General Discussions => Testing. 1, 2, 3... => Topic started by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 04, 2002, 09:48:21 AM

Title: Another chance!
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on April 04, 2002, 09:48:21 AM
Now that we've awarded Luciaphil her choice of a custom title, we've decided to give everyone else another chance to earn one*. This time around we want to see how observant you are:

Over this past weekend while I was installing the forum upgrade, a graphic on the forum was changed for the first time. It's something people see often enough every day to take notice of, but something someone might not have noticed has changed (and no, it's not any of the little icons that were changed as part of the upgrade).

Now, to earn a custom title, not only will someone have to come up with which graphic has changed, but they'll also have to explain how it's different from what was previously on display on the forum. IF you're really observant, the answers to both are available on dsboards - IF you know where to look. [wink2]

You all have until 11:59 pm (PT) on April 11th to come up with your answers, at which point this particular offer will be rescinded. So, good luck!

(* A custom title cannot violate the forum's guidelines or contain any of the forum's censored words. It can't be something that members earn through posting (so no jumping to Full, Senior or God). And it can't be something like Webmaster, Moderator or Administrator because those postions have already been taken. :D)
Title: Re: Another chance!
Post by: Patti Feinberg on April 06, 2002, 03:48:07 AM
How many chances do we get?
should we e-mail you directly or post it (If someone posts it, can't we all just say it??)
Patti...who will try to re-read midnites post on how to bold/italisize(sp) text :'(