General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 II => Topic started by: Patti Feinberg on December 22, 2004, 02:23:39 PM

Title: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Patti Feinberg on December 22, 2004, 02:23:39 PM

Okay, if memory serves, when Vicki first goes back to 1795, Lt. Forbes is.....outside the Old House?

Why was Forbes in the lives of the Collins' anyway?


Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Nelson Collins on December 22, 2004, 06:58:17 PM
if memory serves, when Vicki first goes back to 1795, Lt. Forbes is.....outside the Old House?

Why was Forbes in the lives of the Collins' anyway?

IIRC, Lt. Forbes was a friend of Barnabas' and also working for the Collins' shipping line I think as liason to the Navy.

Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: michael c on December 23, 2004, 02:50:12 AM
forbes' transformation from amiable fellow to deviant scoundral was swift and descisive.they played almost as two different characters.
but in this story,with barnabas' transformation,perhaps it was meant to show how one's character can change abruptly under extreme circumstances.

it was nice to get to see joel crothers play against type.joe haskell was so even-keeled(until a certain vampire/witch gets involved).
this question has come up before in relation to alexandra(who left the show just before joel)but if he had stayed with the show...might he have been cast in the 1897 story?and if so as whom?
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: stefan on December 23, 2004, 06:25:09 AM
forbes' transformation from amiable fellow to deviant scoundral was swift and descisive.they played almost as two different characters.
but in this story,with barnabas' transformation,perhaps it was meant to show how one's character can change abruptly under extreme circumstances."

I bet Nathan Forbes was J. Crothers' role of a lifetime. I also agree that the transformation was very successfully acted and written. He became such an evil dude by the end of 1795 it was a bit of a shock but the way JC played him I bought it as it seems he gave Forbes a "dark" spark right from the beginning. Forbes was certainly a more interesting character than the other guy he played (forgot the name). I bet he had fun playing him. I lked the little touches JC gave example- how he kept touching his face lightly whenever lying or contemplating mischief Or his loud insensitive laugh.
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Gerard on December 23, 2004, 04:35:20 PM
What I also thought worked well was when [spoiler]Suki showed up.  Until then, Forbes was such a determined nothing-can-hurt-me-as-I-do-whatever-I-want-to-get-what-I-want fellow, nothing scaring him.  And suddenly along comes his wife who can ruin everything and he's absolutely terrified, backed into a corner, and completely vulnerable.  What no one else could do to harm him, one little lady was able to.  And she knew it - some of the best scenes were when she would come very close to exposing her "brother" before everyone, taunting him with innuendoes, watching him sweat, making him wonder if she was about to lower the boom.[/spoiler]

Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on December 26, 2004, 05:11:43 PM
I think Joel Cruthers did a great job in portraying Forbes.  Here was this scoundral who always succeeded in bumbling around and getting things terribly wrong. He was clever to be sure but always ended up overplaying his hand.  I liked how he played the character and really showed how versatile his acting skills were IMO. I could see him compete with Trask for Judith's money in 1897.
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: dom on December 26, 2004, 05:46:28 PM
Forbes' intro was great. I really enjoyed the character (and the way he wore his pants, lol), as it was such a change from Haskell (did I spell that correctly?). But at some point the character's charm wore off for me and I became somewhat disinterested in him. Having to watch Forbes' death scene, two or three times, really grated on my nerves. I think it was one part over-acting and two parts unlikeable character that did him in for me. I felt the same way about Joe, loved him as good old Joe, but once things got really hairy for him, I found him harder to watch. But of course, that's just me and my take on it. Love Mr Crothers anyway.

Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Heather on December 26, 2004, 08:52:26 PM
Forbes' intro was great. I really enjoyed the character (and the way he wore his pants, lol)

 [santa_cheesy]  Ohhhh yeah, The best part about 1795 --aside from all the intrigue, character development, costumes, and whatnot  [santa_wink]--

Those tight, TIGHT breeches! {squeal}   [10]

Sorry ::cough:: distracted by a visual there.  LOL

Now back to the discussion at hand....


Heather  [santa_kiss]
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 26, 2004, 09:26:45 PM

If you haven't already seen it, you might want to check out the following topic, which was posted back when the 1795/76 storyline last ran on Sci-Fi. It seems as if it wasn't just the audience who might have had a "fascination" for the Lieutenant's "wardrobe."  [wink2]


I wonder what sort of message Lela Swift was trying to send with this shot from episode #449??

Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: michael c on December 26, 2004, 10:16:40 PM
just another little thought on steady joe haskell...he's the only major character that never really carries his own storyline.he gets caught up in other character's stories(carolyn,maggie,angelique)but it's never really joe's story.

as nathan forbes he was more pivotal to the action.
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Heather on December 27, 2004, 03:43:40 AM

If you haven't already seen it, you might want to check out the following topic, which was posted back when the 1795/76 storyline last ran on Sci-Fi. It seems as if it wasn't just the audience who might have had a "fascination" for the Lieutenant's "wardrobe." [wink2]

LOL, MB...Thanks!  [santa_evil]  My...you always get the best screen shots. ;)  I swear, if I had the 1795 DVD's, and it wasn't too...adult...for the board, I'd be compiling pics for a "Best Package under the X-Mas Tree" thread as we speak...   [91a2]

-Heather (who's been acting a bit giddy since I found out that I've made the Dean's list for the fourth semester in a row... whoo-hoo!  [santa_cheesy]  [8_2_59]  [santa_rolleyes])
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Josette on December 27, 2004, 05:51:19 AM
-Heather (who's been acting a bit giddy since I found out that I've made the Dean's list for the fourth semester in a row... whoo-hoo! 

Congratulations, Heather!!!!

[clap][clap][clap] [crowdhappy][crowdhappy] [clap][clap][clap]
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: stefan on December 27, 2004, 02:18:41 PM
"I think it was one part over-acting and two parts unlikeable character that did him in for me. I felt the same way about Joe, loved him as good old Joe, but once things got really hairy for him, I found him harder to watch. But of course, that's just me and my take on it. Love Mr Crothers anyway."

I sorta agree with this and I'm not sure why that is. Forbes and Millicent should have been more interesting than they turned out to be. Both are very competent actors yet, for some reason, I rarely think of either of them after I watch my tapes.
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 27, 2004, 03:04:39 PM
Forbes and Millicent should have been more interesting than they turned out to be. Both are very competent actors yet, for some reason, I rarely think of either of them after I watch my tapes.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but the Millicent/Nathan sub-plot is one of my favorite parts of 1795/96. [spoiler]Joel Crothers did an incredible job with Forbes and his turn from affable good-guy to all-out-for-himself skum. And Nancy Barrett - I can't even come up with enough superlatives to describe her performances once Millicent went over the edge after realizing how Forbes had manipulated her. In particular, her work in the scene in the tower with Louis Edmond's Joshua after Barnabas had attacked Millicent is nothing short of brilliant. No matter how many times I watch it, I'm always in awe. For me it definitely ranks as one of the ten greatest moments on the original series.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 27, 2004, 03:17:05 PM
-Heather (who's been acting a bit giddy since I found out that I've made the Dean's list for the fourth semester in a row... whoo-hoo!

Now that's what we DS fan/teachers like to see - someone with a healthy (OK - a more than healthy ;)) obsession with DS who doesn't let it get in the way of their school work. Congrats!  [thumb]
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Joeytrom on December 27, 2004, 07:10:35 PM
Thats another good thing about 1795 in that there is a regular soap opera type story going on as in the first months when Barnabas appeared.
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Heather on December 29, 2004, 02:32:35 AM
-Heather (who's been acting a bit giddy since I found out that I've made the Dean's list for the fourth semester in a row... whoo-hoo!

Now that's what we DS fan/teachers like to see - someone with a healthy (OK - a more than healthy ;)) obsession with DS who doesn't let it get in the way of their school work. Congrats! [thumb]

Thanks guys... well, I try my best...  [santa_cheesy]  It's just a wonder that I never made it to a fest or anything. Will someone kidnapp me?  LOL

-Heather (who can't believe I just got cure points for clicking on some flippin' mistletoe...grrrrrrrrrr...   [santa_wink]   [ChristmaS11]   [8_2_74]  :-*)
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 29, 2004, 02:57:46 AM
-Heather (who can't believe I just got cure points for clicking on some flippin' mistletoe...grrrrrrrrrr...

Congrats because now we get to see how much of a gambler or how much of a wuss you are...  [santa_wink]  But no matter the choice, at least you've proven that you were willing to take the chance in the first place - and for that you WILL be rewarded.

Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: Heather on December 29, 2004, 06:11:12 AM
Congrats because now we get to see how much of a gambler or how much of a wuss you are... [santa_wink] But no matter the choice, at least you've proven that you were willing to take the chance in the first place - and for that you WILL be rewarded.


Sweeeeet...  (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/rosebud22/village_people_1__1_.gif)     [8_2_59] {sorry, sorry...}

Okay, so anyway--

Getting back to Lt. Forbes and those confining garments...   [santa_azn]

[spoiler]I was watching a little of 1795 this evening, and I was revisiting the time when he met Millicent. After he finished flirting with Josette and everyone within earshot, he started talking to the bubbly blonde. She mentions she's from NY, and he makes some unimpressed remark and then:

Millicent: "...I'd find it much more distasteful to live by the sea. But then, I AM susceptible to all those maladies which may be caused by constant motion."

Lt. Forbes:  {Pause}  "That's a pity, Miss Collins...."

I guess 'Little Lt. Forbes' didn't like that.

Snicker, chortle...  [santa_cheesy]   [laughing_devil][/spoiler]

[santa_wink]  [santa_rolleyes]
Title: Re: Lt. Forbes Question
Post by: jennifer on December 30, 2004, 06:19:39 AM
i knew these trousers would find there way back where is cousin henry?


WAY TO GO HEATHER [santa_cool] my daughter made honor role for the first time in a year(9th grade)
and i let her get a nose ring(YICK)now all her friends want me to adopt them hey she worked hard and it iis very tiny