General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 II => Topic started by: Joeytrom on July 18, 2004, 04:50:21 PM

Title: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: Joeytrom on July 18, 2004, 04:50:21 PM
Looking back, it would have great to see Barnabas rising out of the coffin the night Willie released him.  How he dealt with Willie, seeing that he was planning to break into his own mother's grave, really must have been severe.

And then there is the first walk outside of the cemetary, seeing the modern technology and the explanations given by Willie as to the current family and the world in general.

These are scenes really missed but DS was keeping the audience in suspense at the time.  It would have made for a great flashback though.
Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: Shadowsfan on July 18, 2004, 08:25:06 PM
I agree

    In fact initially you could believe that Willie was killed..the closest they came to showing Barnabas right after he rose from his coffin after being freed by Willie and  learning about modern  inventions  was in the comic book series that came out in 1992 that was based on the 1991 DS series ..If I remember correctly Barnabas is shown learning how to you an electric razor or something to that effect.. it would have been awkward if Barnabas was asked about his thoughts on Vietnam, etc or the British invasion  which he would have mistaken for a war on our soil  ;D
Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: tripwire on July 18, 2004, 11:46:41 PM
Although Willie couldnt do away with Barny, there would be ways he could screw with him....One way would have been for Willie to have spiked  Barnys Monteado with a couple of hits of LSD....Would an undead guy start tripping?   What if he turned into a bat while under the influence, and started thinking of how his life had gone?  Life was so good, I was rich, gonna marry my sweetheart, then Angelique comes around, puts spell on my Josette and uncle, they fall in love...Then she turns me into a vampire, and i watch as my woman jumps off  a cliff. Then dad locks me up in a coffin, and spend the next 172 years in a tomb....Then this hoodlum comes along and frees me as he is trying to rob moms coffin....Then he spikes my drink with drugs, and here i am now, in the year 1967, a friggin bat, stoned out of my gourd, flying around in circles over Collinwood....What the hell happened???  ......... ;D
Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: Heather on July 19, 2004, 12:16:03 AM

p.s. It's Amontillado....  ;)
Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: michael c on July 19, 2004, 01:32:29 AM
i wonder how willie...weak and drained of blood...could explain to barnabas all of the technological advancements since his entombment.as well as the new layout up at collinwood.i wonder how barnabas felt having his old aunt abigail greet him at the door during his first visit.was abigail,so cruel and persecutorial in her life,paying her karmic dues by being reincarnated as a maid in house she was once a "mistress" in?
Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: Devlin66 on July 19, 2004, 06:10:20 AM
I always snicker when i see Barn arrive at the big house complete with top hat.....now where would Loomis get that and all those nice freshly taylored suits.....ohhhh......now i remember........he knew where the Orbachs in Bangor.....or was it Logansport was?.....and does anyone know if Barns hair was coiffed differently after he was let out of his box? :o...my my my.....Willie was a  jack of all trades to get Barn suited up to be the "man about town"
Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: Cassandra on July 19, 2004, 08:25:53 AM
ROTFL!!! Tripwire!!  That was priceless!!

my my my...Willie was a  jack of all trades to get Barn suited up to be the "man about town"

  He sure was!  And not only that, look at the way he managed to fix up the old house in such a short time!!

Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: Nelson Collins on July 19, 2004, 05:42:48 PM
In many ways, I am surprised that Willie even survived that first encounter with cousin Barnabas.  Can you imagine how hungry he must have been after 170 odd years trapped in that coffin, not to mention, stark staring, time for a rubber room insane? Trapped not only with no way to get out but with a crucifix on the inside of the lid.  Exquisite torture.  Joshua may have not been able to bear destroy his own son, but after his son begged his father to end his torment, instead he made certain Barnabas suffered terribly.  All he truly cared about was getting the problem off his hands, let someone else deal with after he's gone.  Reprehensible.

Any ideas how he did survive with even a shred of sanity?  Perhaps, slurping on Willie allowed him to regain enough composure to stop before killing his only (at that point) contact with the outside world?
Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: Angelina on July 19, 2004, 05:58:08 PM
Any ideas how he did survive with even a shred of sanity?  Perhaps, slurping on Willie allowed him to regain enough composure to stop before killing his only (at that point) contact with the outside world?

I've wondered that myself. I mean, there are plenty of times where Barnabas seems demented and/or flakey but he was in no way even approaching near the level of madness you'd think he'd be at.

At least he was lucky enough to be welcomed by a rather mad lot.  He doesn't seem so odd when compared to his new family. It made me laugh how Roger immediately took such a profound liking  to him after barely meeting him.  It was almost crush-worthy.  "Liz, what do you think of Cousin Barnabas' big brown eyes?"

I've also wondered who taught him how to drive.  Does anyone know? Those must have been some fun lessons  :P :)

Title: Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
Post by: Heather on July 19, 2004, 08:21:21 PM
I've also wondered who taught him how to drive.  Does anyone know? Those must have been some fun lessons  :P :)

Hmm...I always assumed Willie took up that responsibility as well (poor guy had his plate full of chores and whatnot - chuckle). But for a humorous (albiet a bit gory - chortle) take on Barn's driving abilities, check out this link (I love this site)...  ;D
