General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '16 I => Topic started by: Watching Project on March 22, 2016, 03:42:45 AM

Title: Discuss - Ep #1058
Post by: Watching Project on March 22, 2016, 03:42:45 AM
Robservations #1058

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1058
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1058
Post by: alwaysdavid on March 23, 2016, 04:23:47 PM
Barnabas looks at Roxanne's neck saying I love you so. She loves him too. He sends her away and she returns to be bitten by him. Roxanne has psychic powers it seems and wants to find Julia. She reports that Julia Hoffman is dead and anyone with a brain would realize that the only thing that would be Julia's would be what she wore to PT. because Roxanne has said it, Barnabas gives up the search.
q has told Maggie they will leave Collinwood forever and Barnabas and Maggie leave forever sealing Julia's fate. Barnabas doesn't seem too worried about getting back to RT.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1058
Post by: Uncle Roger on March 25, 2016, 05:08:56 PM
Most of Barnabas' thoughts about Julia go out the window when Roxanne and her very accommodating neck distract him. Roxanne unwittingly reveals said neck to Stokes, who is able to put two and two together.
In between, Roxanne does a reading on a scarf belonging to Julia Hoffman. Unfortunately, it's not something that belongs to Dr. Hoffman and she accurately tells Maggie and Barnabas that the owner of the scarf is dead. Maggie and Barnabas lock up Collinwood, seemingly one and for all, unaware that Julia is still in the basement room. But for how long?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1058
Post by: MagnusTrask on March 26, 2016, 07:59:40 AM
Tim VO.  Roxanne sees in a psychic vision, while trying to locate Julia, a "tall woman"!  Barnabas should have dropped the whole matter right there, figuring Roxanne to be a fraud as a psychic...  Barnabas bites Roxanne.  "Go on, do it, you know you want to..." is what R Drew threw at Barnabas for five minutes.  He's only non-human...

a.d., it didn't occur to me, of course Barnabas can't allow the house to be locked up-- but then he can always pop back in as a vampire.

Plenty of viewers would overlook that the scarf belonged to a different person, but not Barnabas.  But then, people overlook obvious things when in a rush or under stress.  It would have been clever to put this in the plot if Barnabas hadn't been involved.