General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 II => Topic started by: EmeraldRose on October 18, 2004, 09:39:52 AM

Title: Sally's Shadowy Secrets - Episodes 118-127
Post by: EmeraldRose on October 18, 2004, 09:39:52 AM
Well, I couldn't wait to watch the last two tapes I have! ;D It might be a while until I can watch more.  I haven't received an e-mail informing me of a shipping date from MPI yet.  Here are my observations.

I have noticed that many of you are reading my posts, but not replying to them. ::) I guess you enjoy reading them, but don't have anything to add.  I hope all my work is worth it...

 #118 -  Matthew was getting more and more scary every day.   [spoiler]I liked how Joe and Burke were working together in an effort to find Vicki, after they had just fought about Carolyn.   I really wasn't surprised that Elizabeth didn't know about the Secret Room - After all, Barnabas was able to hide there for a long time![/spoiler]

#119 -  Again I say - Carolyn was a spoiled, naive Bitch!  >:( [spoiler]She and Joe FINALLY broke up, and I'm glad.  Joe deserves better than her.  Carolyn stubbornly would NOT listen to Roger and Elizabeth's  warnings about Burke's character.  Burke was using Carolyn, and obviously cared  A LOT about Vicki.[/spoiler] Roger was different than how I remember him being in later episodes. [spoiler]He was very self-centered and did NOT seem to care about Vicki.  He once again displayed lazy tendencies by NOT offering to help in the search.[/spoiler]

 #120 - This was the second kinescope episode.  I must admit, even though the original version was ALSO B&W, I thought it WAS a bit  more spooky this way.  It seemed like an old 1930's movie. :o [spoiler]David was starting to become scared of Matthew.  David really doesn't know when to stop asking questions sometimes, and Matthew's getting angry with him and refusing to answer the question about "the secret" was frightening ....... David was pretty sneaky, stealing Mrs. Johnson's cigarettes right from under her nose.  It was those same cigarettes which, while putting David in danger, also lead him closer to finding Vicki.[/spoiler]

#121 - [spoiler]David was close to finding Vicki, but Matthew came to stop it.  David's explanation about hearing ghosts seemed to appease Matthew.  David knew what he was doing was wrong, but he was frightened of Matthew and didn't want to go to jail....... Poor Elizabeth, she sure was worried about Vicki, and Mrs. Johnson and Sheriff Patterson didn't help her feel any better with their pessimism.[/spoiler]  :(

#122 - [spoiler]This is the first time that Josette spoke.  It sure was spooky that Matthew could hear her (and the other Widows?), but Vicki could not...... David tried to confide in Burke and Carolyn about Matthew and Vicki, but they didn't want to listen.  This reminds me of "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf" in a way, because David lied so much, that when he FINALLY had something truthful and important to say, it was hard to find someone who would listen and take him seriously.[/spoiler]

 #123 - This episode was the first time we saw Laura Collins...... I was frightened for David during this episode.  [spoiler]He found Vicki!  He was crafty, the way he looked in the window to see Matthew exit the Secret Room, standing out of Matthew's sight by the window, and hiding in the woods until he had a chance to run back to the Old House to find Vicki in the Secret Room..... It is GREAT to see the cute rapport between Maggie and Joe.  Joe thought Laura looked familiar, but couldn't place her.  I guess Joe was not well acquainted with Laura.[/spoiler]

 #124 - We already heard clues about where the story-line would go next with Laura's story to Maggie about the Phoenix.   Sam looked uneasy when he seemed to recognize her.... What interesting twists happened today! [spoiler]David found Vicki, but HE LEFT HER THERE!  Poor kid, he was so confused, and the knot was so tight, he didn't know what to do.  Matthew was REALLY scaring David now!  It was wonderful to hear David scream for his "Father" when he came home!  David finally started to believe Matthew was the killer, and not Roger.... Vicki must have been terrified and disappointed when David refused to release her.[/spoiler]

 #125 - Bill Malloy's ghost appeared twice in this episode...... :o  David has been appearing a lot in the last few episodes, and the actor did a fantastic job.  David really looked small - he wasn't much taller than the table where the phone was. ::) [spoiler]David was in a quandary about what to do about Matthew and Vicki, but  Bill Malloy's ghost was finally able to convince him to do the right thing.  It was smart thinking of David to leave a phone message for Burke....... Matthew was terrified of Bill Malloy's ghost - so much so that he actually lost his mind for a few moments, thinking Vicki was Elizabeth and living in the past.  Too bad it didn't last.  It was very scary to see Matthew tell Vicki she would have a quick death, and for him to leave to find something to accomplish this.[/spoiler]

 #126 - The past few episodes were really exciting, along with the other ones I mentioned before.  BUT THIS EPISODE WAS THE MOST EXCITING EPISODE SO FAR!!  Spooky, scary, suspenseful, thrilling!  I was on the edge of my seat!  :o  [spoiler]David FINALLY was able to tell someone about Vicki's plight!  He tried, in vain, to tell Roger first - but Roger would not agree to David's insistence that he NOT be punished, and he didn't take David seriously.   I loved Burke's insistence to Roger that they listen to what David was saying.  It was quite understandable that David would want to avoid punishment, and I was relieved when Burke appeased his wishes.  It seemed like FOREVER before Burke (and Roger) were able to discover where Vicki was...... WOW!  Five ghosts at once were haunting Matthew!  Great effects - the ghosts were surrounding him!  He died JUST BEFORE Burke and Roger came!  Matthew was frightened to death![/spoiler]

127 - (Another kinescope.)  Well, the excitement is over, for a while... [spoiler]It is apparent here that Elizabeth really cares about Vicki.  Josette's apparent resemblance to Vicki seems to confirm that Vicki is a Collins.  Again, I state, it's too bad Elizabeth could/would never admit that Vicki was her daughter.... Elizabeth's story about Josette's ghost helping her great-Aunt meant that Josette was no stranger to saving lives.  I'm glad Elizabeth believed Vicki about Josette's ghost.... Burke obviously cares a lot for Vicki.  Now that Vicki knows what Burke did when she was missing and in danger, she has a higher appreciation for him.[/spoiler]

Well, that's all for now! ;D

----- Sally -----[/size]
Title: Re: Sally's Shadowy Secrets - Episodes 118-127
Post by: michael c on October 18, 2004, 05:18:59 PM
nice work again sally.i remember finding these episodes with matthew holding vicki captive to be very supensful and even a little unsettling.

and i knew i was in for something wild the minute laura walked into the coffee shop.as i recall she was smartly attired in a hat and gloves!even before the whole "pheonix" thing gets going she's just so strange you can't take your eyes off her.
Title: Re: Sally's Shadowy Secrets - Episodes 118-127
Post by: ProfStokes on October 18, 2004, 08:32:03 PM
[spoiler]Matthew was terrified of Bill Malloy's ghost - so much so that he actually lost his mind for a few moments, thinking Vicki was Elizabeth and living in the past. [/spoiler]

I enjoyed this.  [spoiler]It made me believe even more that Elizabeth could be Vicki's mother, if Matthew could be swayed by the resemblance.  Did Liz look like Vicki when she was younger?  The possibilities![/spoiler]

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on these episodes, Sally!  :)

Title: Re: Sally's Shadowy Secrets - Episodes 118-127
Post by: Josette on October 19, 2004, 08:04:16 AM
Yes, I remember how exciting this part was - and then all the ghosts!!  Having enjoyed the 1897 Laura story, I was really looking forward to how it went the first time around.
Title: Re: Sally's Shadowy Secrets - Episodes 118-127
Post by: Misa on October 21, 2004, 07:48:48 AM
I haven't actually seen these episodes yet, but I have read the plot lines. Thank you so much for sharing the experience with us.

It is great fun to see how someone feels about the show the first time they watch it.

Thanks again Sally,

Title: Re: Sally's Shadowy Secrets - Episodes 118-127
Post by: Julian on October 21, 2004, 06:30:32 PM
I've enjoyed reading about them as well.  I am really hoping these episodes are going to be released on DVD.
Title: Re: Sally's Shadowy Secrets - Episodes 118-127
Post by: Annie on October 21, 2004, 11:12:05 PM
Hi Sally, thanks for sharing these with us. I
always enjoy your posts.   Love Anne :)