General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '18 => Topic started by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 18, 2018, 04:42:51 AM

Title: One Man’s View: Retro TV
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 18, 2018, 04:42:51 AM
One Man’s View: Retro TV (https://www.leominsterchamp.com/articles/one-mans-view-retro-tv/)

A man who believes DS should be back on TV. I believe we can all get behind that.  [ghost_cool]
Title: Re: One Man’s View: Retro TV
Post by: michael c on May 19, 2018, 11:06:49 AM
i really believe it's the show's serialized format and colossal volume of episodes that make network execs hesitant to put in in the lineup.

a one-off, standalone episode must be an easier pitch then something that needs to be watched sequentially. and series are generally sold into syndication when they hit the "100 episode" mark. a tidy amount that runs nicely and then starts over again. obviously on a daily serial like DS that would barely cover six months worth of story.

i'm not saying they're right. but it's my guess as to why it hasn't been picked up since the Sci-Fi runs and the occasional Decades mini binge.
Title: Re: One Man’s View: Retro TV
Post by: Gerard on May 19, 2018, 05:38:20 PM
Those wonderful Saturday mornings back in the '60's!  Any other day of the week when I had to get up for something like school or church, it was pulling teeth to get me out of bed.  But come Saturday morning, it was nothing to wake up as early as six a.m., help myself to cereal while still in my pajamas and turn on the old black-and-white Admiral TV set with the local affiliates already airing cartoons like Huckleberry Hound until the national stations kicked in.  I started off the Japanimaa Astro-Boy and Kimba (the basis for The Lion King).  Then there were hours and hours of cartoons on all three networks until noon.  Such a wonderful time!
