General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '06 II => Topic started by: TNickey2003 on July 15, 2006, 07:01:30 PM

Title: OT - Spoilers
Post by: TNickey2003 on July 15, 2006, 07:01:30 PM
Could someone please explain to me what these are? I'm just wondering as I saw my reply on the topic 'how much time passes on Dark Shadows'.  Some of my posting on this message was blocked off by boxes called 'spoiler'.  What are these all about?
Title: Re: Spoilers
Post by: Raineypark on July 15, 2006, 08:34:14 PM
Spoilers are used so that people who haven't seen parts of the show yet, can avoid things they don't want to know about yet.

Go to the "Testing: 1, 2, 3"  board and click on the topic: "An Update About Spoilers".
Title: Re: Spoilers
Post by: retzev on July 15, 2006, 09:47:32 PM
Spoilers are bits of information that reveal plot developments. Hiding spoilers is a courtesy for those who don't want splots "spoiled."

I've never seen an episode of TWIN PEAKS, but I always wanted to sit down and watch the whole thing sometime. Well, about 10 years ago my girlfriend brought FIRE WALK WITH ME over and it was sitting on the coffee-table. My roomate walked in, saw it sitting there, assumed I had watched it and said "So whaddya think? Could you believe it was..?"  ::) Ruined the entire mystery for me  :( I've been a spolier-phobe ever since  :)
Title: Re: OT - Spoilers
Post by: ProfStokes on July 18, 2006, 03:02:59 AM
I'm sorry that happened to you, retzev.  It's no fun to be spoiled.  I unwittingly learned of a couple of major twists in DS through reading KLS's books, but I still enjoyed watching the episodes when they did come to pass.  However, I hope you won't be detered from pursuing Twin Peaks.  I also was aware of who killed Laura Palmer before I watched the series, but fortunately TP is a show where the journey is as important (if not moreso) than the destination; I think you'll still be able to enjoy it, although right now only Season 1 is available on DVD.

Title: Re: OT - Spoilers
Post by: Josette on July 18, 2006, 07:50:46 AM
Actually, I find almost all the information here would be spoilers to someone who hasn't seen the show.  For example, we frequently talk about the different time periods and story lines and refer to parallel time.  Part of what I originally liked about PT was the mystery when it started.  How could those people be in that room, dressed differently, leading apparently different lives and why couldn't those viewing them get in, or be seen and heard by these other people?  It was such a puzzle, and then finally we got the explanation.  It always seems a shame to me that almost everyone is aware of what this is now and don't get that sense of bewilderment.

Title: Re: OT - Spoilers
Post by: BuzzH on July 18, 2006, 02:38:09 PM
Actually, I find almost all the information here would be spoilers to someone who hasn't seen the show. 

This is true of the daily slideshows for sure.  (ducking from MB!  ;))  But seriously, don't get me wrong, I *like* the slideshows very much, and since I've read all the Concordances, I know what's going to happen anyway before actually seeing a particular plotline or episode, so it doesn't bother me personally that it contains spoilers.  But if I didn't know what was going to happen ep to ep beforehand, seeing the slideshow and reading the description (i.e. today's slideshow, first picture where [spoiler]Barnabas is stangling Jason and the description that it's Dennis Patrick's last day as Jason etc...)  I'd know he's killed by Barnabas and[/spoiler]I can see how that could upset someone new to the show who didn't know.  ;)
Title: Re: OT - Spoilers
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 18, 2006, 06:48:39 PM
Normally I try to make the first capture in the slideshow something that doesn't really spoil things too much or spoil anything at all. Unfortunately, though, from time to time something comes up that needs to be showcased in the slideshow because it's such an important moment in an episode - and that's the case with that capture of Jason. But I make every effort not to spoil things too much whenever  possible.  :)

But on the other hand, anyone who checks out the subsequent captures/captions in the slideshow does so at their own risk, which is one of the reasons I specifically pointed that out when I first announced the slideshows and I made it possible for the "History" box in the forum's header to be collapsed in the "Variations on Blue" theme and suggested that anyone who didn't want anything to be spoiled for them should use that theme rather than "Blood Red."  ;)
Title: Re: OT - Spoilers
Post by: Gerard on July 20, 2006, 12:09:37 AM
Have you been able to come up with an icon for "spoiler," MB?  C'mon, c'mon!  Do weez guyz hafta slap yaz around!

Title: Re: OT - Spoilers
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 20, 2006, 12:20:37 AM
Actually, this temporary one (http://www.dsboards.com/SMF/Themes/default/images/post/spoil.gif) has been in place for a while and has been used for several topics.  ;)  To use it while posting, simply select "Spoiler alert" from the "Message Icon:" drop down menu...
Title: Re: OT - Spoilers
Post by: Gerard on July 21, 2006, 01:09:12 AM
Thanks again, MB!  Sometimes I feel so stupid!
