General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '02 I => Topic started by: Bob_the_Bartender on March 26, 2002, 07:22:41 PM

Title: Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Post by: Bob_the_Bartender on March 26, 2002, 07:22:41 PM
Say so long to Ruby Tate, the first (but, certainly not the last) slattern to end up floating off the docks in Collinsport Bay.

So, with apologies to Keith Richard and the late Brian Jones:

"Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday,
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you."
Title: Re: Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Post by: Gothick on March 26, 2002, 07:30:20 PM

Thanks for that touching paean.  Poor dear Ruby, gone but not forgotten.  I believe her ghost appears again in a later episode.  

Ever see the FAB appearance by the Stones when they performed this song on Ed Sullivan back in the day?  Brian Jones wears this gorgeously poofy hat and does things to a recorder that wouldn't be allowed on network TV today.  I loved Brian Jones.  What a genius ...

Title: Re: Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Post by: Luciaphile on March 26, 2002, 07:56:32 PM
Y'know, it's funny, but prostitutes were one well represented profession on DS.  You would think that in a small town like that there would be a couple of them, tops, but no, never ending supply of the poor dears who end up as fish bait.  Even after Curtis stopped hiring extras (too expensive) and we would get those scenes with two sole people in the Blue Whale, you could always count on there being a doxy on the docks  8)

Title: Re: Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Post by: Dr. Eric Lang on March 27, 2002, 03:43:32 AM
Y'know, it's funny, but prostitutes were one well represented profession on DS.  You would think that in a small town like that there would be a couple of them, tops, but no, never ending supply of the poor dears who end up as fish bait.  Even after Curtis stopped hiring extras (too expensive) and we would get those scenes with two sole people in the Blue Whale, you could always count on there being a doxy on the docks  8)


Well, Collinsport was a fishing village after all. Ships coming in and out of port . . . sailors like Nathan Forbes on leave and looking for a good time. I'm sure the Ladies of the Night made a good living there.