General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Polls Archive => Topic started by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 10, 2004, 05:29:38 PM

Title: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 10, 2004, 05:29:38 PM
The forum's new system allows us to post polls in which people can make more than one choice. So, to test this new feature out, I thought it would be fun to see which of the actors' characters/versions of characters turn out to be the forum's favorites.  [santa_smiley]

After voting, please feel free to explain why you voted the way you did, or wait until after the poll expires on 01/01/05 to do so.  [santa_wink]

(If these four polls get a good response, we'll add polls for other DS actors.)

Have fun!
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characters
Post by: Connie on December 10, 2004, 05:38:01 PM
MB....Ya left out 1995.  Can you put it in?  That's definitely one of my top 3.  (His best work IMHO)

Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on December 10, 2004, 05:46:35 PM
Oops!  [santa_embarassed]  1995 is there now.
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Connie on December 10, 2004, 06:40:43 PM
This was difficult for me.  I chose 1897, 1995 and 1840.  I absolutely did not want to leave out 1841PT.
I know a lot of people don't think 1841 was that great -- the storyline -- things were coming to an end rather haphazardly (sp?), etc.  Quentin was not a major part of the story but I wonder if people have noticed how Selby portrayed him.  He was distinctly different than 1840 Quentin in his manner, his tone, his body language - totally different personality.  There was a quiet toughness about him.  1840 Quentin was a very strong, brave person too but he really made them different people. 
His instincts with the characters were just superb.

Author of the best-selling books, The Zen of David Selby and The Book of Quentin.
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Julia99 on December 10, 2004, 10:33:29 PM
Hey i'm sorry but this one is silly .. DB is a good actor but he played one dude on DS. .. [8_2_73]
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Connie on December 11, 2004, 02:10:34 AM
You've got to be kidding.


CLC      J99

Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Julia99 on December 11, 2004, 02:30:20 AM
oh man i've angered "The Connie"!!  no really. . come on. . .how was Q 1840 any different than Q 1897?  And Q 1897 was the same dude 1970 and 1995---now I will say okay i've never seen PT but was PTQ different? i guess so he was a married man with a kid right?  Soo . .i say vote between PT Q and all the other (the same ) Q---

don't hate me because i'm a heretic! [santa_cheesy]
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Connie on December 11, 2004, 06:33:49 AM
no really. . come on. . .how was Q 1840 any different than Q 1897?

How were they different?  Goodness gracious.  I can't even find any similarities between them.  If you were watching these storylines, you couldn't possibly have given Quentin more than a cursory glance. 

don't hate me because i'm a heretic!

I LOVE you.  lol
I finally have a chance to use THESE!!  [90d1] 

[90d4]<<---These are my favorites--->>[a0a0] [a395]  [rifle] I love this shit. lol[rocket]
          [twak]           [uzi]

Don't hate me 'cause I'm an anarchist.  [smokn]

Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Misa on December 11, 2004, 07:19:26 AM
I thought that all the different Quentin's were quite different.
My favorites were Quentin 1897, Quentin 1995, and Quentin's ghost. I didn't like the 1970PT Quentin, or the 1840 Quentin. The PT1841 Quentin was more interesting than the 1840 one, but I just didn't like the 1840, or 1841PT stories very much.

I wish the writers wouldn't have wasted the original character once they went back to the present. They never did anything interesting with the character after that.

And the 1840 Quentin was just boring. A tired re-telling of the 1969 haunting, and then going back in time to right things. Yuck!

Misa [82b5]
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Nicole on December 11, 2004, 09:30:06 AM
Were the Quentins different?  In small ways, I'd have to say yes.  I think the main problem that arrives with the David Selby characters is that they're all named Quentin.  In your mind (or at least in my mind), all the Quentins start running together and its hard to tell which one cheated on whomever he cheated on or something to that effect.

Anyway, my fave characters go as follows:

Ghost Quentin: This was this storyline that drew me into DS in the first place and his mysterious presense had much to do with me sticking with the series.

1897 Quentin: His progression from the bastard who barged into Collinwood to his passionate admitance of guilt to Beth's ghost at the end of the 1897 was great.  He surely had fumbles along the way, but this incarnation of Quentin was a fully rounded figure. However, hiis subsequent appearance in the present day did not live up to his 1897 material.

1995 Quentin: I think crazy Quentin is a somewhat natural progression from his 1897-1970 self.  This Quentin had a lot of guilt so when everything falls apart, he obviously has a certain amount of self hatred and it drives him up the wall.  Once again, a really nice characterization.

What was wrong with the other Quentins?

1970PT Quentin: He was a boor.  If I had been Maggie . . . ugh . . . lets just say that someone would've been cleaned out by a divorce settlement.

1840 Quentin: He was, I suppose, fine and I really liked his relationship with Daphne (they looked so nice togehter).  He just didn't have the same spirit as 1897 Q.  He seems more like a victim of circumstance than someone who had an active role in his own life.

1841PT Quentin: Once again, I don't necessarily dislike this Quentin.  He had a certain amount of worldy weariness to him that I liked.  However, there just wasn't alot to him.

NoDS Quentin and Charles: They could have been interesting characters but were not given time to grow.

Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Janet the Wicked on December 11, 2004, 09:37:37 AM
Hadda put a vote in for 1995 looney [santa_cheesy] Quentin. Had to. I don't remember too much about those episodes except that Quentin had been incarcerated at Stormcrest Sanitarium - which totally cracked me up at the time. Stormcrest. [santa_grin] Looked to me like Selby had a good time with that part too.

Favorite Quentin of all is 1897 Q. He is wicked. Ruthless. A total cad. My kind of guy.

Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Julia99 on December 11, 2004, 04:05:32 PM
okay i'll admit the the Ghost of Quentin was very different than the ***real** Quentin--and why Quentin does evolve from the 1897 cad to the 1970 nervous guy. . he is the same character is what i mean. . he didn't work on the guys motivations, gestures, history . .so I see the Ghost, Quentin (1897, 1970), Quentin 1840 (who isn't that different that the guy who's around 37 years later--interested in bad stuff, sorta horney) and PT Quentin ..those are 3 discernable characters.  And 1840PT Quentin. .we only saw in  a handful of episodes.  Of course my favorite Selby character was Richard Channing--an eviler Quentin--
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: TERRY308 on December 11, 2004, 04:30:14 PM
I like him in 1897.  He's so cool.  He's wicked,  would scare little babies, does what ever he wants, takes cocaine, dabbles with the black arts, any "lady" when he wants, and plays his gramophone as loud as he wants to. [gramophone]
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Connie on December 15, 2004, 09:19:30 AM
....does what ever he wants, takes cocaine,....


I must have missed those episodes.  Was he like....doing it by himself, or was it passed around at one of Evan Hanley's black arts gatherings, or what?
I LIKE to think he was doing it with Julia but that's probably wishing for a bit too much.


(Trying to get into the holiday spirit)
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: TERRY308 on December 15, 2004, 06:37:43 PM
Forgive me Connie.  I meant to say opium.  There is a scene where Edwards is telling Quentin all about his (Quentin) down falls. [smokn]
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Connie on December 15, 2004, 07:20:49 PM
Jeez-- this scene must have gone right over my head.  I just asked LAFB and she also recalls Edward making a reference to it.  I don't suppose anyone would happen to know what episode # that would be?


Who wants to smoke opium with Quentin  [smokn]   [smokn]   [smokn]

fa la la la la.....la la - la - la
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Midnite on December 15, 2004, 09:09:09 PM
this scene must have gone right over my head.  I just asked LAFB and she also recalls Edward making a reference to it.  I don't suppose anyone would happen to know what episode # that would be?

Might be #803.
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Connie on December 16, 2004, 12:06:51 AM
Thanks.  I will peruse the episode this evening.  lol 

[Candle]    [ChristmaS15]   [Candle]
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Midnite on December 16, 2004, 03:40:37 AM
Happy perusing!  [okg]  It's a fantastic period in the series.
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 01, 2005, 07:13:56 PM
The results are in and they're pretty much what I expected - with one exception. Yes, the various versions of 1897 Quentin rule, but who knew 1970PT Quentin, the Quentin for which so many seem to go out of their way to profess their dislike, could come out ahead of 1841PT Quentin and NoDS' Quentin and Charles?

Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: jennifer on January 01, 2005, 08:42:56 PM
i loved the Quentins of RT and hated the Q's of PT they really do fuse together NODS was too chopped up for me i didn't like it
and thought Daphne should have pushed him off the roof halfway through the movie.

Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: jennifer on January 01, 2005, 08:45:19 PM
Who wants to smoke opium with Quentin  [smokn]   [smokn]   [smokn]

Let's face it Connie you would want to do ANYTHING with Quentin [santa_grin]

can't say that i blame you the first time he talks in 1897 WOW [8_2_74]
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: jennifer on January 01, 2005, 08:47:16 PM
I like him in 1897.  He's so cool.  He's wicked,  would scare little babies, does what ever he wants, takes cocaine, dabbles with the black arts, any "lady" when he wants, and plays his gramophone as loud as he wants to. [gramophone]

a teenage boy's dream world [santa_evil]

Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Shadowsfan on January 04, 2005, 11:51:28 PM
1897 Quentin the best period:)
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Maybellique on January 15, 2005, 11:09:38 PM
David Selby was definitely another great talent on DS. Not one of my faves, but a brilliant actor. Even though his 1897 Quentin made me mad at every quick second, he still made me laugh. He had a really animated way of delivering some of his lines. I think he certainly brought life to that storyline.

I can't say which is my favorite characterization, yet. Gotta see the rest of the Quentins. Oh! And I STILL haven't seen "NODS"! ~DJ
Title: Re: Three Most Favorite David Selby Characterizations
Post by: Evan Hanley on October 27, 2005, 02:43:23 AM
The ghost of quentin was so kool. I love him during 1897 with Evan Hanley. Its Also so kool when quentin and petofi switch bodie. so i vote for the ghost.