General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 II => Topic started by: michael c on November 14, 2004, 05:18:37 AM

Title: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: michael c on November 14, 2004, 05:18:37 AM
i just watched the episode where jeff proposes marriage to vicki...and something about it seemed familiar.moonlight,the terrace,the soft rippling of the fountain(i think even the music).why?it was in this very location that burke had proposed to her barely a year before.so we all know of course that burke's "missing" by this time(don't want to "spoil" anything)...but what about vic?does she recognize the signifigance of any of this?what did she do with the engagement ring burke had given her?

and in a related "performance",alexandra was so good in the burke story.but i noticed that in this scene she was way less "into it".i think her dissatisfaction with her role was starting to show by this time.the scene plays rather "flat"(plus jeff was just so yucky). ::)
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Joeytrom on November 15, 2004, 12:41:26 AM
Vicky slowly got over her grief for Burke during the 5 months she spent in 1795.

I never did understand why his name wasn't at least brought up soon after she returmed from the past (as Dr. Woodard was).

Someone should have asked her "Vicky, a few minutes ago you were in mouring about Burke, now who is this Peter who you are so upset about"?
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: ClaudeNorth on November 15, 2004, 04:15:26 AM
and in a related "performance",alexandra was so good in the burke story.but i noticed that in this scene she was way less "into it".i think her dissatisfaction with her role was starting to show by this time.the scene plays rather "flat"(plus jeff was just so yucky). ::)

The book, AMERICA ON THE RERUN, has a chapter devoted to DS.  Lara Parker was interviewed for the book and she remarked that Alexandra Moltke "moped around like a person who had to do this and who didn't want to be there and she hated working with Roger [Davis]."

In general, LP's remarks in the chapter are edgier than what is normally encountered in articles about DS.  The chapter also includes Diana Millay's comments about David Henesy, which are similarly edgy.  Of course, from what I understand, DM has quite the imagination, so her remarks are probably best taken with a grain (shaker?) of salt...
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Julia99 on November 15, 2004, 05:26:33 AM
The chapter also includes Diana Millay's comments about David Henesy, which are similarly edgy.  Of course, from what I understand, DM has quite the imagination, so her remarks are probably best taken with a grain (shaker?) of salt...

Interesting . ..i always thought David's mother was referring to another 'den mother' when she spent the Brooklyn (?) Fest trying to  reclaim her "Good Mother" reputation . . .Diana huh?
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: michael c on November 15, 2004, 05:37:03 AM
good points guys...it's so weird how burke's name is never mentioned again after the seance,but then again neither is sarah's and of course the whole point of the seance was to contact her ::).

i've never seen AMERICA ON THE RERUN,but it's sad that alexandra didn't enjoy her work on the show...but if i were her at some point i guess i would have gotten frustrated too(working with r.d....yuck.and the direction her character had taken by late 1968).but she shouldn't have let it affect her performance. ::)

what did d.millay say about d.henesey in this book???it's odd that an adult actress would go "on record" with dish about a child actor.
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: ClaudeNorth on November 15, 2004, 07:27:33 AM
what did d.millay say about d.henesey in this book???it's odd that an adult actress would go "on record" with dish about a child actor.

This is taken directly from the book, AMERICA ON THE RERUN, by David Story (copyright 1993):

"I tried so hard to get David to come with me [to the festivals] so I could walk out on stage with him and say, 'Oh, I have a surprise.'  Jim Pierson had asked me if I would just bring David down [one year] and David said yes and as the time got closer he just couldn't do it -- it was a real problem for him.  He became paranoid about it.  He is married and he has babies -- he doesn't want anyone to know where he is.  The hatred [for the show] ran deep.  It's very sad.  He's a perfectly normal and well-adjusted husband and father [now], but he had a mother hang-up.  He was a child actor who was forced to do something he didn't want to do.  He was the most obnoxious little brat at times but I would say, 'Alright, David, that's enough!' and we got along very well.  We've remained very close friends over the years.  David is a wonderful father and he has done a beautiful job in the restaurant business [in New York] but [back then he] was not a happy actor on the show."

Interesting quote, especially in light of Jeanne Avery's assertions that she was not a stage mother, and David Henesy's comments about Grayson Hall's remarks about his mother.  DH noted that GH had a son and was, perhaps, projecting her own concerns onto DH and his mother.  Perhaps the same could be said for DM, who also had a son (although he was much younger that DH and Matthew Hall).
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Cassandra on November 15, 2004, 09:59:47 AM
I often wonder just how much Vicky loved Burke?  When his plane had been reported missing, she was upset yes, but she was able to at least get on with her life & function on a normal basis,  taking care of David, helping Barnabas with ideas on the restoration of the old house, etc.   Yet when Peter/Jeff disappears back into the past she's so devestated that she can barely function and did nothing but spend all her time up in her room crying and waiting for him to come back.  She was practically on the verge of a mental breakdown.   IMO, she just didn't seem to have the same strong loving feelings towards Burke that she had with Peter/Jeff.

Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: michael c on November 15, 2004, 05:15:20 PM
i think vicki's feelings for burke were very strong...the both spent the first year trying to deny them for various reasons but when the finally got together it felt right(unfortunately the actor had changed).she had a few scenes after he "went missing" that were quite moving.

but because of the whole time-travel element in her relationship with peter/jeff it's supposed to have all of this additional signifigance and plays-out as totally over-wrought.and the chemistry between alexandra and roger was off.

when vicki was with burke i sort of felt she was "safe" somehow.like someone strong was looking after her.when he disappears you really sense that she's at loose ends in the world...and look what happens to her.jeff can't get it together to help himself,let alone anyone else. ::)
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Julia99 on November 16, 2004, 01:59:47 PM
Interesting quote, especially in light of Jeanne Avery's assertions that she was not a stage mother, and David Henesy's comments about Grayson Hall's remarks about his mother.  DH noted that GH had a son and was, perhaps, projecting her own concerns onto DH and his mother.  Perhaps the same could be said for DM, who also had a son (although he was much younger that DH and Matthew Hall).

Also makes me think that maybe Jeanne is a little out of touch about the past or you know as time passes, things seem less bitter, important. . .maybe she and DH have made their peace aboIut it??   I was referring to Grayson in my earlier post based on other comments and David's about GH being overly involved in his upbringing . .I wonder if that wasn't because she saw how much he hated it --and tried to get Mommy to see that--?? Of course at the Fest Jeanne said DH wasn't on the show much at the end cuz he went to live with his Dad--and she asked Curtis to always leave a way 'back in' in case he didn't like being with his DAd. . .ahhh parenting . .so complicated but i only know by observation ..the rest of you know more than I by practice. . .
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: michael c on November 27, 2004, 11:40:59 PM
just another little thought on vicki and jeff.because the show's earlier pacing was different,when vicki was dating burke we actually saw them "date"(lots of drinks at the blue whale).we saw them do somewhat normal things together sometimes(despite the early drama) and a relationship develop.

obviously things worked out different with peter/jeff...but we never once see a "normal" scene between the two of them.just them talking or spending time together...it's just all of this overwrought hysteria.we don't really see why they even liked each other. :P
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on November 28, 2004, 03:41:46 AM
we never once see a "normal" scene between the two of them.just them talking or spending time together...it's just all of this overwrought hysteria.we don't really see why they even liked each other. :P

That's true - Burke & Vicki's and Jeff & Vicki's circumstances are VERY different. Even discounting the lunacy that is Jeff (::)), one of the best reasons why many fans seem to prefer Vicki & Burke is likely because their relationship built over the period of more than a year rather than simply being thown at the audience and expected to be accepted from the get-go.

But so far as Jeff goes, I wonder if "overwrought" is a strong enough description for Jeff's hysteria? I'm leaning more toward the very real possibility that a strong enough word has yet to be added to the English language.  :D
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: stefan on November 28, 2004, 05:10:03 AM
Yet when Peter/Jeff disappears back into the past she's so devestated that she can barely function and did nothing but spend all her time up in her room crying and waiting for him to come back.  She was practically on the verge of a mental breakdown.   IMO, she just didn't seem to have the same strong loving feelings towards Burke that she had with Peter/Jeff.

ITA. Probably because the original Peter Bradford helped Vickie when she was lost and alone in 1795 cemented the relationship. He stood by Vickie and defended her on trial for witchcraft risking his own life and reputation in the process. Anyway, Roger Davies was pretty good as early Peter Bradford and had a sensitive, dreamy and staightforward manner that (in my opinion) complimented Vickie's simpleminded and clean personality. I could see them as a couple deeply in love. Plus the DS writers were very comfortable with the "love conquering time and space" thing..a concept used repeatedly in DS with much success.
I didn't see much of the Burke Devlin/Vickie relationship but I agree with many people on this board who say the original Burke was very good. One of the tapes I own has about 5 minutes of him and he appeared forceful and edgy. I'm sure they had good rapport but I was convinced by the Peter B./ Vickie pairing. Now, by the time Jeff Clark came around Roger Davies started to get icky plus the character (even as a Peter Bradford reincarnation) was not as appealing as Peter. I mean, wasn't he assisting in digging up bodies and convicted for murdering women? Not very sexy - as opposed to respectable Peter Bradford who was studying to become a lawyer.
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Patti Feinberg on November 29, 2004, 02:01:13 PM
I know it's been listed before, but, please refresh my memory....why did Burke leave?

(Character and/or actor(s)?)


Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on December 01, 2004, 02:59:17 AM
I know it's been listed before, but, please refresh my memory....why did Burke leave?

(Character and/or actor(s)?)

From what I read somewhere, Mitch Ryan was doing a play on Broadway.  For some reason, he just didnt' show up for work one day, which I can only imagine didn't sit well with the directors.  Anthony George left to start on another soap-opera.  I can't remember what the name of it was.

I just couldn't buy into the Vicki & Burke matchup with Mitch Ryan as Burke.  He was too domineering IMO which probably would've driven Vicki away. Can't picture him ever apolozing for anything. However,  I could see something going on between him and Carolyn though.  The sparks would definitely fly on that one.  Anthony George was a much better match for Vicki.  His character was gentler which complimented Vicki's character.
Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Misa on December 03, 2004, 07:19:15 AM
Mitch Ryan, had a drinking problem at the time he was on Dark Shadows. He didn't show up for work a few times, so they let him go. He seems to have gotten help for his alcohol problems now.

I didn't like Anthony George as Burke, he wasn't bad as Jeremiah though. As for Burke being bossy to Victoria, it was more common back then. I mean I always hated the way Darren bossed Samantha around on Bewitched. I think that Burke did respect Vicki though, when she put her foot down about him having Barnabas investigated he called the investigation off.

The whole thing with Jeff was kind of hard to take. Peter was rather romantic, Jeff wasn't. [spoiler]When Jeff dissapeared into the past Vicki tried to kill herself.[/spoiler]This just doesn't seem in keeping with Vicki's character. As I said I didn't like the "Jeff" thing. I don't think that Vicki was really in love with Peter, she was just completely alone and he was on her side. I think she did seem to be in love with Burke, but I think she had more of a relationship with Barnabas in the present than she had with Peter in the past. After she got over Burke, I would think she would have turned to Barnabas.

[spoiler]And If she tried to commit suicide, why didn't the Collins family get her to a doctor?[/spoiler]

Title: Re: one fountain/two proposals
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on December 17, 2004, 01:24:44 AM
[spoiler]And If she tried to commit suicide, why didn't the Collins family get her to a doctor?[/spoiler]

That's a good question.  Why didn't these people ever ask for help.  Remember David trying to do away with his father (at least twice) but it's just swept under the rug.  Liz almost ended up jumping off Widow's Hill a few times. However, Liz does call in help for David the time he's being terrorized by Barnabas.