General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '15 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on October 01, 2015, 12:22:23 AM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0986
Post by: Watching Project on October 01, 2015, 12:22:23 AM
Robservations #986

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0986
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0986
Post by: MagnusTrask on October 01, 2015, 08:53:10 AM
Who, VO?  Amy sees "Alexis"... just as every RT character was brought one by one to see the PT Room, to establish it for casual viewers and to build up its mystery, now everyone gets a shocked moment separately with "Alexis".   Good acting.  You have to feel for her, as she's required to let the Mommy doppelganger edge by her very close, to get up the stairs. 

Jennifer Evans "appears" on DS by way of a phone call with Quentin.  I didn't really picture this being the Evans family with Sam on previous viewings, since family relationships are implausible and up for grabs in PT.  Her parents could have been anybody.  Perhaps Sam's wife never got ill and died?  I want to see PT Sam, but I don't think David Ford will cooperate.  Hey, maybe PT Portia's her stepmom.

So Cyrus is siphoning "evil" out of Bruno?  Even Bruno thinks that's whacked.  I wonder if it's possible for a scientist to be a crackpot, thinking evil is a tangible thing in people's biology rather than a human subjective value judgment that doesn't exist anywhere but in the mind... and still make a breakthrough?  "Evil" is a matter of definition.  Bad body chemistry does make us psychotic...

So Chris is a lawyer.  And someone's comment confirmed for me that he was a groundskeeper earlier, unless keeping Bruno off the grounds was supposed to be a legal manoeuver. 

Bruno confronts Angelexique, getting right in her face as never happens in real life, for a "two shot".  Must have been funny, watching on set.  In real life, a person would be sure it was an assault... Bruno, leaving: "We'll catch up.  We always do."  Nice.  Welcome, Bruno Hess's full name, on his sheet music.  Related to PT Hermann?  Or Hess Petroleum, which even in PT probably still has a family connection? 

Amy's right.  Whoever the hell Alengixique is, she should have left for a hotel immediately. 
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0986
Post by: alwaysdavid on October 02, 2015, 01:22:56 AM
Angelique has an inner radiance. Alexis was the one who glowed less. One would never know by her looks and confidence now.  She hasn't contacted her father for years and he favored the golden chiid Angelique.
Quentin meanwhile is guzzling the booze like it's going out of style and won't go after Maggie. She refuses to talk to him from Jenn's home in New York. 
Angeligue gave little man Bruno the cottage.  Hey he wants to live where he is not wanted remains to be seen.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0986
Post by: Uncle Roger on October 02, 2015, 06:13:22 AM
The Stokes family may be even more dysfunctional than the Collins brood. Angelique and Alexis have apparently been estranged for some time since Alexis has never met her adolescent nephew. Quentin[spoiler] disapproves of Aunt Hannah, so she isnt
Isn't allowed at Collinwood.[/spoiler]  According to Carolyn Loomis, Angelique outgrew her father when she married Quentin. Alexis seems to be the white sheep of the family. And, if Angelique glowed any more, she'd be radioactive.
We never learn much about Jennifer Evans, other than that she lives in New York. It would have been interesting to find out just who she was supposed to be parallel to. Perhaps MB might know if there were ever any plans to bring Jennifer onscreen. Parallel time Sam could have been interesting as well but I think that David Ford had moved on at this point. Maybe Nancy Barrett got custody of Dark Shadows in the divorce.
So Angelique deeded the cottage to Bruno. It's definitely a plot device meant to keep Bruno around to annoy Quentin. I think that Dynasty used the same angle to keep Alexis on the Carrington estate. Bruno gets a last name in parallel time, not that will do him any good. Just remember that Hess rhymes with mess.
Amy is uneasy around Alexis. I can't blame her. She's the youngest member of the household and probably more naive than anyone besides Maggie. Quentin should be a little more patient. Amy is definitely spooked but she means no harm.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0986
Post by: DarkLady on October 02, 2015, 03:39:02 PM
We find out that at least one of the Stokes clan is musical and a good sight reader too. Bob Cobert has arranged the "Ode to Angelique" so it sounds like a Chopin nocturne.

Jennifer Evans survives PT by remaining off stage in New York. Too bad we don't get to see her. It would have been fun if she had turned out to be Maggie's twin.

Bruno's PT costumes are even more wonderfully hideous than RT Bruno's. He wears a dark blue chalk-stripe jacket with a V-neck polo shirt and, yes, a big gold medallion on a heavy gold chain. The multicolor granny-square afghan has also migrated to PT and is now at the cottage. Does this mean that the elementals are in sympathy with him and Angelique? I'm sure he wants to stay there because Angelique deeded the cottage to him, so he gets to live rent free.

Somehow, after Chris took Angelique's little black book from Cyrus, it has magically turned red.

Chris has always been the estate manager, never the caretaker. So he's been a lawyer all along.

Alexis is still at the piano, still playing Bruno’s Ode to Angelique when Quentin finds her. He sits next to her on the piano bench. He puts his arm around her when he notes the tears on her cheeks. I don’t understand why it happened, Alexis says. I understand, Quentin says gently as he leans toward her. Their nearness is far too much temptation for either of them to withstand, and the scene fades as they inevitably clinch....
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0986
Post by: Uncle Roger on October 02, 2015, 04:08:45 PM
Dark Lady, I love the idea of Kathryn doing double duty as Jennifer and Maggie. With Lara as Angelique and Alexis, that could have been like the Dan Curtis version of Big Business, with Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin. [ghost_rolleyes] [ghost_cool]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0986
Post by: DarkLady on October 02, 2015, 06:26:51 PM
Thanks! But yes, it just suddenly tickled my funny bone!   [ghost_grin]

But it would have been really interesting too, because very soon we'll have [spoiler]Cyrus Longworth/John Yaeger [/spoiler]too.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0986
Post by: MagnusTrask on October 04, 2015, 08:32:20 PM
Of course, a Maggie who had an identical twin wouldn't have been so thrown by the idea of Angelique's identical twin....
