General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 I => Topic started by: Patti Feinberg on April 23, 2002, 02:26:58 AM

Title: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Patti Feinberg on April 23, 2002, 02:26:58 AM
"Consider for your viewing derailment...."

Okay...let's put our fav characters in 'Sound of Music' roles:

Can you picture Barnabas as Capt. von Trapp ;D

How 'bout Ben/Prof. Stokes????

Now I could place Roger (he could definitely be 'nazi ish' also, 'melodical'?
Also, with a stretch...I could picture (((Quentin)))

For the eldest daughter....only Carolyn could do it.

Maggie (cover your delicate ears worshippers of TLATKLS) did not have 'coquettishness'.

Vicki was too dumb (the eldest daughter was feminine, yet smart, unlike our dear Ms. Winters).

For a laugh....picture our wonderful Grayson prancing about in Julie Andrews habit....yet alone being shy and demure :o

iiiimmmmaaagggine Carrie as the youngest, cutie pie daughter.....(there's no avatar/emoticon for vomit, right?)

David H. would've played the eldest von Trapp son nicely.

Patti....who would like to BUY Barn's plane ticket to the Vatican just now :-X

Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Midnite on April 23, 2002, 02:48:35 AM
iiiimmmmaaagggine Carrie as the youngest, cutie pie daughter.....(there's no avatar/emoticon for vomit, right?)


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Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on April 23, 2002, 04:59:59 AM
Hey Patti,

How about the avaricious Rev. Gregory Trask as the Von Trapp family's money hungry agent, Max?

Bob the Bartender, who remembers when "Adel Weis" was the most frequently played song on the Blue Whale jukebox.  
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Gerard on April 23, 2002, 05:43:49 AM
Definitely Joan Bennett as the Mother Superior.  Lara Parker as the Baroness.  If TLATKLS played Maria, Miss Parker as the Baroness wouldn't sneakily convince her to leave because the Captain was falling in love with her; she'd just put her in a coma and have her buried alive.  Then we'll see how many Favorite Things she'd have.

Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: VAM on April 23, 2002, 01:05:24 PM
If Nancy Barrett (Carolyn is the oldest daughter) lets have Don Briscoe play the part of Rolf. ;)We know Nancy can put aut a tune how about Don?
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: CastleBee on April 23, 2002, 07:07:31 PM
The cliffs are alive with the sound of screaming¢â‚¬¦

Captain von Trapp - Quentin Collins

Maria - Maggie Evans - Sorry Roxanne even though you have Julie Andrew's hair I'm slapping that wig back on Maggie ¢â‚¬Ëœcause she just looks better with the Q man!

Liesl - Carrie Stokes - because this character irritated me any way

Liesl's boyfriend (Freidrich?) - The oldest Leviathan kid - because young kid turned Nazi won't be much of a stretch for him.

The rest of the von Trapp kiddies - David, Amy and The other Leviathan Kids (look for them opening for the Brady Bunch Summer of '70 Rot My Teeth Tour!)

Mother Superior - Julia Hoffman

Other Nuns - Elizabeth Collins, Vicki Winters, Beth Chavez, Bathia Mapes

The Baroness - Angelique

Max Detweiler - Tony Peterson

Assorted Nazis - Roger Collins, Evan Hanley, Adam, the 1st Willie, Any of Roger Davis' characters

Special appearance by Adolf Hitler - Reverend Trask
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: VAM on April 23, 2002, 07:41:04 PM
The cliffs are alive with the sound of screaming¢â‚¬¦

Liesl's boyfriend (Freidrich?) - The oldest Leviathan kid - because young kid turned Nazi won't be much of a stretch for him.

Hey CB,
I think Freidrich was the oldest male child-ROLF(sp?) was the boyfriend.
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: CastleBee on April 23, 2002, 09:47:36 PM
Or you could just say  R[puke]wlf! Tee hee... ;D
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Raineypark on April 23, 2002, 09:50:23 PM
Oh, very clever Castlebee!!  Very clever indeed!! [lghy]

Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: jennifer on April 23, 2002, 11:03:10 PM


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Hey that's gross Midnite! i could go to work and see that! haha1


or better yet feel like that just pulled an all nighter
worked 15 hours! Ick

Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Midnite on April 24, 2002, 01:15:56 AM
Hey that's gross Midnite! i could go to work and see that! haha1


or better yet feel like that just pulled an all nighter
worked 15 hours! Ick

Oops, hee hee!!

You poor thing.  I SO don't miss night or double shifts.
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Craig_Slocum on April 24, 2002, 04:12:51 AM
I don't miss work period, find a rich man! I did and I love being a stay at home Mom.
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Ben on April 24, 2002, 04:59:07 AM
If TLATKLS played Maria, Miss Parker as the Baroness would ... put her in a coma and have her buried alive.  Then we'll see how many Favorite Things she'd have.

You crack me up, Gerard!  Had TLATKLS played Maria, I suspect she'd find a way to shuck her habit for that quilted, floor-length, flower-power skirt ... and sew matching outfits for all the kids in that fab fabric.

BTW, Bathia Mapes would be the nun in one of the last scenes whom we discover has sabotaged the government soldiers' cars.

Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Happybat on April 24, 2002, 04:44:33 PM
Dark Shadows Meets Sound of Music?  Love it!   ;D

Picture the opening scene with Maria (KLS?) dancing though Eagle Hill Cemetery and singing:  

"The hills are alive with the sound of shrieking ... the shrieks we have heard for 200 years ....

Here are a few more crossover songs:

"How do you solve a problem like Victoria?
How do you teach a ninny how to live?
How do you solve a problem like Victoria?
A will-o-the-wisp, a nincompoop, a fool?"

Then there's the catchy:

"Do ... a doll, a voodoo doll
Re ... a ray of silvery moon
Mi ... is short for Millicent
Fa ... a fall from Widow's Hill
So ... how Adam came to be
La ... Letitia sings to me
Ti ... at Collinwood at 3
Which will bring us back to
Do, do, do, do ..., etc."

Then there is the tender song sung by Barnabas (to the tune of "Edelweiss"):

"Angelique, Angelique,
Every story you curse me ..."

(But I'm still working on that one!) [hdscrt]

Anyway, thanks for a fun ride home on the train yesterday ... coming up with silly lyrics. [crazy]

Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Raineypark on April 24, 2002, 05:06:58 PM
Happybat, unless you're commuting to Tin Pan Alley every day on that train, you're in the wrong career!!

Brilliant!!  :D

Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Happybat on April 24, 2002, 06:30:17 PM

Thanks for the kind words!   ;D

It's so nice to be appreciated-

Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: CastleBee on April 24, 2002, 07:12:33 PM
Happy Bat - absolutely hysterical stuff!  I love it! Especially the one about Vicki "A will-o-the-wisp, a nincompoop, a fool?" ROTFL :D
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: VAM on April 24, 2002, 07:27:38 PM
Dark Shadows Meets Sound of Music?  .

Then there is the tender song sung by Barnabas (to the tune of "Edelweiss"):

"Angelique, Angelique,
Every story you curse me ..."

(But I'm still working on that one!) [hdscrt]

Anyway, thanks for a fun ride home on the train yesterday ... coming up with silly lyrics. [crazy]

Please finish "Edleweiss"...
HappyBat, you definitely qualify to write the DS musical
for Dan Curtis!
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Josette on April 25, 2002, 04:02:51 AM
Happybat!  Those are fantastic!!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Cassandra on April 25, 2002, 07:05:37 AM
HappyBat wrote:
Then there is the tender song sung by Barnabas (to the tune of "Edelweiss"):

"Angelique, Angelique,
Every story you curse me ..."

Wonderful Happybat!!!  Please do finish, I'd love to hear the rest!!
Title: Angelique, Angelique, Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Happybat on April 25, 2002, 09:55:05 PM
Okay, gang, here goes.  [idea2]  Didn't feel as inspired this time, so sorry if it falls flatter than Josette off Widow's Hill.   :o

Barnabas' Lament (to the tune of "Edelweiss") [batang]

Angelique, Angelique,
Every story you curse me
Flying bats, horrid spats,
You don't act like you love me.

Caster of spells may you burn in hell
Burn in hell forever
Angelique, Angelique
I can't love you, no never!

BTW, did you feel I was a little mean with Vicky?  I know she can be quite a fool, but I still do like her.

Maybe someone else can come up with lyrics to "Climb Every Mountain" and "I am 17 ...".  Nothing came to mind!   ;)
Title: Re: Angelique, Angelique, The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: VAM on April 25, 2002, 10:13:46 PM
Okay, gang, here goes.  [idea2]  Didn't feel as inspired this time, so sorry if it falls flatter than Josette off Widow's Hill.   :o

Barnabas' Lament (to the tune of "Edelweiss") [batang]

Angelique, Angelique,
Every story you curse me
Flying bats, horrid spats,
You don't act like you love me.

Caster of spells may you burn in hell
Burn in hell forever
Angelique, Angelique
I can't love you, no never!

Thanks HabbyBat-I like it!
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Cassandra on April 25, 2002, 10:17:10 PM
Bravo!!!  Happybat!!! I hope you can hear the applause!!   Thanks!!  :)
Title: Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
Post by: Josette on April 26, 2002, 05:51:05 AM
Happybat - Fantastic again!!