General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '15 II => Topic started by: Watching Project on September 08, 2015, 04:40:11 PM

Title: Discuss - Ep #0971
Post by: Watching Project on September 08, 2015, 04:40:11 PM
Robservations #971

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0971
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0971
Post by: MagnusTrask on September 08, 2015, 05:06:23 PM
Karlen VO.  He's trying to reduce his accent from ... where?  He'll manage it later in the year.  He says Barnabas is in the most danger.  Why?  Roger awakes to what I thought was Prof. signature theme music.  They stake Megan Todd unceremoniously.  Farewell, Marie Wallace.  The way they all go about this, suspicion is sure to be aroused.  I haven't been clear enough in my notes, sorry.  I make note of shameless acting from Grayson: "I hope... it... doesn't... harm you!"  with a quivering lip.

Barnabas obtains his PT biography, by William H Loomis.  The closing credits are in larger letters.  By Violet Welles.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0971
Post by: DarkLady on September 08, 2015, 05:48:09 PM
I wonder if JK is using his own voice rather than his Willie Loomis voice. I think that originally Willie was supposed to be from the South, but I can't remember now.

While Barn is wondering how he can get into PT, Elizabeth is remarkably candid with Julia downstairs (even if this is highly ironic!).  Elizabeth tells Julia, There is no record of anything strange happening in the East Wing, but that’s not conclusive proof, is it? What do you mean? Julia asks. The family has a habit of forgetting things they find unattractive, Elizabeth says dryly, but in this case I find nothing to forget or hide. The East Wing is remarkably free of secrets, she says with a smile.

Willie wrings his hands in the best Willie style as he tries to steel himself to stake Megan. But when he and Julia find the coffin, he has to cover his face to keep her from seeing that he's crying. His panic turns to outrage when Roger (still wearing his trench coat!) shoves Julia aside. A lot of hitting below the belt ensues until Roger is in the hallway outside the room. Willie breaks a vase over his head and knocks him out. Still riding his adrenaline rush, he tells Julia, Look after Roger. Do you want me to come with you? she offers. Perhaps ashamed of his earlier cowardice, he says, If I have to do it I will do it by myself. Julia pats him encouragingly and shuts the door. Willie is practically panting with terror as he opens Megan’s coffin, but he doesn’t even spare a glance at her hideously transformed beauty. He remembers what Julia said: In her heart--with one blow. He places the stake over Megan’s heart and drives it home with all his strength. Megan screams in unhuman anguish. Willie screams along with her, backing away in horror as she writhes in agony, then falls silent. We get a final glimpse (from the neck up) of Megan lying dead  but peaceful in her coffin as Marie Wallace makes her positively last appearance on the show.

Fortunately, Roger remembers nothing of his brief time as a vampire's host. That night at the Old House, Willie tells Barnabas with an air of grim accomplishment, I did it. I won’t forget her face, he says with a shudder, not if I live to be a hundred. I know, Barnabas says, then tells him, Take Megan’s coffin and bury her in an unmarked grave. When Julia has gathered all Megan’s clothes and brought them, we will dispose of those too. That’s easy “after the other,” Willie comments, still riding his high, and heads off to his grim task. Julia decides, I must tell Elizabeth that Megan decided to leave Collinsport, never to return, and didn’t want to have anything to do with anybody or anything. Barnabas can’t help asking, Did you hear or see anything in _that room_? It might be dangerous, Julia warns him again. I’m still drawn to that room, Barnabas replies. [The writers don’t make clear yet whether it’s sheer, pardonable human curiosity or the hope that he won’t be a vampire in parallel time.] I hope that whatever is drawing you there won’t harm you, Julia says.

Later that night, Barnabas goes to the room. He remembers Julia’s warning: Whatever it is that draws you could be dangerous. He hesitates, but only for a moment, then opens the doors. Once again the brilliantly furnished parallel-time is before him. Willie Loomis is there, but a very different person indeed: He is wearing a double-breasted navy blue suit and an ascot. Once again, Barnabas can’t get in. Will (definitely not Willie in this other time band) gazes up at the portrait of Angelique, then begins going through drawers in various pieces of furniture, apparently searching for something. Those are _her_ things, Hoffman says coldly from behind him. Well, where Angelique is now, she doesn’t need them, Will says airily. Don’t talk about her like that, Hoffman says. All I am saying is that she is dead, Will answers. That is the truth. Shaken and angry, Hoffman orders him out. Not before I get what I came for, Will says, something that belongs to me--a book. I need it. If _I_ come across it, I will give it to you, Hoffman tells him. I need it right now, Will insists. You cannot have it right now, she says. It’s mine and I want it, Will says. I will have it. He looks around and laughs when he finds it concealed behind a cushion on the window seat. Hoffman grabs it from him, and we can see his photo on the back of the dust jacket. What if she wasn’t dead? she asks him. What if she still wanted your book? Scornfully she adds, She doesn’t want it. She never wanted it. Take your book and get out of here! Without looking behind her, she lobs it out into the hall--where it lands at Barnabas’s feet. Will disregards her and looks out the window. Barnabas stoops to pick the book up. By now he is hardly surprised to find the room dark and empty again when he turns around. It's happened again! he thinks to himself, then, What happened? A twist of time closed it up again. What twist of time opened the barrier long enough to let this through? As Barnabas thoughtfully holds the book up to the camera, we can clearly see that Will’s photo is on the back of the jacket. Barnabas reads the front cover aloud. It’s hard to know whether the title or the author is more astonishing: The Life and Death of Barnabas Collins--by William Hollingshead [Barnabas pronounces it “Hollin-shed”] Loomis. Stunned, Barnabas rereads the title: The Life--and Death!--of Barnabas Collins.........

Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0971
Post by: Uncle Roger on September 09, 2015, 03:38:58 AM
Elizabeth is unusually frank with Julia about the Collins family's habit of overlooking and dismissing things that they would prefer not to deal with. Does Elizabeth know more than she lets on? Does she know things that Julia and Barnabas do not? Probably yes to both. Too bad we never find out exactly what.

Having a second vampire on the prowl was kind of fun. Megan was much too feral to have made it for the long haul. Marie Wallace is about to take up residence in Somerset, so this is her DS swan song. A real loss for the program.

So Roger gets hit over the head and conveniently develops amnesia? It's a soap opera staple that was not overused on DS.
Maybe it's only temporary but [spoiler]we won't be seeing real time Roger much longer.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0971
Post by: DarkLady on September 09, 2015, 07:00:56 PM
Oh, dear! I didn't realize [spoiler]your spoiler[/spoiler], Uncle Roger!
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0971
Post by: alwaysdavid on September 10, 2015, 11:24:29 PM
The gas light in the East wing is glowing. Considering what must be the age of the pipes and that they must always be on in the deserted wing, it's surprising that the house hasn't burned down or the gas bill so large that Elizabeth hasn't had them shut down.
Willie once again is ordered to dispose of the body and or coffin by himself. He must have the strength of many men.
Now Julia has a room for competition.
And there is a wrinkle in parallel time that sends a book through so that Barnabas can learn of his alternate life.
Title: Re: Discuss - Ep #0971
Post by: DarkLady on September 11, 2015, 03:19:29 PM
Is it gaslight, I wonder? I'll bet Elizabeth or more likely Jamison, back in the family's palmier days, had the whole mansion wired for electricity. The PT East Wing certainly has been.

All those storms knocking out the power do make for a lot of atmosphere, but I suppose Collinwood would have its own generator(s) nowadays.