General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 I => Topic started by: Gothick on June 02, 2004, 03:52:11 PM

Title: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Gothick on June 02, 2004, 03:52:11 PM
OK, is it just me, or does Julia look as if she's having a very private, personal moment in today's montage?

I saw this yesterday and thought nothing of it, but today when the top page first loaded it hit me that the Physician to the Vampire appeared to have found something VERY special in the woods.  Maybe Tom was down there out of frame???

Also, a technical note--I've tried to figure out how to collapse the new index of the 9,999 chat boards available on Current Talk, and have found defeat upon the Field of Flanders.  Do I feel like an old lady.


Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Midnite on June 02, 2004, 04:25:27 PM
Gothick, you are so wicked!  A friend had a different interpretation of that picture as she had just come from a dentist appointment.

Also, a technical note--I've tried to figure out how to collapse the new index of the 9,999 chat boards available on Current Talk, and have found defeat upon the Field of Flanders.  Do I feel like an old lady.



There, there, dear.  Please rest assured that MB is considering a rearrangement of that page and the way those child boards display.  :-*
Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Josette on June 03, 2004, 03:56:08 AM
There, there, dear.  Please rest assured that MB is considering a rearrangement of that page and the way those child boards display.  :-*

Oh, good!  I was going to request that.  When I look at a "new" item and then go back to the listings for the next one, I keep having to slide way down to find any of the "new" ones, and with all of the other boards listed first, it's really a nuisance!
Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Midnite on June 03, 2004, 04:14:06 AM
When I look at a "new" item and then go back to the listings for the next one, I keep having to slide way down to find any of the "new" ones,

If you're going to return to the topics listing instead of using the previous/next buttons, why not use the back button?  It should return you directly to this parent board.
Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: ClaudeNorth on June 03, 2004, 08:24:31 AM
OK, is it just me, or does Julia look as if she's having a very private, personal moment in today's montage?

I saw this yesterday and thought nothing of it, but today when the top page first loaded it hit me that the Physician to the Vampire appeared to have found something VERY special in the woods.  Maybe Tom was down there out of frame???

Note the photo of a confused Vicki staring at the swooning Dr. Hoffman.  Do I detect an afterglow?  ;)
Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Josette on June 03, 2004, 08:24:53 AM
I sometimes use "back" and sometimes use "go" - I've mostly been using "back" and it seemed I had to slide it down all the time, but trying it now, it seems that "back" does return to the same place in the list, but "go" takes one back to the top of the page.
Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on June 04, 2004, 04:52:51 AM
There, there, dear.  Please rest assured that MB is considering a rearrangement of that page and the way those child boards display. :-*

Oh, good!  I was going to request that.  When I look at a "new" item and then go back to the listings for the next one, I keep having to slide way down to find any of the "new" ones, and with all of the other boards listed first, it's really a nuisance!

The operative words there are "considering a rearrangement".  ;)  There is currently no way to change the way the child boards display. Apparently that's the way the developers feel they work best, and, interestingly, there hasn't been even a hint of complaint from anyone who has been using this system, either on the SMF home site or on their own.

I was considering trying to figure out how to simply move the display of the child boards below the display of the current board's latest 20 topics. But I like Gothic's idea of possibly being able to collapse them, perhpas in a similar way that the categories can be collapsed on the BoardIndex. Because I'm still learning the system myself I have no idea how hard that would be to code or if the developers are even considering it as an option, but anyone who would like to suggest it need only click on the "SMF 1.0 Beta 5 Public" link at the bottom of every page, click on."Community Forum" after the site comes up, and then make a post on the "Features Request" board under "SMF Support". As I pointed out before the conversion, this system is still in beta testing, so almost anything might still be possible before a final release version is decided upon.

As for the possibility of Julia's Big O, I think Gothick's comment goes beyond wicked - and I LOVE IT!!  ;D
Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Gothick on June 04, 2004, 03:27:52 PM
Mysterioso Darling, you *know* "Beyond Wicked" is going to be the title of my memoirs, don't you?  Shelve next to "Little Me" in the Blue section of your home bibliotheque.

When I first saw the "child" board display (hey, it's a Mother and Child Reunion!), I recalled how we were requested to collapse the menu display on the first page of the boards a couple of years ago in the interest of conserving bandwidth.  I don't really understand how bandwidth works but would figure that displaying all those board titles and links takes up a lot more BW than is necessary if I'm just checking the day's new posts.

I checked around and was surprised not to see any new instructions about this.  I didn't realize that the new thing is still in beta.  Seems a little strange that other systems admins who are using this haven't expressed concern over the BW issue.  Is that a red herring here?

It would just make *my* life a little less complicated not to have to navigate that big screen.

kiss kiss,  G.
Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Gothick on June 04, 2004, 03:31:19 PM
Here's another oddity:

Whenever I make a new post and hit the "Post" button, instead of being returned to the thread, I get bounced back to the full Current Talk screen with all the child board titles, etc.

Any idea whether that's a function of the fact that I use IE as my browser?  Or is it just another of those things that "isn't a glitch, it's a FEATURE!"  (as we keep getting told here about the lemony rattletrap ex libris sold Harvard for the library catalogue).

Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Midnite on June 04, 2004, 03:55:35 PM
Whenever I make a new post and hit the "Post" button, instead of being returned to the thread, I get bounced back to the full Current Talk screen with all the child board titles, etc.

Steve, click profile in the top or bottom menu
Select Look and Layout Preferences on the left side
Check the box next to Return to topics after posting by default
Click change profile
Title: Re: Julia's Big O???
Post by: Gothick on June 04, 2004, 04:03:05 PM
Thanks, doll!
