? He had [spoiler]moved from Bangor where he worked with his father to Collinsport to open a law practice. Then suddenly he's gone, they could have at least made up an excuse such as he had to return to Bangor for some reason.[/spoiler]

Burke was just too old for her, both Burkes. Anthony George was older than Jonathan Frid so if Barnabas was too old for her, so was Burke. Also his attitude toward her was too parental, not like a lover but like a father. I didn't like that. And I felt they had no chemistry.

Jeff was a total gak. Peter was ok, but once he became Jeff GAK! I flat can't stand him.

After she returns from 1795 and I see how terrible Jeff is I want Barnabas, the human no longer vampire Barnabas to come and show her how he is the better man. I want him to win her heart without benefit of vampiric powers.

Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Jackie on February 09, 2007, 04:42:49 AM
Of the men who were interested in Vicki, I pick Frank Garner.  He was the right age, they communicated like two equals and he genuinely cared about her.  The other men cared too but some were way too old and overbearing with her.  Chronological age isn't as important IMO than their ability to relate to each other as equals.  Peter Bradford was great while still in 1795 but once he came to the present, I didn't like his obsession with himself so much and his inabilities or willingness to communicate with her.  Yes he had secrets but he could have come up with some explanations then the ones he kept giving Vicki.  Barnabas?  Yes he was interested in her but she wasn't interested in the same way.  Very much like Julia and Barnabas.
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: IluvBarnabas on February 09, 2007, 05:01:28 AM
Okay, I have accepted the fact Roger Davis is the least popular actor on the show so how about this.....instead of casting Davis as Peter Bradford, maybe they should have brought back Conrad Fawkes, who protrayed Frank Garner in the early days of the show in present time, as Peter. Then when Vicki returns to her own time, she could have sought out Frank and get reacquainted with him.

Come to think of it Vicki and Frank were kinda cute together. Pity they dropped him so suddenly and without explanation (but then he won't be the last character left in limbo),I felt there could have had real fireworks with a Burke/Vicki/Frank triangle.
Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on February 09, 2007, 05:05:45 AM
Conrad Fawkes, who protrayed Frank Garner

That would be Conard.

Title: Re: Vicki's Ideal Guy
Post by: Alondra on February 09, 2007, 04:20:34 PM
Conrad Fawkes, who protrayed Frank Garner
That would be Conard.


Conard Fowkes, and I'll bet this man has all his life had to correct people. "My name is Conard, not Conrad!" He might also wish that his name had been Conrad so he could have been spared this trouble.
