RobinV's Crypt => Robservations => Topic started by: ROBINV on April 01, 2002, 10:01:33 PM

Title: #0423/0424: Robservations 04/02/02: Au Revoir, Suki!
Post by: ROBINV on April 01, 2002, 10:01:33 PM
423 - (Grayson Hall) A seance has been held in the great house at Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one girl on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. There, each of the Collins ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins family, but the names and relationships have changed, and Victoria Winters finds herself a stranger in a sea of familiar faces.  On this night, one man has already made a shocking discovery.
Wave upon wave of terror is to follow in its wake, ending, perhaps in sudden death.

Collinwood, drawing room - Joshua enters, walking like an elderly man, and sits down.  He is confused, in shock.  Natalie joins him and asks him to help convince Josette to leave.  His voice breaking, he tells her about finding Barnabas-grave empty-his body stolen by a graverobber, and he's going to have revenge!
Only you and Naomi knew where the body was being taken, Natalie reminds him.  The servants who carried the coffin, suggests Joshua.  Natalie wonders how Josette could have gotten the ring, and Joshua maintains there must be a logical explanation.  Suki enters and thanks Joshua for allowing her to stay at Collinwood-is Josette all right? queries the blonde-I passed by her room and heard her calling someone-Barnabas?  Natalie and Joshua hurriedly leave to go upstairs.

In the corridor, Riggs is at his post, stretching as though he'd been napping.  He hurriedly retains his post.  Joshua has him open the door, and they find Josette missing.  I didn't let her out! says Riggs, alarmed.
Joshua shows the secret panel to Natalie, which, he says, was added to the house because of "unsettled times" -built to safeguard the family.  Josette couldn't have known about that secret passageway, protests Natalie.  The only people who knew about it, says Joshua, Barnabas and Jeremiah-are dead.

Suki welcomes Nathan to Collinwood as her "dear brother."  Millicent is resting, Suki tells him "all that money is a strain on the poor girl"- "but I'm sure you'll ease her burden," she adds wickedly.  Nathan takes her into the drawing room, closes the doors and demands her price.
Five thousand dollars-in gold, says Suki.  I don't have that much! He says.  Get it from Millicent, advises his wife, and if you don't pay up, I can always show Millicent our marriage license.  They are arguing fiercely when Natalie enters.  They offer lame explanations, but Natalie wants Nathan to help search for Josette, and isn't really interested.  She leaves.  Nathan tells Suki to meet him later at the Old House, and she exits.  He is about to follow when Joshua asks him to go to Collinsport to bring back the Constable. I could search the grounds myself, says Joshua, but a dozen men could do the job better.  Nathan reluctantly agrees and leaves.

Old House - When Suki enters, Barnabas stands in the shadows by the window.  She spots him and is scared.  Who are you? demands Barnabas.  Suki Forbes, she responds, Nathan's sister.  You're lying, he accuses in a cold voice-Nathan has no living relatives, so you can only be his wife.  Well, what of it? She asks sassily.  Why are you posing as Nathan's sister? asks Barnabas-you should leave Collinsport immediately if you want to live.
You're in no position to threaten me! says Suki-I recognize you as Barnabas Collins, the man in the portrait in the foyer.  Barnabas Collins is gone, he says, denying her accusation.  Suki notices Josette's cloak lying on a chair and decides to try a little blackmail-let's bargain, she suggests.  The vampire vanishes when she isn't looking, and Suki grows scared and leaves the house.  A bat comes flying at her throat.  She runs back into the house and bars the door, then goes to the window and is terrified to see the bat there, hovering outside.  She races back to the door and hears glass shatter.  The bat flies in and dissolves into Barnabas, who comes at her.  Suki screams as he grabs her throat and begins to strangle her.  Nathan, approaching outside, hears her screaming and tries to get in, finally breaking down the door.  When he comes upon Suki, she is dying, and whispers one word before the last breath leaves her: "Barnabas."

NOTES:  Sorry to see Suki go, she was a really interesting charact er, and I loved her voice.  Now that Barnabas has been forced to murder to protect himself, it does leave the door open for Nathan to legally marry Millicent.  What repercussions will come from this?  Where is Josette, and what is she doing now?

424 - (Joan Bennett) - A seance has been held in the great house at Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one girl on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795.  There, each of the Collins ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins family, but thenames and relationships have changed, and Victoria Winters finds herself a stranger in a sea of familiar faces.  The evil which plagues the family makes itself seen and felt in many ways, one of which will be death by vile means.

Foyer, Collinwood - Nathan reports Suki's death to a shocked Joshua.

Drawing room - Old House - Joshua and Nathan enter.  Suki's body lies on a chaise lounge, covered by a sheet.  Joshua is outraged, but offers his condolences.
He's certain the murderer will be quickly caught.  Nathan is bothered by Suki's last words "Barnabas" doesn't Joshua find this disturbing, too?  I'm certain there's a simple explanation, says Joshua.  Suki never met Barnabas, Nathan points out, and about nine PM the other night, I saw a man in the woods I'm certain was Barnabas.  No, dismisses Joshua, Barnabas is in England-and anyway, 9 PM is way too late to be calling on Millicent!  (way to deflect, Josh.)  I was returning a brooch Millicent dropped, says Nathan.  And just WHERE did Millicent lose this brooch? Demands Joshua.  The Inn, where we were having dinner, replies the Lieutenant, trying to steer the discussion back to Barnabas.
Were there any ill feelings between you and your sister? Asks Joshua.  No, says Nathan.  Then show some grief for her, advises Joshua.  I'm still in shock! Protests Nathan.  Your duty is to grieve, suggests Joshua-let me worry about your sister's last words.
Hearing footsteps, the two men hide behind a pillar and catch Josette drifting downstairs, calling for Barnabas.  She then faints.

Collinwood, drawing room - Naomi and Millicent fret together about Josette's whereabouts, and Millicent expresses concern for Suki.  Perhaps she's assisting with the search, Says Naomi.  It's odd that Suki and Nathan don't look like each other, comments Millicent.  Joshua and Nathan escort Josette into the house, and Joshua asks the Lieutenant to send for the Constable, then come back and stay with the body.  Naomi helps Joshua bring Josette upstairs.  Nathan, pretending to be grief-stricken, tells a horrified Millicent about Suki's death, then heads out to get Riggs.

Josette's room - Joshua goes for smelling salts.  Naomi, arranging a cover over Josette, spots the marks on her throat.  Millicent comes in to find out how Josette is, then mentions Suki had told her about an aunt living in Baltimore-she's going to get her address from Suki's belongings and send her a letter.  Millicent leaves.
When Joshua comes back with the smelling salts, Naomi shows him the marks.
They're just like the ones Barnabas has, notes Joshua, expressing hope Josette can tell them what happens when she awakens.  Barnabas was never completely rational after his attack, points out Naomi.

Collinwood drawing room - Millicent shows Nathan a box filled with papers she found amongst Suki's belongings and tells him of her plans for them.  He stops her search through the box, hesitates, then makes up an address for Suki's aunt--#7 Franklin Lane.  She writes that down using a quill pen, and over his protests, continues looking through the box, where she finds a wedding license.  I didn't know Suki was married! Says Millicent.  Nathan tries to take the certificate out of her hand.  If Suki was married, Ill have to write another letter! Insists Millicent.
Then Millicent reads the marriage license in its entirety; it reveals Suki Wells and Nathan Forbes were married April 8, 1792.  Nathan closes his eyes, anticipating what is to come.  Millicent grows hysterical and accuses Nathan of deceiving her.  It was a marriage in name only! Nathan says-I wanted to end it, but she wouldn't let me.  Crying wildly, she runs from the house, Nathan following.
Joshua and Naomi come downstairs, and he reveals Vicki's prophecy, insisting that someone must stay with Josette from now on-if they can keep her alive until tomorrow, she'll be OK.

In Josette's room, the young woman awakens and calls Barnabas.  "Tomorrow, Barnabas, tomorrow I will belong to you. . .forever."

NOTES:  Has Nathan blown his chance to marry a rich girl?  Can Millicent ever forgive him this lie?

Will Josette die as Vicki predicts, or will knowing this ahead of time prevent it?  Can the Collins family save Josette, or will Barnabas claim her forever in his vampire world?

Love, Robin