General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 II => Topic started by: Heather on August 01, 2004, 06:04:52 AM

Title: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 01, 2004, 06:04:52 AM
Hi folks!  I just got my Satan In High Heels DVD in the mail the other day.  Turning the lights low, I enjoyed a juicy bit of campy film noir...  :D   What can I say? Fantƒ¡stico, mis amigos!  ;)  I just adore Grayson's hair, clothes, and dialogue in this film.

I happen to have a screen capture thingy (yeah, nice technical term - LOL) on my computer, so I made a couple pictures [crossing my fingers this posts okay]. These are just a few of the gorgeous Grayson moments  (say that 5 times fast!  LOL).


I love this sequence...and that HAT!   ;D




Can you imagine Barnabas' reaction if he caught Julia in the library doing this?  LOL   ;D


I just like look on her face in this picture...chuckle.


"Sing for me AGAIN, Judith darling. We have MUCH to work on...tonight."   ;)

Sorry J99, couldn't resist!   :-*
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Josette on August 01, 2004, 07:57:42 AM
Wonderful pictures, Heather - thank you!!

"A screen capture thingy," - so that's how it's done!!  I've often meant to ask how people manage to get the screen captures - I didn't realize there was a special device to do it!!
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 01, 2004, 10:03:44 AM
Your very welcome Josette...just thought I'd share.   :)  :-*

Regarding the screen captures--it's not actually a device hooked into my computer (I use a Mac that has a CD/DVD drive built right into the computer; no tower or anything). One day I found a program I could download that's compatible with my system...with a few mouse clicks you can play the DVD, fast forward or rewind, step through each frame...and take captures. It took a while for me to get the hang of it, but overall I like it because it has more features than the regular DVD controls had (chuckle).

Then again, I'm no expert by any means. I assume that PC's (and other computer systems) have different programs/devices for all I know.  LOL   :D

-Heather (who's been around Apple/Macs since Kindergarten...AppleII's are where I got my computer-literate wings, baby.  LOL)  ;)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Julia99 on August 01, 2004, 04:03:56 PM
Hey Heather those are great shots. . .i too have thought wouldn't it be wild if Barnabas came home and saw Julia perched atop a desk with a cigarette a la Pepe. . .wonder if she did that privately for Sam?  :-*

Hey girl . .send me those captures --you know where. . .

Am I the only one who **doesn't** like the hat?
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: michael c on August 01, 2004, 05:08:44 PM
love the hat! :-*i also love the stand-alone ashtray at the shoe store.what year was this made in?i'm going to guess 1974.i'll look for this at the video store although it looks pretty obscure.thanks heather!
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: ClaudeNorth on August 01, 2004, 07:14:14 PM
Glad to know there's yet another convert to the SIHH/Grayson-as-Pepe cult, which is, of course, a subsidiary of Grayson's Legion!  ;)

Heather, if you wouldn't mind, could you send me a personal message regarding the program you used to do screen captures?  I've tried using the "Grab" feature on my iMac, but it won't allow me to use it with the DVD player.  Also, will it allow you to print the caps?


John (who often dreams that a long-lost Douglas Sirk melodrama starring Grayson, Lauren Bacall, Lovelady Powell, and Carol Channing is discovered in a vault somewhere...)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Midnite on August 01, 2004, 07:34:50 PM
Oh good job, Heather!  These captures are suitable for framing.

Could you send the same info to me that answers ClaudeNorth's questions, pretty please?  I've been trying to capture a scene from the DVD to print on photo paper because I have an opportunity to get it autographed by the actor (now all growed up-- it's an OLD movie), and I've tried everything I can think of but the grab always ends up being from something else, sigh.  Taking it from my video copy just won't be as clear.

And actually, since you seem to be onto something that's of interest, please feel free to post it here if you'd like.  :D
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Bette on August 01, 2004, 11:07:27 PM
A great big hug to Heather for posting those fabulous shots of Pepe/Grayson. I'd also love to have copies.

And to answer other questions, SIHH was made around 1962 IIRC, or at least released then. I got the movie from Amazon and it is frequently available on eBay, both VHS and DVD.

Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: michael c on August 02, 2004, 12:42:41 AM
1962?! boy was i off...the floppy hat was totally giving me 1974 :P.wasn't ms.hall only in her early 40's when she began on d.s.?that would make her mid 30's when this movie as made...did this woman ever look young?
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Raineypark on August 02, 2004, 01:02:11 AM
did this woman ever look young?

Certainly.  The minute she got all that make-up off her face and left the set for the day, I've no doubt she looked at least 10 years younger.  Make-up at that time wasn't about looking like a teenager....it was dramatic and obvious, and frequently not flattering at all.

I've never seen the movie, but I'll bet the character was never meant to be merely "pretty".  "Exotic" or "sophisticated"  perhaps....but never so boring as "pretty".
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: michael c on August 02, 2004, 01:18:09 AM
don't get me wrong raineypark, ms. hall is one of the most striking,sophisticated looking women i've ever seen.she's sensational looking, but not really "young" :-*.
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Raineypark on August 02, 2004, 01:26:10 AM
I didn't think you were criticizing  ;)......it's just that I'm old enough to actually remember that style of make-up and just how "aging" it could actually be.  Especially that thick black eye-liner......What were we thinking?   ::)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 02, 2004, 05:08:41 AM
"My ears are burning..."   ;)

I've never seen the movie, but I'll bet the character was never meant to be merely "pretty".  "Exotic" or "sophisticated"  perhaps....but never so boring as "pretty".

Chic and sophisticated....with an ounce of zing.   ;)  Hard to tell in B&W, but I actually like her makeup in this movie--it accentuated the character, IMO (plus, if you look real close, you can see some of her freckles... I don't know, I think that's cute. LOL)

Whatever gripes were had with the director, he sure made use of those close-ups...   :D
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 02, 2004, 05:17:42 AM
Glad to know there's yet another convert to the SIHH/Grayson-as-Pepe cult, which is, of course, a subsidiary of Grayson's Legion!  ;)

LOL, John!  A cult you say? Are vodka shots part of the initiation ceremony?  ;D  Good lord, I've been on a Pepe kick lately...wanting to pair her up with other interesting characters [I could really use a devil smiley here - LOL]

Heather, if you wouldn't mind, could you send me a personal message regarding the program you used to do screen captures?  I've tried using the "Grab" feature on my iMac, but it won't allow me to use it with the DVD player.  Also, will it allow you to print the caps?

I'll try to help, if I can. And since Midnite's also wondering, I'll post it here too. :) First of all, what system are you running on your iMac? Is it OS 9 or OS X (and higher)? I'm just asking because I have an eMac, which, oddly enough, has both systems installed (but you can't run both at the same time - chuckle). The DVD capture software I downloaded is for the Mac OSX operating system. It's called DVD Capture[/i] and you can get it at:




The great thing is that it's completely free. No money or info required to download it. The catch is that you have to have the right system, and a Mac DVD player (version 3.0 and higher). I know exactly what you mean about the grab feature...you think you could capture anything on the screen, but it doesn't do ANYTHING when a DVD is playing. I was almost pulling my hair out one day, wondering what I was doing wrong - LOL.

I know that there's other software one can download--for PC's, Linux, Unix, Windows, etc...some of them costing some moola to acquire ;) but I'm just going over what I have.
*IF* what i mentioned is compatible with your computer system [crossing fingers], you intall it fairly easily, and then a gold DVD icon appears in a window, along with additional info to read. Once you get it going, it's used as a companion to your DVD player. Now, when i insert a DVD, the standard DVD player comes on, but you can use the 'DVD Capture' controls to operate everything instead.

You're presented with a metallic-looking window that has the controls (fairly self-explainatory) and a few options. First of all, I'd set it up so there is NO capture delay--easier. ;) I can send you more info privately, but basically--after you find a nice shot to capture, you click on pause then click the capture button (the fast-forward and rewind buttons come in handy to find just the right shot, as well as the step feature--steps through a scene frame by frame). You'll know it's working when you see the the desktop fade to black, with the "normal size" DVD frame in the center of the screen. You'll hear a little snapshot (as long as the volume is turned up - lol), then the screen goes back to normal. You have a choice of saving it to the clipboard or a PDF file--I find it less confusing to just save it to the PDF file.

Okay--open up the PDF file you've just created and click "select image" in the toolbar. Position your mouse next to the picture and then drag the little cross-hatch marker until it creates a little marquee around the part of the photo you like best. Realease the mouse--the area you circumvented should turn into a negative image. Now, position your mouse into the center of the negative photo and click. Holding down your mouse, drag the pointer beyond the PDF window frame. When you reach the desktop, let go. Now, close the PDF file. Click on an open space in the desktop--the photo you've just highlighted should appear as a .pict file on the desktop. Double click on that to view the image, full size. If everything looks okay, click on *file* in the toolbar and select *export*. Now you can save the image in a file/folder of your choosing, and most importanly, change the format (click on format in the little window--they list different file extensions. Just choose .jpeg -- it's easier, and greatly reduces the KB's  LOL)

Now you have a .jpg image.  [a grinning, clapping smiley would be appropriate here]  ;)

Oh yes--once you make the capture--you can indeed print it out. The PDF file will print what's in the file, but you can also print the image once you convert it to a .pict or other file. :)

Some of this came to me through trial and error, but eventually you get the hang of it.

Whew--enough detail for ya?  LOL  Is your brain hurting yet?  :D

John (who often dreams that a long-lost Douglas Sirk melodrama starring Grayson, Lauren Bacall, Lovelady Powell, and Carol Channing is discovered in a vault somewhere...)

LOL... you guys are too much!  :-*

Take care,

Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 02, 2004, 05:51:43 AM
Hey Heather those are great shots. . .i too have thought wouldn't it be wild if Barnabas came home and saw Julia perched atop a desk with a cigarette a la Pepe. . .wonder if she did that privately for Sam?  :-*

Perhaps--ya never know.  ;)  And I dare ya to put that little detail into a story--Julia tells Barnabas (while on the desk) that they need to talk... or something. ;D

Hey girl . .send me those captures --you know where. . .

Thanks - Coming right up...you too, Bette.  :-*

Am I the only one who **doesn't** like the hat?

Chortle--I think it's one of those things that's so bad it's good...well, not really bad, just over the top (very curvey).  You certainly knew who was in charge in that sequence.  :D
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on August 02, 2004, 11:21:13 AM
I think it's true that women looked like women back in those days and the woman-child look wasn't strived for. Grayson had the type of face that whatever her chronilogical age was, didn't matter IMO. Her face was ageless.  I'll bet she looked 40 at 20 and 40 at 30. Fantastic pictures!  I'm definitely going to have to get that dvd.
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Midnite on August 03, 2004, 02:22:24 AM
Heather, wow-- thank you so much for posting the info!  :D
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Julia99 on August 03, 2004, 02:57:35 AM
love the hat! :-*i also love the stand-alone ashtray at the shoe store.what year was this made in?i'm going to guess 1974.i'll look for this at the video store although it looks pretty obscure.thanks heather!

SIHH was made in 1962.
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Julia99 on August 03, 2004, 03:03:41 AM
1962?! boy was i off...the floppy hat was totally giving me 1974 :P.wasn't ms.hall only in her early 40's when she began on d.s.?that would make her mid 30's when this movie as made...did this woman ever look young?

Grayson was 39 in 1962. .born in 1923 . . .now as to did she ever look young. .how about this?  I posted this a few months ago--
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 03, 2004, 04:17:57 AM
Grayson was 39 in 1962. .born in 1923

But wasn't the movie made the year before? Released therafter...  So technically... ;) Anyhoo...she's a goddess isn't she? She NEVER ages.  LOL  ;D

now as to did she ever look young. .how about this?  I posted this a few months ago--

And what a lovely picture that is indeed. Thanks again, J99!   :-*
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 03, 2004, 04:33:30 AM
Heather, wow-- thank you so much for posting the info!  :D

Your very welcome Midnite, and everyone else--glad I could help.  :)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: michael c on August 03, 2004, 04:34:29 AM
to paraphrase the "divine" bette davis(aka margo channing)in "all about eve"...."miss hall is ageless". :-*
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Misa on August 03, 2004, 08:44:14 AM
Hey Julia99,

What year was the young Grayson picture you posted taken?

Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on August 03, 2004, 11:28:39 AM
I wanted to copy this picture to my hard drive but got an error message about copyright.  Can someone explain this to me? Thanks
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Midnite on August 03, 2004, 03:42:40 PM
I wanted to copy this picture to my hard drive but got an error message about copyright.  Can someone explain this to me? Thanks

Sorry, but the images and photos on the forum aren't downloadable.  To obtain an image that someone has posted you'll need to ask the poster, in this case by sending a PM or email to Julia99.
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Julia99 on August 03, 2004, 10:18:17 PM
What year was the young Grayson picture you posted taken?

Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Gothick on August 04, 2004, 05:31:29 PM
Wow--another post-birthday treat for me with this thread.  Heather, those snaps are GORGEOUS!  I agree about Intrator's use of close-ups--one of the *many* reasons why I adore this movie!

Believe it or not, the filming happened around November 1960 (which made Meg Myles' swim sequence a frosty event for the actress).  That means GH was 37 when she did this.

There's a video kicking around fandom of an episode of an early 1950s TV show, Lights Out, in which she had a non-speaking role (but got some good close-ups).  She more than once described herself as a teenager "longing to play the ingenue but stuck with a whiskey-baritone voice... no boobs, no bottom" (I'm only half paraphrasing here).  Even in the early 1940s when she was doing summer stock, she was playing vampy, older woman roles.

Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 05, 2004, 09:23:52 AM
Wow--another post-birthday treat for me with this thread.  Heather, those snaps are GORGEOUS!  I agree about Intrator's use of close-ups--one of the *many* reasons why I adore this movie!

I'm so glad you liked them, dear... :-*  I loved this movie for a multitude of reasons as well. I had read (on another board) how some liked the movie but couldn't get over how weird it was. Maybe I'm floating on an odd wavelength, but I didn't think it was that goofy, per say...LOL. Pepe and her support team balanced out the chaos (or at least tried to) that surrounded them IMO...and each character's dialogue (especially Grayson's) was great. Witty, discrete yet wicked at the same time. It reminds me how much I appreciate certain films of this era, and older.  :)

There's a video kicking around fandom of an episode of an early 1950s TV show, Lights Out, in which she had a non-speaking role (but got some good close-ups).

I'd like to see that too (yeah, it's getting to be a long list...LOL)

She more than once described herself as a teenager "longing to play the ingenue but stuck with a whiskey-baritone voice... no boobs, no bottom" (I'm only half paraphrasing here).

Poor thing. I can sympathize... ;)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: TERRY308 on August 10, 2004, 01:31:10 PM
Thats it!  I have to get the DVD.  Those pictures!  They're great.
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Dawn on August 25, 2004, 06:43:44 AM
I've obviously been away FAR too long to have missed this thread!  Thanks for the captures and the tech info Heather.   I just love this DVD.  So camp.

(another of Grayson's devoted legion)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on August 26, 2004, 01:22:33 AM
Wonderful pictures Heather I would love the picture of Grayson with what looks like a cane under her chin?  if you would be so kind as to send me that capture I would be very gratful. :)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 27, 2004, 04:25:09 AM
Wonderful pictures Heather I would love the picture of Grayson with what looks like a cane under her chin?  if you would be so kind as to send me that capture I would be very gratful. :)

I'd be happy to!   :)

If anyone else, perchance, wanted copies feel free to *PM* me {god, that almost sounds naughty...snicker}.  ;)

Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Julia99 on August 27, 2004, 08:00:21 PM
Wonderful pictures Heather I would love the picture of Grayson with what looks like a cane under her chin?  if you would be so kind as to send me that capture I would be very gratful. :)

Ah ha!  Cane indeed. . it's a riding crop. . "now make of that what you will" (Julia Hoffman quote)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Gothick on August 27, 2004, 08:30:46 PM
Sing your prettiest!
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 27, 2004, 10:04:00 PM
Yes my friends, that's a riding crop, not a cane. It's not Pepe's per say, but I could certainly imagine her using it this way or that [take THAT whatever way you will]     ;D
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Charles_Ellis on August 28, 2004, 12:45:02 AM
Heather, is there a Windows equivalent to DVD Capture?  I'd sure like one!
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on August 28, 2004, 04:30:07 AM
A riding crop? I had no idea Grayson was an equestrian, who is pepe? ???
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on August 28, 2004, 06:15:54 AM
A riding crop? I had no idea Grayson was an equestrian, who is pepe? ???


I think I mentioned this at the very tippy-top of the thread... If I didn't, my apologies.   8)

These screen captures were taken from the 1962 movie, "Satan In High Heels" (SIHH for short ;)).  Grayson plays Pepe: a chic, sophisticated and headstrong night club manager (Grayson is THE highlight of this film. Great close-ups, jazzy music; and Her hair, clothes, and dialogue are fantastic!). In between balancing the books and schedules, she acts as peacekeeper and confidant for the other characters, and cracks the proverbial whip at rehersals.  Pepe spends much of the film training Meg Miles character, Stacey, for a feature number at the club's season opener. Although taming the tramp seemed to be a futile effort at times, Pepe manages to train her enough to belt out a campy tune while dressed in a leather ensemble, complete with accessories (ie. riding crop).  :D

Did I miss anything, graysonfiles...Or did I say too much?   :-X   ;)  ;D

Tired wench,

Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on August 29, 2004, 03:06:08 AM
Did I miss anything, graysonfiles...Or did I say too much?   :-X   ;)  ;D

   Hello Heather!
    you said enough, thank you! I never watched that movie but hope to one day catch it...  strange her name was pepe Grayson must have been quite a character. :D
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on September 01, 2004, 02:52:22 AM
Heather, is there a Windows equivalent to DVD Capture?  I'd sure like one!

Unfortunately, no (sigh).  :(

However  [Putting on my tie-dyed dunce cap], I'm not as familiar with PC's (and windows operating system) as I am with Apple/Macs. :-
I could do a more thorough search on the net, but so far I haven't found anything that doesn't cost some change ($$). For example, One site I found was: http://www.macromedia.com/software/roboscreencapture/

The product is Macromedia RoboScreenCapture v2. The requirements are (got this from the site ;)):
* Intel Pentium II 200MHz or higher
* Windows XP, ME, 2000, 98se, NT 4.0
* 128 MB RAM
* 40 MB of available disk space

They offer a 7 day free trial, and after that the software costs $34 for the full package.

If anyone else knows of software for capturing DVD stills, please let our Window-inclined friends in on what's up...  ;)   Thanks!



p.s. Guess what...I got one last capture to share. By the way - MB dear, I'm not taking up all your bandwidth, am I? You can whip me with a wet noodle if I am... (LOL).

Anyway - This is the part of SIHH when Pepe hands Stacey the proper accessory. Now, in my warped mind, Pepe has a few of these and other...assorted necessities back in her apartment. Just in case. ;D And if you dig further into my demented notions, said accessories help Judith and Pepe bring an element of discipline in their relationship... [sound of whip cracking in the background].  Or, let's say one day Julia takes things into her own hands and surprises Barnabas with.....oh forget it. LOL
Please don't zap me...  ::)   :P  ;)  ;D


Grayson's hair looks good even at this angle, doesn't it?  :-*
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on September 01, 2004, 03:46:57 AM
By the way - MB dear, I'm not taking up all your bandwidth, am I? You can whip me with a wet noodle if I am... (LOL).

Not at all. You've upload the captures to your own Web space, so it's your own bandwidth that you're using.  ;)  So far as I'm I'm concerned, by all means keep capturing and posting because everything you've shared so far has been fantastic.  (http://www.dsboards.com/dsb05/Smileys/thumb.gif)

As for a free Windows equivalent of DVD Capture, I'm not sure I know of one either. (The capturing software that I use either came with my DVD drive, my video card, or with Linux.) However, when it comes to Windows, don't assume that just because you have the software that you can get captures from any DVD because many DVDs are encoded so that they'll deactivate your software's abilty to take captures. (However, that encoding doesn't prevent captures with Linux software.  8))
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Julia99 on September 01, 2004, 11:13:11 PM
Grayson's hair looks good even at this angle, doesn't it?  :-*

Good god!  She has a neck . .who knew?!
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on September 02, 2004, 04:21:26 AM
The product is Macromedia RoboScreenCapture v2. The requirements are (got this from the site ;)):
* Intel Pentium II 200MHz or higher
* Windows XP, ME, 2000, 98se, NT 4.0
* 128 MB RAM
* 40 MB of available disk space

They offer a 7 day free trial, and after that the software costs $34 for the full package.

If anyone else knows of software for capturing DVD stills, please let our Window-inclined friends in on what's up...  ;)   Thanks!

 Thank you so much Heather for the information!  I have always wished for a way to attain a screen capture... does this also work for VHS as well as DVD?  Pleeeeaseee say yes.. :)
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Sandor on September 02, 2004, 04:35:44 AM
Quote from: Julia99
Good god!  She has a neck . .who knew?!

Tom Jennings knew that neck... intimately. He didn't call her "Jooooooolia" for her taste in tweed.
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Heather on September 05, 2004, 02:22:17 AM
Thank you so much Heather for the information!  I have always wished for a way to attain a screen capture... does this also work for VHS as well as DVD?  Pleeeeaseee say yes.. :)

[putting on my windows/microsoft dunce cap again] Unfortunately Sarah, I haven't a clue... sigh. ???  :-

Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins on September 05, 2004, 03:31:21 AM
      Thank You Heather, I appreciate all your efforts in helping me... hopefully I will learn what I must know from someone who does know...  your the Best!  :D
Title: Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
Post by: Misty on September 07, 2004, 05:06:32 PM
I haven't been here for a while, but---WOW---what a treat to see the wonderful "captures" of Grayson. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this movie, but I'm now on a mission to find it. From the pics, it looks lke this role was made for her. Thanks, Heather.
                                                      Misty :) :)