General Discussions => Current Talk '24 I => Topic started by: Philippe Cordier on January 19, 2019, 07:29:51 PM

Title: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Philippe Cordier on January 19, 2019, 07:29:51 PM
I was very pleased to have received the Dark Shadows/MPI Snow Globe for Christmas (though I placed the order myself, so it didn't come as a surprise). I will say that at least it's glass - well, acrylic, probably - but not plastic. So it's heavy and the quality seems quite good. I've seen some snow globes recently where the globe was a soft plastic that actually gives if you pick it up by the globe. I like the Collinwood replica although it is very tiny - I should look at it more closely with a magnifying glass. I have not spotted for sure what architectural departure the model has from the real house. It's fun to see Collinwood under snowfall when you shake the globe. I have mixed feelings about the greenish tinge to the snow, though. And the music plays really, really loud. As someone commented elsewhere, I too would have preferred a mechanism music box, but it seems that digital chips are the way many are made now, at least the inexpensive ones. It was the music that brought back memories, though. When I heard "Quentin's Theme," many memories of the show came flooding back.

I've also given thought to Magda, Sandor, and the werewolf curse over the past six months, as I have worked almost obsessively nearly every moment I could on trying to find the gypsy ancestor that my DNA results revealed for the first time. Since then, I have found additional SNPs from India (the origin of the Roma people) in my DNA as well as two rare European SNPs associated with the European Roma. Surprisingly these latter two appear in Sweden and Finland, my mother's heritage, and not my father's French line, as I had expected. Since my mother had agreed some time back to having her DNA tested, I have been able to find conclusively that the Roma/Romany heritage is in her ancestry. One of my testing companies allows me to filter all my DNA matches by specific regions or nationalities (for example, Ashakenzai Jewish, Sephardic Jewish, North African, Southwestern Asia (Iran/Iraq), India, etc.). With this company I have 11 matches with Roma people, all of them in Finland (and all with 25% or greater ancestry from India). That proved conclusively that this was on my mother's side. Interestingly, she has matches with 32 Roma in Finland (called Kaale or Romany there). So a lot of DNA has been lost just between her generation and me. We also have some much weaker links with Romanichal in the U.K. What has taken the most effort, though, is the historical genealogical research since I found only one possible clue in church records around 1800 that I'm still not sure about - and it would mean Romany ancestry in a different line of my mother's family. Where the paper trail intersects with DNA matches goes back to two gypsy families living just north of the Arctic Circle in Lapland in the 1600s. It's little known that gypsies were that far north at that time (one online poster in Finland confidently - but mistakenly - stated that the gypsies didn't get that far north until the railroads went in in the 1800s). But Thesleff, one of the great researchers in the matter, shows in his maps and diagrams that the gypsies were in that area as early as the late 1500s as they made their way from Sweden to Finland over the northern shore of the Gulf of Bothnia. Others came from the South and Russia, and the family name of one of my two families translates as "Russian." According to one researcher, they had lived originally in Armenia. So all of this is very far back and distant, 400 years ago. And knowledge of their existence in my family tree would never have been known were it not for DNA testing. Though interestingly, my grandmother had written a poem about Roma travelers she had seen growing up and a couple of other stories about them had been passed down in the family.
Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Gothick on January 24, 2019, 12:49:49 AM
That all sounds fascinating, Philippe. Interesting that you've found some independent genealogical and archival confirmation of what the DNA tests showed. I've become quite skeptical about those tests.. just my innate tendency to doubt highly trumpeted new tech that claims to yield miraculous results, I suppose.

I saw a short youtube video of the snowglobe and I did not think the tiny model looked at all like Collinwood. I am glad the globe is giving you pleasure.

Best, G.
Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Philippe Cordier on February 02, 2019, 10:35:03 PM
There is a lot that can be confusing when it comes to DNA. The subject came up today in Quora (a site I don't fully recommend unless you like to waste a lot of time) with some explanation as to why someone's results don't match their known ancestry. These can only be answered on a case-by-case basis. A lot can remain open to interpretation, and people tend not to look into ancient migrations as often the most likely explanation for surprising results. For example, I have a lot of subclades for Iberia (Spain), especially Catalan and Basque. The easiest explanation would be to attribute this to Roma ancestry as that appears to be a likely, but uncertain, heritage in the case of Scandinavian Roma. And then I had known ancestors on my father's side in SW France not far from the Spanish border. But it's also possible that the finding reflects post-Ice Age dispersal of migration from that area, some of which reached into Scandinavia. So, it would be unproven and probably foolish for me to claim "Spanish" heritage.

I haven't seen the Youtube video about the snow globe. Seeing Seaview Terrace in person doesn't necessarily give you a sense of "Collinwood" either. But I think there is some very detailed accuracy with the snow globe miniature. I wish MPI had provided some information about the design work that went into it.
Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Philippe Cordier on February 03, 2019, 10:04:21 AM
I saw a short youtube video of the snowglobe and I did not think the tiny model looked at all like Collinwood.

After some more thought, something very obvious occurred to me: the color. The color of the model in the snow globe is chalk white (walls) and the roof is a dark gray. The roof may be approximately right, but I'm not sure why they did the walls white. The color of the actual exterior of Collinwood is hard for me to pin down, but I would say a light gray. I'm not sure what I've read about the stone used. I might have read limestone. The limestone I'm familiar with from my state is a yellow color. I've seen a colorized post card of Seaview Terrace which uses that color. Perhaps the actual color is closer to a tan or sandy color, depending on the light.

Something else that occurs to me is that we only see certain sides of Collinwood on the show. The real house and any model of it presents angles that are unfamiliar to us from the show, so that gives one a different sense. And the atmosphere on the show, with the fog and twilight especially, and the opening voiceovers (Grayson Hall's are especially effective) create an atmosphere that's hard to replicate in other media (or real life!).

The model from Kordova Art (John Stewart) which can be Googled easily looks breathtakingly accurate, yet the spooky atmosphere of Collinwood is absent.

Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Gothick on February 06, 2019, 07:36:26 PM
Thanks, Philippe, for those notes. I did not look that carefully at the video of the snowglobe. It is just not my cup of tea (or glass of sherry).

I am glad you are happy with your gift!

Best, Gothick
Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Philippe Cordier on July 21, 2019, 08:50:38 AM
MPI has announced that the snow globe is back in stock as of July 18. One thing I would add - although I mentioned that the snow globe is made of quality materials, I would elaborate here that it is made of extremely heavy glass, and the base is solid wood, painted black. This is not a cheap plastic sort of thing.

And as I believe I wrote about earlier, I searched for photographs of Seaview Terrace from every possible angle and compared them with the model in the snow globe. I even went so far as to compare from the top with a Google maps aerial view. The level of detail and accuracy is really extremely good in my untrained (architecturally) opinion, especially given that this is downscaled to such a tiny miniature. My only reservation is that the color of the building is too white and the grass of the lawn a little too bright green.

For comparison of a scale model of Collinwood, I would again refer anyone interested to the large model from Kordova Art, photographed from many angles, which can be found on the Internet, designed by someone named John Stewart.

I think it would be interesting to look at Collinwood as depicted in other media, such as the Dark Shadows comics.
Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 21, 2019, 05:15:13 PM
I would agree that for the most part the level of detail of the Collinwood model in the snow globe is excellent. But trust me, there is definitely a big flaw - one that is very easy to spot even just by looking at MPI's own photos of it.
Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Philippe Cordier on July 24, 2019, 07:07:16 PM
I would agree that for the most part the level of detail of the Collinwood model in the snow globe is excellent. But trust me, there is definitely a big flaw - one that is very easy to spot even just by looking at MPI's own photos of it.
Would that be visible from what MPI calls the "Front View" (really the back side of Seaview Terrace; this has the Old English-style lettering "DARK SHADOWS" on the snow globe), or is it the "Back side" view, which is actually the front entrance to Collinwood, which has the lettering "Dan Curtis Productions, Inc." on the snow globe base? To me, the glaring difference is that the tower is somewhat larger in the miniature than in real life.
Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Patti Feinberg on August 11, 2019, 10:42:51 PM
Romany(s) in Norway & Sweden?!?

That's something I've never heard of, so thank you.

Title: Re: Snow Globe, Gypsies, and DS Memories
Post by: Philippe Cordier on August 21, 2019, 11:21:11 PM
Many gypsies were deported from Scotland to Denmark in 1505, and they entered Sweden from there in 1512. Their leader was known as count or duke Anders Faa, known to be a Scottish last name. I was contacted through my DNA testing company by fourth cousins in Finland who do not have the Roma matches that I do, which has forced me to continue my search in other family lines. I then found a previously unknown line that to my surprise came from a region in southeastern Finland which has historically had the heaviest concentration of gypsies; and yet another ancestor's third wife had a gypsy name, but I was descended from his first wife (whose name unknown)! At any rate it's a long ways back and likely in the 1600s for me.