General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '15 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on November 15, 2015, 07:50:06 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #1013
Post by: Watching Project on November 15, 2015, 07:50:06 PM
Robservations #1013

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
Post by: DarkLady on November 19, 2015, 09:05:30 PM
Quentin accuses Barnabas of being the cursed Barnabas, but Barn talks his way out of it. He does suggest moving "Alexis" to another room, and Quentin agrees. But Barn is full of questions about Angelique and Alexis. "Alexis" arrives with some flowers and tells Quentin he has a package from Paris.

Barn questions "Alexis," who replies rather huffily, Except for my looks, I am very different from my sister. And from what I have heard, Quentin was very much in love with his first wife, my twin sister. I’m sure he was, Barnabas replies, and they politely wish each other a good night. While Angelique wonders about this stranger who has suddenly dropped into their midst, Barnabas stands just outside the front door, wondering, Did this Angelique (remember, he thinks she's dead too and doesn't suspect "Alexis") have anything in common with the Angelique I knew? But then he decides, The most important thing is for me to get back to my own time. He uses his powers (i.e., he Disapparates) to go up to Angelique's room again.

Quentin opens the wooden crate (not a package) and reveals a really lovely portrait of Maggie that he had done in Paris. He reminisces about how much in love they were. This is not music to Angelique's ears, but she realizes that in order to defeat Maggie, Maggie has to be at Collinwood and hints that Quentin should get her back. Angrily he replies, I’ve made enough overtures, and Maggie must make the next move. Angelique says he is letting pride stand in his way, but this is the final straw for Quentin, who decides to go for a long walk to think. After he leaves, Angelique gives herself a congratulatory hug and promises Maggie’s portrait that “we” will get her back very soon. Angelique is just as hell bent as ever on destroying Quentin's second marriage, but she can't very well do it if the bride is still in New York. So she phones her aunt Hannah and orders her, I want you to bring all your herbs and amulets to Collinwood as soon as possible.

Angelique is desperate enough that she doesn't care what kind of spell she puts on Quentin as long as she gets him back somehow. Hannah whispers, It can’t be kept under control, and there’s no telling how Quentin will react. He could even become violent! I don’t care how he reacts, Angelique snaps, as long as he brings Maggie back here--that’s all I want. You may lose Quentin forever, Hannah warns. Smugly Angelique replies, I won’t lose him. He’ll be mine again in only a matter of time. Telling Hannah that they need to have everything ready before Quentin returns, she hurries from the room. Hannah lingers for a moment to look back at the portrait of Maggie.

Back upstairs, Barnabas is in Angelique's room--i.e., he didn't pop back into his own timeline, though he has tried to make it happen through sheer force of will. What's worse, Daniel comes in and recognizes him--and not as the descendant of the man in the portrait. You’re The Man in the Portrait! he exclaims. When Daniel tries to leave to get his father, Barnabas has to use his powers on the poor kid to make him forget that he ever saw Barnabas.

"Alexis" goes back down to the drawing room, pretending to be pleased that Quentin has just hung Maggie's portrait in the place of honor over the mantel. She makes him an offer he can't refuse--i.e., she fixes him a drink--and slips the potion into it. She leaves the room, saying, The two of you should be alone together. In a matter of moments, Quentin gets a distracted look, his eyes go out of focus, and he loosens his tie. Still holding the drink, he sits on the sofa to admire the portrait in comfort.

Hannah has lit the hearth in Angelique's room. Angelique compliments Hannah on her fire-building skills, then kneels in front of the fire to perform her incantation:Let the flames carry my thoughts to the one who is receptive to them. Quentin, hear me. Hear my thoughts. You are deeply in love with Maggie. You can think of no one but her.

Downstairs, Quentin takes another sip of the drink, but actually sets it down as though he can hear Angelique’s words: And without her, life itself is not worth living. You allowed Maggie to leave Collinwood....

Upstairs, Hannah warns Angelique again, but Angelique brushes her off and continues: Now you know what a mistake that was. You know how much you need her and want her. You will bring her back to Collinwood...

Quentin stands up and looks at Maggie’s portrait as Angelique goes on: .... because you can no longer bear the guilt you feel. At the word _guilt_, Quentin turns from the portrait and puts a hand to his head. Angelique winds up: The guilt is eating at your conscience and, Quentin, you must do something about it--very soon. Quentin staggers over to a chair and leans on it.

Now that she has finished her incantation, Angelique is satisfied. Quentin should be ready to do exactly what I want him to do, she says, so I will go downstairs and see him. Hannah wants to come with her, but Angelique orders her to stay put and runs from the room. Greatly troubled, Hannah turns to stare into the fire.

Quentin’s severe, lovesick melancholy makes him reach out to the portrait, but he leans on the mantel and bows his head. Suddenly angry, he turns away and stalks across the room. As if against his will, he turns to look at the portrait again, but then forces himself to look away and spots a marble-handled letter opener on the desk. Angelique enters. Are you all right? she asks. No! he snaps, as if crazed, I am not all right. Suddenly he picks up the letter opener and makes straight for her, implacable fury in his eyes. She screams and backs away.......

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
Post by: alwaysdavid on November 20, 2015, 03:15:48 AM
Angelique tells her Aunt she wants to win Quentin back, even though, she never had his as Alexis. Her plan is to return Maggie to the house so she can get rid of her.  Maggie gets the place of honor over the fireplace
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
Post by: MagnusTrask on November 20, 2015, 03:23:59 PM
Barnabas meets Angelique.  I think Barnabas is too cocky, exuding "I know something you don't know" all over the place, as if these people exist just to be ironic alternatives to people he knows, rather than real people in their own right, who can be dangerous to him, and who might be harmed by him.  He's not especially concerned over whether he mkaes a good impression on PT Ang. 

Barnabas recklessly decides to go right back to the RT room, right after Quentin obligingly showed it to him, and then went to bed.  He goes by disappearing, the effect of which worked just fine for once.  I was wondering if he could do this, but it's Jeb's curse now, not the one altered by Petofi. 

PT Angelique gives herself away in conversation with Quentin, but he doesn't notice.  She sees Maggie's portrait, and acts as if she's never seen Maggie before. 

I guess the relationship between Hannah and Angelique is that Hannah has the power, and Ang needs her to do anything supernatural.  Sort of.  If so, though, why does Ang control Hannah?  It should be the other way around.  We think of Ang as a witch, but PT Ang is something less powerful than that, that much I know.

Fake-out cliffhanger... Q can't really be out to kill Ang, can he?
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
Post by: DarkLady on November 20, 2015, 03:39:48 PM
Maybe Angelique thinks that because she's been dead so recently, she hasn't got her mojo back yet and needs Hannah's help. Plus we get more chances to see the wonderful Paula Laurence! :D

Barnabas is at his worst when he thinks he's pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, or when he's walling up Trasks in basements. But I guess that that's the 180-degree opposite of his terror of being found out. With him it's either one extreme or the other.

The one guarantee we have that Quentin wasn't about to stab Angelique is that this was a Wednesday episode.  [easter_cheesy]

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
Post by: Uncle Roger on December 24, 2015, 12:32:00 AM
Nicholas Blair once said that he was much too talented to waste his time drugging drinks. Apparently, Angelique is not quite so talented.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on January 02, 2016, 07:50:18 PM
I love this capture of Hannah:

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
Post by: DarkLady on January 02, 2016, 10:44:46 PM
Ooooo , me too!