General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 II => Topic started by: michael c on October 16, 2004, 12:59:21 AM

Title: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: michael c on October 16, 2004, 12:59:21 AM
after vicki returns from 1795 her memories of it are confused but she does believe that she was indeed there.everyone else thinks that's impossible but she perseveres.during brandy and a fireside chat with nicholas roger informs him that vicki is an "odd girl" with a "bizzare and vivid imagination".she "behaves strangely" and indulges in "the most curious of fantasies".
of course "we" know her beliefs to be true but roger does not.wouldn't that make her a mentally disturbed young woman in his view?and why would he allow her to care for his child? ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Raineypark on October 16, 2004, 01:33:16 AM
Well, it would make her unfit to teach any other child in Collinsport......but considering this is DAVID we're talking about, perhaps Roger thought it would be the educational equivalent of fighting fire with fire....... ::)
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Devlin66 on October 16, 2004, 03:34:45 AM
Your talking about a gal who orders a grilled cheese sandwich at the posh country club like Bangor Hotel 4 star restaraunt.  Yes.....a very odd girl

reference volume 19 DS collectors series circa 1966
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: TERRY308 on October 16, 2004, 05:28:00 AM
Lets chase her around with pitchforks and then tar and feather her. >:(
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Gerard on October 16, 2004, 08:37:02 PM
In order for her to fit in as an employee of the Collins family one would think that it would be necessary for her to have the word "odd" appear somewhere in her resume.  But then she never so much as submitted one or even filled out an application.  She took a job from somebody she had never contacted or even heard of.  That would make her eminently qualified.

Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: michael c on October 16, 2004, 08:48:44 PM
i had forgotten that vicki had taken the position sight unseen.she was such a trusting girl.
after 1795 i noticed that vicki spends little if any time at all tutoring david.she's so distracted by dream curses and boyfriends from other centuries who has time to do the job one was hired to do.she's sort of just "there" at collinwood.the same thing happens with julia.she was there under the pretense of writing a book but that sort of just gets dropped and she just lives there for no real reason. ::)

i'll have to go back and check out the grilled cheese episode. ::)
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Gerard on October 17, 2004, 03:08:32 AM
I'll betchya a box full of Naomi Collins' hidden jewels that Julia used that gaudy pendant to hypnotize Elizabeth into having her stay permanently in Collinwood.  After all, she had some big, comfy digs to live in rent-free with Mrs. Johnson whipping up a pot-full of tea at her request and only had to drive back to Wyndcliffe once every three months to rewrite prescriptions for hoo-hoo meds for the patients.

Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on October 18, 2004, 01:14:57 AM
I think Vickie was very brave to take a position so far away, after spending all her life somewhat sheltered in that foundling home , taking only two clues to her ancestry.   I wish Vicky had found what she was looking for.  :- 
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Nelson Collins on October 18, 2004, 03:57:09 PM
after vicki returns from 1795 her memories of it are confused but she does believe that she was indeed there.everyone else thinks that's impossible but she perseveres.during brandy and a fireside chat with nicholas roger informs him that vicki is an "odd girl" with a "bizzare and vivid imagination".she "behaves strangely" and indulges in "the most curious of fantasies".
of course "we" know her beliefs to be true but roger does not.wouldn't that make her a mentally disturbed young woman in his view?and why would he allow her to care for his child? ::) ::) ::)

I tend to think the above says much more about Roger than Vicki.  After all. He seems to have put down the disappearance of Vicki to be replaced by Phyllis Wick, her subsequent reappearance in 18th century attire, rope burns about the neck and an almost healed GSW in her shoulder to some sort of mass hysteria or hallucination.  It couldn't have happened the way Vicki says, so it didn't.  The Scully syndrome about 30 years early. ;)
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Nelson Collins on October 18, 2004, 04:52:57 PM
In order for her to fit in as an employee of the Collins family one would think that it would be necessary for her to have the word "odd" appear somewhere in her resume.  But then she never so much as submitted one or even filled out an application.  She took a job from somebody she had never contacted or even heard of.  That would make her eminently qualified.

To be fair to Vicki though, she was trying to find out about her past.  I mean, she was  raised in a foundling home, her upkeep and education paid for by a mysterious and anonymous benefactor.  Then out of the blue she gets an equally mysterious offer of employment to be companion to a wealthy and reclusive matriarch of a powerful family and governess to a troubled boy.  Frankly, I'd find Vicki a little odd if she hadn't connected the two and taken the job! :)
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: michael c on October 18, 2004, 05:05:32 PM
these are all very good points.roger's ability to go into a state of brandy-induced denial is remarkable.but at this period in the show he was under cassandra's spell so maybe that was part of it...to keep him from growing suspsious of her and of the increasingly bizzare atmosphere at collinwood.

and i too wish vicki had found what she was looking for.it's sad that that part of the story gets dropped. :(
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Nelson Collins on October 18, 2004, 08:38:14 PM
and i too wish vicki had found what she was looking for.it's sad that that part of the story gets dropped. :(

Agreed,  I am still working my way through the series for the first time and I do lament that there was never any resolution to Victoria's search for who she is and where she came from. :(
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: CastleBee on October 18, 2004, 08:42:46 PM
True, Vicki never solved the mystery of her own origins but, she did find one thing she seemed to be looking for - the past - something she finally even became totally absorbed in.  Just not in a way she could have ever imagined when she boarded the train to Collinsport on that dark and stromy night.
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Luciaphile on October 20, 2004, 12:56:56 AM
roger informs him that vicki is an "odd girl" with a "bizzare and vivid imagination".she "behaves strangely" and indulges in "the most curious of fantasies".
of course "we" know her beliefs to be true but roger does not.wouldn't that make her a mentally disturbed young woman in his view?and why would he allow her to care for his child? ::) ::) ::)

Well, Roger never wanted a governess for David. What he wanted was to send the kid to boarding school. He spends a good portion of the first few months of the series alternately terrorizing and complaining about Vicki. Eventually, he mellows out a lot, but her behavior by 1968 is definitely on the wacky side.

He allows her to care for his child because Elizabeth made it crystal clear that the only way he could stay at Collinwood and at the cannery was if David stayed too. Roger spent his inheritance and Liz controls the purse strings.
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: michael c on October 20, 2004, 02:14:58 AM
roger's behavior toward vicki when she first came to collinwood was dreadful. ::)

vicki's behavior is really only "wacky" to those outside the know(like roger)."we" see what vicki sees.every ghost she sees,every time-travel-witch-hunted belief she has is,in fact,true.but one thing that they do to vicki and also to maggie is to "surpress" their memories of traumatic events so that as bits and pieces come back to them they appear ditzy and confused. ::)
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Maria_Merriweather on October 20, 2004, 03:52:29 AM
Vicky gets off the train to take a governess position to a  young boy and meet the family she is to work for--the reclusive Liz, the disturbed David, Roger who is hostile (at first). Not to mention the characters who come later--ghosts, a phoenix, a vampire. I always thought that Vicky was the normal one and that it was the Collins family that was odd. :o
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Nelson Collins on October 20, 2004, 07:42:11 PM
roger's behavior toward vicki when she first came to collinwood was dreadful. ::)

vicki's behavior is really only "wacky" to those outside the know(like roger)."we" see what vicki sees.every ghost she sees,every time-travel-witch-hunted belief she has is,in fact,true.but one thing that they do to vicki and also to maggie is to "surpress" their memories of traumatic events so that as bits and pieces come back to them they appear ditzy and confused. ::)

Agreed, but every the practical continuty geek that I am, I just don't see how Roger can deny the evidence of his own eyes.  And as for Vicki herself, surely she sill has the dress she was wearing when she returned from 1795 (or is it 96 by that point?)  plus surely she must still have a scar from the GSW. :)
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: michael c on October 21, 2004, 01:00:51 AM
continuity quickly gets brushed aside after vicki returns from 1795.goodness knows what happened to her dress.she has the gunshot wound very breifly when she returns but then it just disappears and isn't mentioned again(she's back in sleeveless after an episode or two).
i don't want to get "spoilered" but shortly after her return she and barnabas are going to "go away" together(presumably to be married).but where was b. going to "go" at that point?he couldn't be away from the old house for obvious reasons.then the dr. lang business starts and all that's dropped anyways.

continuity???forget it! ::)
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Cassandra on October 22, 2004, 08:51:50 AM
continuity???forget it! ::)

    That's so true.  And isn't it funny how when someone is going through something pertaining to the supernatural everyone begins to think that person "odd"  until it happens to them.  It's funny how fast they forget when it's happening to someone else. ;)

Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: CastleBee on October 22, 2004, 01:19:00 PM
And isn't it funny how when someone is going through something pertaining to the supernatural everyone begins to think that person "odd"  until it happens to them.  It's funny how fast they forget when it's happening to someone else. ;)

Yes, it is. Especially when they're in denial about someone else's experience when they've already gone through a similar experience in the same story line. Sometimes the Collins family suffered from some very aggravating and recurring cases of selective memory.  ;D
Title: Re: "...an odd girl,vicki"
Post by: Josette on October 23, 2004, 07:57:15 AM
And isn't it funny how when someone is going through something pertaining to the supernatural everyone begins to think that person "odd"  until it happens to them.  It's funny how fast they forget when it's happening to someone else. ;)

Yes, it is. Especially when they're in denial about someone else's experience when they've already gone through a similar experience in the same story line. Sometimes the Collins family suffered from some very aggravating and recurring cases of selective memory.  ;D

That's what particularly surprised me about Roger during the Quentin ghost story, shortly before the start of 1897.  It  seemed that Roger was the one that never experienced anything and so refused to believe anyone else.

[spoiler]So, I was quite surprised when Roger actually saw Quentin for himself.  And, his parting shot at him as they left the house really seemed so "un-Roger-like" - I've always loved that.[/spoiler]