General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '05 II => Topic started by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 20, 2005, 11:44:00 PM

Title: The July 20th Episodes (Spoilers!)
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on July 20, 2005, 11:44:00 PM
Once again on the my-how-things-can-change-in-a-year front, it's interesting in ep #279 to realize how much a part of the Collins family Vicki has become. For one, not only does Barnabas tell Vicki that she IS a part of the family, but Carolyn tells her in as many words how much Vicki deserves to be a Collins. Yet in ep #18 she's still very much an outsider, with both David and Roger distrusting her.

One shocking thing about ep #279: proof that Vicki lies with the best of them when she's trying to get something that she wants!! While she's attempting to persuade Barn to invite Burke to the party, she tells him that when she accepted his invitation she "forgot" that she'd already made plans with Burke. But lier, lier, pants on fire - Burke didn't even ask her out until a day later.  :tsk:  So, I submit this: what more proof do we actually need that Vicki really IS a Collins?  [wink2]

Ep #1061 is another one that definitely ranks as one of my favorites, not the least of which because it contains three passages of positively classic DS dialogue:

BARNABAS: "I must find my coffin before sunrise. Time, past or future, our time, parallel time - the curse is still with me."

JULIA: "More than any cemetery I've ever been in, this house is like a grave."

And the piesta resistance: after Barnabas rambles on and on about how Roxanne is the ONLY woman to make him forget about Josette, Julia observes:

JULIA: "We forget how rare a life of love can be. You're not the only one who's had so little hope. It's something one learns to live with. We can get used to anything, if we have to."

Grayson delivers those words with such emotion that it's as if we can see Julia's pain deep down to her soul. And the look she and Barnabas share afterward...
Title: Re: The July 20th Episodes (Spoilers!)
Post by: PennyDreadful on July 21, 2005, 12:34:50 AM
So, I submit this: what more proof do we actually need that Vicki really IS a Collins? 

 LOL!  Indeed! The 'family resemblance' is uncanny! 

 Great quotes too BTW. 

Title: Re: The July 20th Episodes (Spoilers!)
Post by: michael c on July 21, 2005, 12:57:25 AM
vicki's fall and pajamas look in episode 18 is too much!

and it amazes me that an early and relatively minor character like mrs.johnson should factor into such a late episode as 1061 when the show had gone off in such a different direction than the one clarice blackburn was first hired for.

according to the d.s. almanac the character of mrs.j. appeared in only 57 episodes!i feel like i've been seeing her all my life!