General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '15 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on September 28, 2015, 03:44:49 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: Watching Project on September 28, 2015, 03:44:49 PM
Robservations #985

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: alwaysdavid on September 30, 2015, 03:11:49 AM
Does Maggie really think that Q would be talking casually to Angeligue just back from the dead? Maybe if we had some hint that she believed in rising from death, ghosts etc.
Chris is with Cyrus in a Stoney Lab somewhere. Cyrus reveals he saw Angeligue. Chris says the work may be damaging Cyrus's mind.
So Alexis has been living in Florence and does not know her sister died until now. Does not seem all that upset.  The dissolve from painting to person is nicely done.  Is it really Angeligue?  Hoffman thinks so and goes all giddy at the thought.
Alexis makes a play for Q which Maggie sees and runs away.  It seems pretty tacky to go after the newly remarried husband of the sister you just learned died
Maggie runs off after a fight with her husband and takes the car.  It appears this version of Rebecca has ended differently.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: Uncle Roger on September 30, 2015, 04:38:58 AM
Busy episode. If Maggie hadn't had enough stress since arriving at Collinwood, now she is justifiably freaked out by what may or may not be her husband's first wife. The visitor is introduced as Alexis Stokes, Angelique's twin sister. Alexis apparently only recently learned of her sister's passing. Alexis is apparently a globe trotter (Tangiers and Florence) and her reasons for being out of the loop seemed credible enough for 1970. Hoffman doesn't believe (or most likely doesn't want to believe) that this woman is not Alexis. Maggie is threatened by her no matter what. Quentin thinks with his pants, leading to the blowup that will allow Kathryn Leigh Scott to exit for the movie.
Perhaps Maggie should have told her husband about the note that she received. But the damage had already been done. But, like the singing in the previous episode, I don't think that we ever get an answer as to who was responsible.
The Stokes girls apparently were not close. I am unclear if Hoffman had met Alexis previously but she was certainly aware of her. Did Quentin and Daniel have any kind of relationship with her?
Odd scene with Cyrus and Chris in the lab. Cyrus seems like a nice enough guy but his thesis about good and evil struck me as being as loony as Eric Lang. Isolating the good and evil aspects of bunny rabbits seems more appropriate for a Warner Brothers cartoon. Chris Collins is unfortunately an undeveloped character. He genuinely seems to like Cyrus but is uncomfortable with Cyrus' theories. But Chris really seems to have had Angelique's number. What happened between them?
Lara Parker does some of her best work as Alexis. She does a good job maintaining the is she or isn't she aspect of the character. I would love to have learned more about her family background. With such alpha types as Angelique, Timothy and Hannah in the family, it's easy to see why Alexis chose to live away from Collinsport. I wonder what her mother was like.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: MagnusTrask on October 01, 2015, 06:42:17 AM
"Alexis" is suddenly there.  It's almost as if no one was ever told she had an identical twin sister.  If no one was, of course we have to think this is Angelique.  Maybe PT has even worse "cousin-from-England" syndrome, where once someone shows up with a family face, all skepticism goes out the window.  Quentin might have known-- he sounds as if he might have.  Hoffman is stunned, but then also sounds as if she had known Alexis existed, before now.  But then, of course, she lets A/A know she doesn't buy it for a minute.  All confusing. 

WAS an Alexis established in her family tree, as far as Collinwood was concerned, or not?  Though it's not out of the question that Angelique would have hidden the existence of another "her", since she thinks/thought she is/was so incredibly special and unique.  But, Collinsport is her home town.  The town would know.
Quentin's syndrome is a common one, but not to this degree-- He acts as if it's ridiculous for anyone not to know what he knows, even when the other person had no way on earth of knowing.  He's confined in a straitjacket of his own perceptions.  To Maggie about the shock of Alexis: "Why'd you run away?!"  Q might even be thinking-- "What more do I have to do?  I told Maggie that Angelique couldn't come back from the dead.  Case closed.  Yet... all she has to see is her previously unknown, unmentioned-by-me identical twin sister chatting away in the Drawing Room, and her imagination runs wild!  Women, GEEZ!!"

We now go back to Nicholas's basement, seemingly, the spiral staircase that he led Carolyn down, so she could help him summon The Most Evil Woman in the World.  The camera backs away to reveal that this is just a corner of Cyrus Longworth's basement laboratory.  I am tempted to think that this is Nick's house in PT.  Welcome, Cyrus's lab... Cyrus and Chris talk.  We learn that the work's gone on over a year, and that Angelique was a patron.  What was she going to do, with CL's [spoiler]good-evil split?  Ang/Alexis have that split already!!  And here's another set of PT opposites within PT...[/spoiler]

In my notes: "Lara sounds like Glinda, Wiz of Oz."

Hoffman thinks Alexis made up being an identical twin?  She can't, reasons given above.  Do identical twins pop up out of nowhere traditionally on soaps?  I'm not a soap fan, so I don't know. 

Ooh, nice moment in dark corridor, when Hoffman passes by Maggie's room, or more interesting if true, just a room Maggie happened to be in, and stopped, aware of Maggie as she came out the door, with eyes in the back of her head.  Hoffman never turns around.  She just says, "The young lady is staying".  Bye Maggie.  By Violet Welles.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: MagnusTrask on October 01, 2015, 06:51:14 AM
(1) Does Maggie really think that Q would be talking casually to Angeligue just back from the dead? Maybe if we had some hint that she believed in rising from death, ghosts etc.

(2)Cyrus reveals he saw Angeligue. Chris says the work may be damaging Cyrus's mind.

(3)Alexis makes a play for Q which Maggie sees and runs away.  It seems pretty tacky to go after the newly remarried husband of the sister you just learned died.

(1) Yeah, but look... there Angelique is!!  This is a sudden shock, not a time for analysis.  No time for that.  The shock hits you first.  Maggie had been set up perfectly for this.  Subconsciously, Maggie now did believe, she just didn't know it yet.... this moment brought it out.  who thinks "Maybe it's the identical twin sister no one mentioned?"?!

(2) Did Cyrus say HE saw Ang?  I missed that. [spoiler]So there was a ghost?[/spoiler]

(3) "Alexis" has such an angelic air that I tend not to blame her for anything, but she's at least half responsible.  Quentin seemed to initiate more.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: MagnusTrask on October 01, 2015, 07:01:19 AM
Another thing, how to the Stokeses have this great wealth, to support Alexis's supposed globetrotting?

[spoiler]UncRog, we never hear who wrote the note?  At least they did in 1840...  Well, it's all covered by Ang's ghost, pre-resurrection, even though we never see her.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: alwaysdavid on October 02, 2015, 01:06:28 AM
Cyrus said he saw Angelique in a car in town.  We now know it is Alexis, but he doesn't.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: DarkLady on October 02, 2015, 03:10:29 PM
Welcome, Cyrus's underground lab! It's always fun to see how they recycle elements from previous sets.

That tall, weedy gent who tried to steal Angelique's address book before Chris Collins stopped him turns out to be _Doctor_ Cyrus Longworth, a research scientist. Like our own Julia Hoffman, he has a laboratory, apparently in a windowless maze in the basement of his house. In this first appearance of the lab, we can see that Cyrus also has a guinea pig and a black and white rabbit in cages. The lab also has that essential piece of scientific equipment, a large oval mirror. (Strangely, the previously blond Cyrus has unaccountably become a redhead, which makes him look all the more weedy and dithering--I suppose that's why they did it [and they had to wait till after Jeb Hawkes's Positively Last Appearance in Carolyn's dream].

Chris finally gets his secretive friend to explain what his work is--then wishes he hadn't. In his usual stilted and formal style, Cyrus explains his work. And welcome to the bottles of the infamous red and green formulas! He looks up, hoping for Chris’s agreement and approval, but Chris has turned from him in dismay. You have misunderstood everything I said, Cyrus huffs, and now I regret saying anything at all. I’m glad you did tell me, Chris replies somberly, because I’m all the more worried now that I know you’re obsessed with a purely private, impractical idea. It’s not impractical! Cyrus insists. If it could be used--and it could be if you had given me Angelique’s address book with the chemist’s name. I’m glad now that I didn’t, Chris says unrepentantly. Angelique believed in my work, Cyrus reveals. In fact, she got me started on these experiments. Separating good and evil, Chris mutters. There is no doubt in my mind which of the two appealed to her.

Now we know that it's really Alexis Stokes. Maybe she had a job that allowed her to travel. But maybe she ran out of funds, since we will learn that [spoiler]she hitched a ride from Genoa on a friend's yacht.[/spoiler] I was in Florence, Alexis explains. I didn't know that Angelique had died but felt "compelled" to come to Collinwood; I felt I was needed here. Hoffman offers her Angelique’s old suite. I would like that, Alexis replies. Quentin agrees to it, so Hoffman takes her upstairs. Alone, Quentin confides to his friend the decanter, I wish Alexis didn’t look so much like Angelique. Then he thinks, I’m reacting as badly as Maggie did: She has come from far away--but how far away? I wonder.

Hoffman leads Alexis down the hall to Angelique’s room. Maggie Collins, the Mistress of Collinwood, timidly peeps out of her door to watch them go by.

As Cyrus and Chris continue their conversation, we learn that Dr. Reese is alive and well in PT--and manages to stay that way because he stays off screen. But he's not in Cyrus's good books because Chris tells him that the good doctor disapproves of "black magic."

Hoffman brings Alexis to Angelique’s parlor, where a white baby grand piano has suddenly materialized. The room is beautiful, Alexis enthuses. It is exactly as _you_ left it, Hoffman tells her. Alexis protests, but Hoffman says, You don’t have to lie to me. I have always known you would come back. That’s impossible, Alexis insists. She is not like others, Hoffman says. Alexis agrees dryly but insists, Angelique is dead, and I am Angelique’s sister--and tired. I left my luggage in town (people are always doing this at Collinwood). I need to borrow one of Angelique's nightgowns. Don’t talk like that to anyone else, she warns Hoffman--they might be distressed. Hoffman gives her Angelique's favorite, a pink number with cap sleeves made of marabou feathers (actually not nearly as awful as it sounds).

Hoffman runs into Maggie in the hall and tells her, without once looking at her, that Alexis is staying at Collinwood on Quentin’s orders. Maggie goes downstairs to find Quentin but finds only the empty decanter. What is happening to him? she wonders. What is happening to all of us?

Later, Quentin (who indeed has had more to drink than is good for him) hears Alexis playing "Ode to Angelique" on the piano and flips out when he sees her; she explains about the nightgown and that she was sight-reading some sheet music she just happened to find. It’s all right, Quentin says. It’s just that you look so much like Angelique, particularly in this room. It’s almost as if two people have blended together and then become one. Or as if the past and the present have blended together and become one, Alexis suggests. You miss her too, she adds. Perhaps we can comfort one another. Maggie arrives just in time to see Alexis in the nightgown with Quentin’s hand on her shoulder. She rushes down the hall, and Quentin runs after her, but Alexis doesn’t seem disturbed at all as she sits back down at the piano.

Quentin comes downstairs to find Maggie. His speech slurred, he tells her, You mustn’t think what you were obviously thinking. It’s insane for you to believe that Alexis is Angelique. Can you explain _this_ to me? Maggie retorts, finally showing him the note in Angelique’s handwriting. It’s obviously a practical joke, Quentin replies. No it isn’t, Maggie says. _She_ wants me out of this house! She’s dead! Quentin insists. It is Angelique’s handwriting, isn’t it? Maggie asks. I refuse to discuss it any further, he says flatly, then instantly adds, Why didn’t you tell me about it? Please, look at the note again, Maggie says. MAGGIE, ANSWER MY QUESTION! he shouts at her. WILL LOOMIS SWEARS THAT IT IS ANGELIQUE'S HANDWRITING! she shouts back. She explains more quietly, I showed it to Will the next day. This sets Quentin off because, as he says, You showed it to a “drunken neighbor” first and not your [currently drunken] husband. I can never find my husband, she points out--he is never here. You’ve had plenty of opportunities, Quentin blusters as he walks away from her toward the french windows. Maggie says, Quentin, even when we are alone together in a room, you are still so far away. She goes on: I am beginning to understand now, Quentin. You know she is not gone. You can feel her presence in every room of this house. She is still running this house. She still tells everyone what to do. Nobody makes a move without her approval first. No one, not even you! Quentin tells her to stop, but she says, Angelique is not dead! She is more alive than any of us! I forbid you to say her name! Quentin orders. I refuse to be treated like a child, Maggie retorts. I know what I heard and what I saw. You’re being unfair, Quentin says, not giving anyone a chance. Like they gave me a chance? she shoots back. No. This is Angelique's house, not mine. You are Angelique's husband, not mine. Unfortunately Quentin suggests, If you don't like it, you should leave. Amazed at the brilliant simplicity of this idea, Maggie takes him up on it and walks out without another word. Quentin follows her to the door, screaming her name, then comes back as Alexis descends the stairs. Shouldn’t you go after her? she suggests. Maggie’s behaving like a child, Quentin fumes, but then relents. He has just gotten to the doors when they hear the sound of Maggie’s car (a stick-shift) vrooming off. It’s too late now, Quentin says blearily as he stumbles back to the drawing room. Alexis regards him remorsefully.....….

[KLS was also commuting to Tarrytown to work on “House of Dark Shadows”!]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: MagnusTrask on October 04, 2015, 08:45:12 PM
You showed it to a “drunken neighbor” first and not your [currently drunken] husband.

Chuckle, DL.  [spoiler]Do we know it's not Angelique yet?  I'm up through 990 now, and it still seems they're throwing mixed signals at us.  Like Alexis staying instead of going to a hotel.  Ang would never leave; it's her turf.  I know she offered to leave, but really, under the circumstances, you just leave.[/spoiler]

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0985
Post by: DarkLady on October 04, 2015, 08:50:50 PM
Yup, we know it's Alexis. But Maggie is upset anyway, and who can blame her.